Install Node.js, mongoDb and npm
Start mongoDb server by running
mongod --dbpath {your db data path}
After that you will run
npm i
to install the dependencies needed for this project -
Then you will run
npm start dev or node src/app.js
to run your server
- Here's a link of postman doucumentation here
- The last API (GET /contacts/getSharedList) was unclear for me for different reasons and I didn't find any data flow compatibable to get shared contacts without taking any previous action but I made an assumption
- So I created an array of objects called sharedUsers in Contact model
- then you can pass the IDs of users you want to share the contact with in (POST /contatcs/addContact) as I mentioned in postman docs
- then finally you can call /contacts/getSharedList API with secondUserId to get the shared contacts between them