The following sample script goes through all your bookmarks and migrate the old MangaNel bookmarks to the new Manganato format
This script can be injected directly into HakuNeko (Developer Tools => Console Tab)
ℹ️ Before running this script, make sure the manga list from Manganato is updated ℹ️
(async function() {
const manganel = Engine.Connectors.find(connector => === 'manganel');
await manganel._getUpdatedMangasFromFile();
if(!manganel.mangaCache || !manganel.mangaCache.length || manganel.mangaCache.some(manga =>'/manga/'))) {
return console.error('Failed to migrate bookmarks from manganel to manganato! Please synchronize (update) the manga list from manganato with HakuNeko firdt before running this script.');
for(let bookmark of Engine.BookmarkManager.bookmarks) {
if(bookmark.key.connector === 'manganel' && (bookmark.key.manga.includes('') || bookmark.key.manga.startsWith('/manga/'))) {
try {
const matches = manganel.mangaCache.filter(manga => manga.title.toLowerCase() === bookmark.title.manga.toLowerCase());
if(matches.length === 0) {
console.warn('Bookmark not updated (need to be done manually in HakuNeko)! No matching manga found for:', bookmark.title.manga);
if(matches.length === 1) {
console.log('Updated:', bookmark.key.manga, '=>', matches[0].id);
bookmark.key.manga = matches[0].id;
if(matches.length > 1) {
console.warn('Bookmark not updated (need to be done manually in HakuNeko)! Too many matching mangas found for:', bookmark.title.manga, '=>', => manga.title).join(' || '));
} catch (error) {
console.warn('Failed to get new manga ID for: ', bookmark.key.manga, error);
After running, check the output for warnings/errors
If the update failed, simply restart HakuNeko to avoid breaking your bookmark file
If the update was successful, inject the following script to save your migrated bookmark file
Engine.BookmarkManager.saveProfile('default', undefined);