This is a high level and scarce summary of the changes between releases. Consult the full history of the git repository for more details.
Maintenance release:
- Modernized continuous integration setup: Switched from Travis to Appveyor and GitHub actions, use of a more recent git annex version
- Improved input validation: Especially with lower sampling rates, default or user-provided parametrizations could lead to inappropriate or impossible parametrizations for further tooling in remodnav internals. Input validations for the savitzgy-golay filter and parameters that interact with the sampling rate have been added to issue warnings to aid users.
- Improved software documentation in the README, contributed by @jliebers - thx! It is now stated explicitly that the input data needs to be tab separated.
- Improve program help
- Ability to distinguish any number of fixation and pursuit events within a single inter-saccade-period
- No longer use a maximum amplitude parameter to distinguish pursuits from fixations, but use a single velocity threshold instead. The threshold is evaluated against a heavily low-pass filtered gaze trajectory, to only reflect "smooth" eye movement components (and thereby suppress the impact of measurement noise).
- New parameter
that influences the adaptive saccade velocity threshold. The saccade onset velocity threshold is the median of all sub-threshold velocities plusnoise_factor
times the MAD of these velocities. The saccade peak velocity threshold is computed in the same fashion, but uses2x noise_factor
. The default value should work for noisy data. Reducing this factor can boost saccade detection sensitivity for clean data (e.g. Nyström et al., 2010 use the equivalent of a factor of 3.0)
- Initial release.