Releases: mamontov-cpp/saddy-graphics-engine-2d
Releases · mamontov-cpp/saddy-graphics-engine-2d
- Small fixes in compilation and docs
- Removed sad::List container as obsolete
- Added ability to query and stop instances of animations, related to specified object ( #58 )
- Fixed bugs witj adding instances to pipeline ( #60 )
- Added missing converter to conversion table between sad::String and std::string ( #61 )
- Fixed constructor call for sad::db::Variant ( #62 )
- Implemented non-required fields ( #33 )
- Now label could be customized by constraining text in it ( #66, #32 )
- Fixed creating instance of animation, when animation is defined in resources ( #45 )
- Now objects could have negative positions ( #46 )
- Implemented support for bool property type in objects and database properties ( #50 )
- Now composite animations could have duplicates of same animations ( #51 )
- Made resource widget for picking custom object schemas larger ( #52 )
- Resource folders are not shown if they don't have suitable resources in lists of fonts, sprites and schemas for custom objects ( #53 )
- Bumped built-in Duktape version to 1.3.0
- Saddy now tries to change affinity to second processor improve overall perfomance (see #4)
- Added callbacks, that could be called, when animations or animation groups started or finished playing ( #11, #16 )
- sad::animations::Resize now requires starting and ending size properties ( #6 )
- Added sad::animations::SimpleMovement to make creating transitions simpler ( #10 )
- Made querying database for object of specified type simpler ( #12 )
- Added sad::db::TypedLink class
- Added saving and restoring snapshots capabilities in sad::db::Database ( #14 )
- Fixed various problems, found by static analysis ( #22 , #24 )
- Fixed bugs ( #23 and many other)
- Added sad::irrklang::SingleSound, suitable when working with main themes of game
- Remade API, so user can explicitly free engine, thus game won't crash
- Added "Clear selection" button ( #5 )
- Fixed issue with duplicating sprites ( #7 )
- Fixed issues with selecting object ( #9 )
- Added button which updates texture coordinates for all sprites, if texture atlas changed ( #13 )
- Fixed issues with color selection ( #9, #19, #20 )
- Set tab size to 4 in console ( #17 )
- Tab now can be used to indent selection in console ( #18 )
- Added bindings to Duktape as a plugin
- Added bindings to IrrKlang as a plugin
- Fixed bugs in sad::Thread::cancel
- Fixed bugs in multithreading
exporter, atlasgen, ifaceed
- Added support for Qt5 in utilities
- Fixed bugs in sad:::freetype::Font, when rendering could break the pipeline