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Run pyright

Run pyright
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GitHub action for pyright. Featuring:

  • PR/commit annotations for errors/warnings.
  • Super fast startup, via:
    • Download caching.
    • No dependency on setup-node.
- uses: jakebailey/pyright-action@v2
    version: 1.1.311 # Optional (change me!)


  # Options for pyright-action
    description: 'Version of pyright to run, or "PATH" to use pyright from $PATH. If neither version nor pylance-version are specified, the latest version will be used.'
    required: false
    description: 'Version of pylance whose pyright version should be run. Can be latest-release, latest-prerelease, or a specific pylance version. Ignored if version option is specified.'
    required: false
    description: 'Directory to run pyright in. If not specified, the repo root will be used.'
    required: false
    description: 'A comma separated list of check annotations to emit. May be "none"/"false", "errors", "warnings", or "all"/"true" (shorthand for "errors, warnings").'
    required: false
    default: 'all'

  # Shorthand for pyright flags
    description: 'Create type stub file(s) for import. Note: using this option disables commenting.'
    required: false
    description: 'Emit import dependency information. Note: using this option disables commenting.'
    required: false
    description: 'Ignore external imports for verify-types.'
    required: false
    description: 'Minimum diagnostic level (error or warning)'
    required: false
    description: 'Use the configuration file at this location.'
    required: false
    description: 'Analyze for a specific platform (Darwin, Linux, Windows).'
    required: false
    description: 'Path to the Python interpreter.'
    required: false
    description: 'Analyze for a specific version (3.3, 3.4, etc.).'
    required: false
    description: 'Skip analysis of functions with no type annotations.'
    required: false
    description: 'Print detailed performance stats. Note: using this option disables commenting.'
    required: false
    description: 'Use typeshed type stubs at this location.'
    required: false
    description: 'Directory that contains virtual environments.'
    required: false
    description: 'Emit verbose diagnostics. Note: using this option disables commenting.'
    required: false
    description: 'Package name to run the type verifier on; must be an *installed* library. Any score under 100% will fail the build. Using this option disables commenting.'
    required: false
    description: 'Use exit code of 1 if warnings are reported.'
    required: false
    default: 'false'

  # Extra arguments (if what you want isn't listed above)
    description: 'Extra arguments; can be used to specify specific files to check.'
    required: false

  # Removed in pyright 1.1.303
    description: 'Use library code to infer types when stubs are missing.'
    required: false
    default: 'false'

  # Deprecated
    description: 'Disable issue/commit comments.'
    required: false
    default: 'false'
    deprecationMessage: 'Use "annotate" instead.'

Use with a virtualenv

The easiest way to use a virtualenv with this action is to "activate" the environment by adding its bin to $PATH, then allowing pyright to find it there.

- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4
    cache: 'pip'

- run: |
    python -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt

- run: echo "$PWD/.venv/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH

- uses: jakebailey/pyright-action@v2

Use with poetry

Similarly to a virtualenv, the easiest way to get it working is to ensure that poetry's python binary is on $PATH:

- uses: actions/checkout@v3

- run: pipx install poetry
- uses: actions/setup-python@v4
    cache: 'poetry'

- run: poetry install
- run: echo "$(poetry env info --path)/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH

- uses: jakebailey/pyright-action@v2

Providing a pyright version sourced from preexisting dependencies

The version input only accepts "latest" or a specific version number. However, there are many ways to use specify a version of pyright derived from other tools.

Using pyright from $PATH

If you have pyright installed in your environment, e.g. via the pyright PyPI package, specify version: PATH to use the version that's on $PATH.

- run: |
    python -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r dev-requirements.txt # includes pyright

- run: echo "$PWD/.venv/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH

- uses: jakebailey/pyright-action@v2
    version: PATH

Keeping Pyright and Pylance in sync

If you use Pylance as your language server, you'll likely want pyright-action to use the same version of pyright that Pylance does. The pylance-version option makes this easy.

If you allow VS Code to auto-update Pylance, then set pylance-version to latest-release if you use Pylance's Release builds, or latest-prerelease if you use Pylance's Pre-Release builds. Alternatively, you can set it to a particular Pylance version number (ex. 2023.11.11).

Note that the version option takes precedence over pylance-version, so you'll want to set one or the other, not both.

- uses: jakebailey/pyright-action@v2
    pylance-version: latest-release

Run pyright is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Run pyright

Run pyright is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.