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Authentication and Authorization in WITSML Explorer

WITSML server credentials flow (Basic)

Every request run against a WITSML server is run from the backend and needs to be authenticated. Basic auth is required for a lot of WITSML servers, so that is currently the main way WE authenticate against them.

Most actions done by the user in WE involves fetching or writing data to external WITSML servers. All these requests require credentials to be provided to the authorization endpoint in advance.

It would be a very bad user experience if the user would have to provide credentials for every request to the API. Therefore an encrypted version of the passwords is saved in memory-cache on the backend. The backend only stores them for a limited amount of time, and will provide them for every request involving WITSML servers.

The backend has a Data Protection storage running in memory, which is used for encrypting the passwords as well as decrypting them (only possible on the running instance).

When a request is forwarded to the WITSML server, the backend will decrypt the password from cache, and use it when running the request.

To use the API without the frontend, the user need to provide credentials in the header for WitsmlTargetServer. The format is Basic Authorization format Base64 encoded along with server URL. See Swagger for description for more information on Header information

This is a description of the flow:

1. When the user connects to a server for the first time

  • frontend contacts authorize endpoint with entered credentials along with server url
  • if this is a new client without any cookie and id, generate an id for this client
  • backend verify credentials with the WITSML server, if OK, encrypts credentials, add to cache and generates an unique cacheId based on client-id and server host
  • TTL before credentials are invalidated will be given by the query param keep
    • keep=true => 24 hours
    • keep=false or missing => 1 hour
  • [secure ,samesite=strict, httponly] cookie is added to the response with uuid as value
  • session cookie used

2. Successive connections to API

  • frontend calls API with WitsmlTargetServer and (in copy-jobs) WitsmlSourceServer information
  • [secure ,samesite=strict, httponly] cookie is passed along with the request with id as value
  • backend uses uuid from cookie to lookup encrypted credentials in CredentialsCache
    • if no credentials exists, send response 401 . User will have to login to get a cookie with valid cache entry
  • session cookie used
    Note left of Frontend: User selects WITSML <br> server for the first <br> time in current session
    Frontend->>+Frontend: No credentials exist,<br/> display credentials <br/> dialog
    Note left of Frontend: Enter and submit <br> credentials for <br> WITSML server
    Frontend->>+Api: Verify credentials using <br/> basic auth /api/credentials/authorize
    Api->>-Witsml Server: Verify credentials by <br/> querying for server capabilities <br/> using basic auth
    activate Witsml Server
    Witsml Server ->>- Api: Ok / No access 
    activate Api
    Api->>-Frontend: If not valid, return error and <br> display credentials dialog
    activate Api
    Api->>Api: If valid, encrypt password <br> and store it in memory <br> using DataProtection library
    Api->>Frontend: Return 200 OK + cookie
    activate Frontend
    Frontend->>-Frontend: Store login expiration  <br> in local storage
    Frontend->>-Api: Fetch wells using cookie <br>fetching encrypted password from cache
    Api->>-Api: Decrypt password using <br> Data Protection Libary
    activate Api
    Api->>-Frontend: If not able to decrypt, or expired <br> send back unauthorized 401
    activate Api
    Frontend->>+Frontend: No credentials exist,<br/> display credentials <br/> dialog and try again    
    Api->>-Witsml Server: If able to decrypt, fetch wells <br> using basic auth
    activate Witsml Server
    Witsml Server->>-Api: Wells
    activate Api
    Api->>-Frontend: Wells

WITSML server credentials flow (OAuth2)

OAuth2 authorization code flow and system credentials fetched from keyvault can also be used for a simplified end user experience. Examples are outlined below for Azure AD and Azure keyvault.

User will log in by Equinor tenant.

