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Auto increments release version

Auto increments release version
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Auto Increment Version

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This action will automatically determine the version for next release by using repository tags. For develop releases: <major>.<patch>-dev<increment> (e.g 2.0-dev0, 2.0-dev1), for stable releases: <major>.<patch> (1.0, 2.0, 2.1).

Action Inputs

  • github_token: Token to get tags from the repo. Pass in using 'secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN'.
  • mode: Mode for next version calculation. Default: 'dev'. Available options:
    • dev: increment the 'dev' version (ignoring commit message) e.g. 1.0-dev1, 1.0-dev2.
    • stable search the commit message for hashtags: #major - for major version (e.g 2.0), #patch - for patch version (e.g 1.1), if no hashtag found fails.
  • suffix: suffix for un stable releases. default: 'dev'.

Action Outputs

  • version: The next release version


  1. Pushing commits to develop branch -> 1.0-dev0 -> 1.0-dev1 -> 1.0-dev2 ...
  2. Releasing an stable release -> commit with '#major' in commit message & push to main branch -> 1.0
  3. Continue development (working on the next release), pushing to develop branch -> 2.0-dev0 -> 2.0-dev1 -> 2.0-dev2 ...
  4. Hot-fix needed (stable release) -> commit with '#patch' in commit message & push to main branch -> 1.1
  5. Continue pushing to develop branch -> 2.0-dev0 -> 2.0-dev1 -> 2.0-dev2 ...


- name: Auto Increment Version
    uses: docker://igorgov/auto-inc-ver:v1.2.0
    id: versioning
        github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        mode: stable

- name: Print next release version
    shell: bash
    run: |
        echo "${{ steps.versioning.outputs.version }}"       

Auto increments release version is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Auto increments release version

Auto increments release version is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.