- Before you start verify that your local docker environment is started and your databases is available
- In a terminal (git bash on windows) clone the project. “cd” into the project folder and delete the .git folder and do “your own” git init.
- Chance the POM.xml file section: <remote.server> to the address of tomcat manager on your own droplet
- Change the POM.xlm file section <db.name> to your own “database name”
- On githib create 2 new secrets on the repository: REMOTE_USER and REMOTE_PW. The first should have of your of your tomcat user (from tomcat-users.xml file on digital ocean) and the second should have the password of the tomcat user
- Now you are ready for the next steps
- The user you have created on your droplet MySQL server, with GRANTS to all databases:
- On your droplet, either using workbench locally or via the SQL-client on the droplet, create a new database called “your database name”. ssh into your droplet, and navigate into the root of the cloned docker project
- Check that your docker-compose.yml file has the right mysql credentials under the web section. Find the lines given below for USER, and PW