@@ Exploring sklearn! @@
A python library built upon NumPy ,SciPy and Matplotlib orignal name scikit-learn.
pip install scikit-learn
- Supervised Learning Model
- Unsupervised learning Model
- Clustering
- Dimenstionality Reduction
- Ensemble Methods
- Feature Extraction
- Feature Selection
- Open Source
- Loading ,splitting data
- Training Model
- Model Persistence
- Preprocessing the Dataset(Binarisation,Mean Removal ,Scaling,Noemalisation(L1,L2 normalisation))
- Linear Regression (SL)(Regression) ( logit or MaxEnt Classifier)
- Logistic Regression (SL)(Classification)
- Lasso
- Ridge
- ElasticNet
- Batch Gradient Descent
- Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Mini Batch Gradient Descent
- SVM (SL,Classification+Regression)
- KNN as Classifier (SL,Classification+Regression)
- KNN as Regressor
(Not did much read a bit theory)
- Confusion_matrix
- Accuracy
- Precision
- Recall or Sensitivity
- Specificity
- Incremental PCA (UL + dimensionality Reduction)
- Kernel PCA
- Decision Tree (ID3 iterative dichotomiser 3)(SL,CART)
- Random Forest
- Gaussian Naive Bayes (Classification)
- Principal Component Analysis(PCA)
- Singular Vector Decomposition(SVD) [not did much today kam hai kafi!]
- Voting Classifier
Soft Voting + with GridSearchCV
Read theory about all
Steps involved in data processing
- Treating up missing values
- Treating outliners
- Dimentionality Reduction
- Variable Transformation and Feature Engineering
- Simple REcommende using IBM formula
- Content based Recommendation(tfid)
- Not having laptop with me😥 signed in through phone will read about different types of regression. no code today 😔.
- How to create one and use.
Laptop didn't come today.
Now I am pro at using GitHub on phone.💁
Happy to complete this Chanllenge and for sure will continue Learning! 😊