Review MariaDB Columnstore for Support
This script is intended to be run while logged in as root.
If database is up, this script will connect as root@localhost via socket.
--help # display this message
--logs # create a compressed archive of logs for MariaDB Support Ticket
--backupdbrm # takes a compressed backup of extent map files in dbrm directory
--testschema # creates a test schema, tables, imports, queries, drops schema
--emptydirs # searches /var/lib/columnstore for empty directories
--notmysqldirs # searches /var/lib/columnstore for directories not owned by mysql
--emcheck # Checks the extent map for orphaned and missing files
--pscs # Adds the pscs command. pscs lists running columnstore processes
Color output switches:
--color=none # print headers without color
--color=red # print headers in red
--color=blue # print headers in blue
--color=green # print headers in green
--color=yellow # print headers in yellow
--color=magenta # print headers in magenta
--color=cyan # print headers in cyan (default color)
--color=lred # print headers in light red
--color=lblue # print headers in light blue
--color=lgreen # print headers in light green
--color=lyellow # print headers in light yellow
--color=lmagenta # print headers in light magenta
--color=lcyan # print headers in light cyan