GitHub action sending custom incidents to opsgenie.
For the action to integrate with your OpsGenie installation you need an API key. The API key may be obtained from the organisations OpsGenie frontpage under Settings (upper right) -> APP SETTINGS (section to the left) -> API key management. The API key management requires a privileged account.
You also need a configured team as a recipient of the incidents. If you misconfigure this part the incident will be sent to your OpsGenie system and this script will report success, however since there are no matching recipients on the other end no one will get notified.
MESSAGE (optional)
Main message. If not provided a generic message will be provided stating the repository generating the alert.
DESCRIPTION (optional)
Will be part of the description section of the incident. The description already contains the short SHA and workflow name.
PRIORITY (required)
The priority level of your incident (P1 -> P5)
API_KEY (required)
Your OpsGenie secret API key. Use the repository or organization secrets as your key storage.
TEAM (required)
The team to address this incident to
TAG (optional)
Custom tag
The incident report alreday contains decorated information consiting of:
The repository name (override by providing MESSAGE)
Workflow name
Short SHA (7 characters)
Runner OS
Runner Arch
Sending incidents to OpsGenie may be triggered by just failing actions or by advanced expressions. GitHub has put together a great guide:
- name: Send OpsGenie incident
if: success()
uses: tickup-se/notify_opsgenie@v2
API_KEY: ${{ secrets.OPS_GENIE }}
TEAM: 'existing team name'
All parameters:
- name: Send OpsGenie incident
if: success()
uses: tickup-se/notify_opsgenie@v2
MESSAGE: 'some message'
DESCRIPTION: 'some description'
API_KEY: ${{ secrets.OPS_GENIE }}
TEAM: 'existing team name'
TAG: 'some tag'
tickup-se/notify_opsgenie is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.