Explore the Rollout manifest with analysis run found here.
Install via this command, which will replace any previously deployed rollout:
kustomize build manifests/ArgoCD201-RolloutsDemoCanaryAnalysisIstio/ | kubectl apply -f -
# We will promote full to make sure we are fully deployed
kubectl argo rollouts promote --full istio-host-split -n argo-rollouts-istio
- The Analysis query is defined below which would give us the 5xx error rate as a percentage:
- The Analysis defined in the rollout is a background analysis. This means that the rollout will not wait for the analysis to complete before progressing. This is useful for cases where you want to run an analysis in the background to gather metrics, but you don't want to block the rollout from progressing. We will start this background analysis on step 2 of the rollout and pass an argument to the analysis run of the canary service name to be used in the query.
- templateName: success-rate
startingStep: 3 # delay starting analysis run until setWeight: 35%
- name: service-name
value: istio-host-split-canary
- The steps in the Rollout are defined as:
- setWeight: 25
- pause: {}
- setWeight: 35
- pause: # Analysis will start here
duration: 10s
- setWeight: 50
- pause:
duration: 10s
- setWeight: 75
- pause:
duration: 2m
kubectl -n argo-rollouts-istio patch rollout istio-host-split --type json --patch '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/image", "value": "ghcr.io/argocon22workshop/rollouts-demo:yellow" }]'
This will start the rollout and pause at 25% of the traffic being routed to the canary. You can view the rollout status via the UI.
- Open the demo app UI adjust the error rate to 60%.
- Now promote the rollout which will start the analysis run. We will do this by promoting the rollout to the next step via CLI
kubectl argo rollouts promote istio-host-split -n argo-rollouts-istio
or via the UI promote button. - Now switch back and forth between the rollouts UI and the demo app UI and watch as the analysis run fails and the rollout automatically rolls back to stable replicaset.
Set the demo app error rate back to 0% and retry the rollout. You might need to refresh page.
You can retry the rollout via CLI kubectl argo rollouts retry rollout istio-host-split -n argo-rollouts-istio
or via the UI retry button.