All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
1.2.2 - 2023-07-11
- Remove console logging when given value is null
- Default selected hour not working when removeHourPadding is enabled
1.2.1 - 2023-07-11
- Update documentation
1.2.0 - 2023-07-11
- Ability to remove minutes (eg. 8AM)
- Ability to remove leading 0 padding from hours
- Define prop types and defaults
1.1.2 - 2023-07-07
- Controls moving down when wrapped
1.1.1 - 2023-07-07
- Controls moving down when input width is narrow
1.1.0 - 2023-06-08
- Option to increment hours and minutes with a certain value
1.0.12 - 2023-06-08
- Field not updating when null or empty string is passed
1.0.11 - 2023-06-08
- Ability to clear input field data
- Value not updating when bound data is updated
1.0.10 - 2023-06-01
- Component tag name from vue3-time-picker to Vue3TimePicker
- Remove unnecessary import
1.0.9 - 2023-06-01
- Assigned value not populating on field and dropdown options
1.0.8 - 2023-05-31
- Add class props to the input field and dropdown popup
1.0.7 - 2023-05-31
- Add "Inspired by" on README