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Google Chat Notification Action

GitHub action to send highly customizable card V2 notifications to a google chat via webhook
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Github action to send Cards V2 to the google chat via webhook.

Quick start

Bare Minimum Google Chat Card

You'll get this bare minimum Google Chat card in case you only specify the required input, which is the webhookUrl. In order to obtain this webhookUrl you need to click on the desired Google Chat, go to "Apps & Integrations" and then click on the "+ Add webhooks" button.

name: Send Message to Google Chat


    name: Google Chat GitHub Action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout
        id: checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      # ... Run your build stuff or whatever ...

      - name: Notify Google Chat
        if: ${{ always() }} # Use always to ensure that the notification is also send on failure of former steps
        uses: SimonScholz/google-chat-action@main
          webhookUrl: '${{ secrets.GOOGLE_CHAT_WEBHOOK_URL }}'

In case the action is triggered by a pull_request the last button in the button list will be "Go to pull request" instead of "Go to commit", which is shown on push. If it is neither a pull_request nor a push trigger then only the "Go to repo" and "Go to action run" buttons will be shown.

Also visualize the Status of the run

Usually notifications triggered by a github action are supposed to inform about the outcome of the action.

In order to see success, failure or cancellation the ${{ job.status }} has to be passed to the action.

Minimalistic card with job status

name: Send Message to Google Chat


    name: Google Chat GitHub Action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Checkout
        id: checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      # ... Run your build stuff or whatever ...

      - name: Notify Google Chat
        if: ${{ always() }} # Use always to ensure that the notification is also send on failure of former steps
        uses: SimonScholz/google-chat-action@main
          webhookUrl: '${{ secrets.GOOGLE_CHAT_WEBHOOK_URL }}'
          jobStatus: '${{ job.status }}'


It is possible to send multiple messages into the same thread, e.g. when new commits are pushed to an existing Pull Request using the threadKey or threadName input. Set threadKey to a stable value that uniquely identifies your thread when using the same user (i.e. webhookUrl) for multiple action runs. threadKey must be set on the first message of the thread as well as all subsequent messages that should be added to the thread. Every message sent to Google Chat generates a threadName, which can be retrieved by the threadName output of this action. To reply to an existing thread you can therefore also pass the threadName output of one step to the threadName input of another. This is especially useful when using mutliple users, since the threadKey is only unique per user, allowing you to reply to a thread created by one action with one webhookUrl in another action using another webhookUrl.

For more information see the Google Chat Message Thread API specification, as well as the Google Chat how-to on starting or replying to a thread.

Example with most input values

threadName is unset, since it only makes sense to set one of threadKey or threadName.

  - name: Notify Google Chat
    id: test-action
    if: failure() # only send notification in case of failure
    uses: SimonScholz/google-chat-action@main
        webhookUrl: '${{ secrets.GOOGLE_CHAT_WEBHOOK_URL }}'
        jobStatus: ${{ job.status }}
        title: Google Chat GitHub Action
        subtitle: Brought to you by Simon ;-)
        imageType: SQUARE
        imageAltText: Alternative image text
        createDefaultSection: false
        collapsibleDefaultSection: false
        uncollapsibleWidgetsCount: 3
        additionalSections: '[{"header": "Additional Section", "collapsible": true, "widgets": [{"decoratedText": {"startIcon": {"knownIcon": "STAR"},"text": "Additional Section"}}] }]'
        threadKey: ${{ github.event.number }}

Due to setting createDefaultSection and collapsibleDefaultSection to false this card also looks pretty small:

Card with all input properties

With the additionalSections you also gain a lot freedom and also other actions could come up with something suitable like my postman-newman-action does when setting its outputGoogleCardV2 input property to true.

How an additionalSections array has to look like can be found here:


You can also refer to the action.yml.

Property Description Default Required
webhookUrl The webhook URL of the Google Chat. Should be stored in an action secret. 🚫 βœ…
jobStatus The optional jobStatus. Values can be success, failure, cancelled. You should pass ${{ job.status }} here. 🚫 🚫
title Optional title. If not set, it defaults to the action name Action name 🚫
subtitle Optional subtitle. If not set, the subtitle will not be shown. 🚫 (invisible) 🚫
imageUrl Optional icon. If not set, no icon will be shown. 🚫 🚫
imageType Optional imageType (imageUrl must be set for this). Possible values are SQUARE and CIRCLE. CIRCLE 🚫
imageAltText Optional imageAltText. Alternative in case the image cannot be shown. 🚫 🚫
createDefaultSection Optional createSection. Specify whether the default section should be shown or not. true 🚫
collapsibleDefaultSection Optional collapsibleSection. Specify whether the section is collapsible. false 🚫
uncollapsibleWidgetsCount Optional uncollapsibleWidgetsCount. Specify the amount of uncollapsible widgets within the sections. 4 🚫
additionalSections Add the opportunity to have additional sections. Also see Google Chat Card V2 sections array. 🚫 🚫
threadKey Create or reply to a thread identified by this value. For replying to a thread this message must be sent by the same Google Chat user as the initial message. Also see Google Chat Message Thread. 🚫 🚫
threadName Reply to a thread regardless of the user that initially created it. Also see Google Chat Message Thread. Takes precedence over threadKey. 🚫 🚫


Output Description
threadName Name of thread created by this message. Can be used as input "threadName" for subsequent calls to this action to have follow-up messages in a thread.


If you have any questions or ideas feel free to open an issue or a pull request.

When creating a pull request please make sure that you have run npm run all before you commit/push, otherwise CI will fail.

Google Chat Notification Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


GitHub action to send highly customizable card V2 notifications to a google chat via webhook

Google Chat Notification Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.