import { CodeSurfer, CodeSurferColumns, Step, } from "code-surfer"; import "prismjs/components/prism-tsx"; import "prismjs/components/prism-jsx"; import { github, vsDark } from "@code-surfer/themes"; export const theme = vsDark; import { Appear, Image } from 'mdx-deck'
import Layout from "./components/layout.tsx"; import EffectImage from "./components/image/index.tsx"; import Panel from "./components/panels/panel.tsx"; import BigPanel from "./components/panels/big-panel.tsx"; import BigBadge from "./components/panels/big-badge.tsx"; import Badge from "./components/panels/badge.tsx"; import VeryBigBadge from "./components/panels/very-big-badge.tsx"; import Formula from "./components/formula.tsx"; import Terminal, { loadingSpinner } from './components/terminal/index.jsx';
import Button from "./examples/style/button.tsx"; import MobxPingPong from "./examples/mobx-redux/mobx-app.jsx"; import TodoAppLayout from "./examples/todo/layouts/index.tsx"; import TodoAppPage from "./examples/todo/pages/index.tsx";
Prototyping Quickly in ReactUsing prototyping quickly in React
> __
Theory - Tools - Examples
How to make applications more quickly
Project Speed
<Formula style={{marginTop: "20px"}}> V = (Ideas) / (Delta t) - underset(Friction)(F)
<Layout fade particles logo style={{textAlign: "center"}}>
DELAY<BigPanel color="#2ECC71" style={{marginTop: "10px"}}>Instincts (N ms) + Emotions (10 * N) + Reason (100 * N)
Let's make some conclusions...
Architecture should be - Findable
- /shared-components (inputs, buttons, panels, etc.) - <span style={{color: "#2ECC71"}}>Useful
- /components (application parts) - <span style={{color: "#2ECC71"}}>Findable
- /pages (routing) - <span style={{color: "#2ECC71"}}>Findable
- /services (dependency injection) - <span style={{color: "#2ECC71"}}>Usable
Strict types solve <span style={{color: "#2ECC71"}}>Findable, Credible issues
Even "any" is better than nothing
2. TypeScript provides highly productive development tools for JavaScript IDEs and practices, like static checking
Application State
Global state solves <span style={{color: "#2ECC71"}}>Findable, Credible, Useful, Usable issues
Flux came from ECS (Entity - Component - System Pattern)
Styles (StyleJSX library)
I am a button!
- To be fixed with TypeScript - * Structure refactoring *
- To be fixed with Flux Pattern - * Finding objects *
- To be fixed with Flat Structure -
The formula of speed
Goal | Base | Alternative |
Engine | React | Vue |
Build | Gatsby | NextJS |
State | IOC + MobX | Redux Observable |
Why not VueJS
2. Even with community libraries Vue does not support typing-by-default
3. Vue is more heavy than modern react
4. Vue is less popolar, look at trandings
5. React community is larger and there are thousands of libraries for React
6. React is USA Facebook, Vue is China Alibaba
7. Vue can be credible built with only NuxtJS, but there are multiple ways to build React with Babel
8. One of the best building systems Gatsby support Vue as experimental feature
9. Vue does not have any official testing tool. To test Vue you have to use Jest that is developed for React
2. Does not support typing-by-default
2. Limitations with replacing arrays
Simple Mutable Redux
Complex Immutable
It's hard to make connections between multiple immutable objects
Before countuing...
Why use build systems (over Webpack)
- Routing
- Plugins
- Templates
- Community
- User guides
NextJS vs GatsbyJS
Let's compare the systems' homepages...
+ GatsbyJS static by default
+ GatsbyJS can be used with any provider
+ GatsbyJS is for large or small apps
+ GatsbyJS has templates
<BigPanel style={{marginTop: "20px"}}>
- NextJS isomorphic by default
- NextJS can be used only for Zeit provider
- NextJS is for small apps
- NextJS hasn't templates
How to start with Gatsby
How to deploy your app
How to make presentations like this