(2) - uses: licenseware/helm@v1
kubeconfig: ${{ secrets.KUBECONFIG_FILE }} # JSON/YAML encoded string
kubeconfig-filepath: /tmp/kubeconfig # mutually exclusive with `kubeconfig`
action: upgrade -i # upgrade -i, install, uninstall, etc.
atomic: "1"
build-dependencies: "0" # helm dep build
chart-dir: ./helm
chmod-kubeconfig: "1" # `chmod 600 kubeconfig-filepath`
cleanup: "1" # delete all the files i.e. kubeconfig & values
cleanup-on-fail: "1" # delete newly created resources on failure
create-namespace: "0"
helm-version: "v3.10.1" # https://github.com/helm/helm/releases
namespace: default
release-name: ${{ github.event.repository.name }}
reuse-values: "0" # possible values: [0, 1] default: 0
timeout: 10m
update-dependencies: "1" # helm dep update
values: image.tag=${{ github.sha }} # comma separated key=value pairs
values-string: key1=value1,key2=value2 # comma separated key=value pairs
values-file: ${{ secrets.HELM_VALUES }} # JSON/YAML encoded string
values-filepath: /tmp/values.yml
wait: "1"
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