React Hook for state storage with persistence using browser localStorage.
import { useLocalStorage } from "@mannoeu/custom-hooks";
const Demo = ({ url }) => {
const [character, setCharacter] = useLocalStorage("Mike", "@character");
const handleChange = ({ target }) => {
const { value } = target;
return (
<p>Hi, {character}</p>
<select name="character" value={character} onChange={handleChange}>
{["Mike", "Will", "Eleven", "Max", "Dustin", "Lucas"].map((name) => (
<option key={name} value={name}>
useLocalStorage(key: string, initialValue: any);
Prop name | Default value | Description | Example values |
key | "" | Unique key for the value persisted in storage. |
initialValue | undefined | An initial value for the variable if it has not yet been persisted to storage |