1. When the user connects to a server for the first time

OAuth mode with system credentials access based on app role assignment

  • backend uses claim sub in Bearer token for user-to-app identification
  • backend fetches credentials from keyvault, encrypts and store the credentials in backend cache identified by information in id_token (sub)
  • TTL before credentials are invalidated will be given by the query param keep
    • keep=true => 24 hours
    • keep=false or missing => 1 hour
  • no cookies involved

OAuth mode not assigned the necessary role to use system creds from keyvault

  • frontend contacts authorize endpoint the same manner as in Basic mode
  • backend uses Bearer token sub for user identification
  • no cookies involved

2. Successive connections to API

  • frontend calls API with WitsmlTargetServer and (in copy-jobs) WitsmlSourceServer information
  • backend uses sub from Bearer token to lookup encrypted credentials in CredentialsCache
    • if no credentials exists, send response 401
  • no cookies involved


When developing, visit https://localhost:5001/swagger/index.html to examine endpoints and authentication schemes. Setup will be outlined below.

Basic authentication

The WitsmlServerHandler at /api/witsml-servers endpoint can be used to get a list of witsml servers in json format without any credentials.

Basic authentication is available by default and username/password should first be used to get an encrypted password from the AuthorizationHandler /api/authorize endpoint along with information about the server as json in the body.

After aquiring this token, you should use the authorize button again (Basic), but this time with your username/encrypted password. The encrypted password received from the authorizationhandler.

Entering this in swagger the Authorization/BasicAuth fields will make sure to include the Authorization: Basic ... header in your successive calls to other endpoints. The header value WitsmlTargetServer for the same server you got the token also needs to be filled out as the credentials are valid only for a specific server.

OAuth2 authentication

OAuth2 authentication is turned off by default both in backend and frontend through the appsettings property OAuth2Enabled. For information about OAuth2 authorization code flow see: auth code flow

If you want to add this flow to SwaggerUI, you need to customize the following info matching your own Azure app registration in the mysettings.json file. For information about app registrations and app roles setup see

example mysettings.json file:

    "OAuth2Enabled": true,
    "AzureAd": {
        "AppName": "witsml-explorer-api",
        "Instance": "",
        "TenantId": "b3edbf8f-e8b2-4c4e-96fc-c86cdd7fd55f",
        "ClientId": "109e12e2-4ca7-48d0-af05-c834c88ff22c",
        "PolicyRoles": [  "admin", "developer", "employee" ],
        "TokenValidationParameters": {
            "ValidateAudience": false,
            "ValidateIssuerSigningKey": true,
            "ValidateTokenReplay": true
        "Swagger": {
            "AppName": "witsml-explorer-swaggerui",
            "AuthorizationUrl": "",
            "TokenUrl": "",
            "ClientId": "5abc9bc0-3ecb-423b-8457-da3c017c547a",
            "Scopes": "api://a10111dc-712d-485f-8600-57be8c597921/access_as_user",
        "KVWitsmlServerCreds": "witsmlexp-servers-kv",

By enabling the "OAuth2Enabled": true, setting, you should now find a new entry: AuthorizationCode with PKCE available in the Swagger UI.

All endpoints will now need a logged in user, authenticated by your tenant.

System credentials

System credentials for a server can be included through a secrets.json file or in Azure keyvault:

secrets.json format

"WitsmlCreds": {
    "prod":  { "Host": "https://url1", "UserId": "user1", "Password": "pw1" },
    "test":  { "Host": "https://url2", "UserId": "user2", "Password": "pw2" }

To use Azure keyvault, create your keyvault (above named witsmlexp-servers-kv) and enter your system credentials as secrets in the following format to be included and automatically cached at api startup.

example keyvault entries

Name Type Status Expiration date
witsmlcreds--prod--host My server1 prod [R]
witsmlcreds--prod--password My server1 prod [R]
witsmlcreds--prod--userid My server1 prod [R]
witsmlcreds--test--host My server2 test [CRUD]
witsmlcreds--test--password My server2 test [CRUD]
witsmlcreds--test--userid My server2 test [CRUD]


Credentials will be mapped on URL from secrets with the serverlist. Server entry in MongoDB or CosmosDB will have property securityscheme that can be Basic or OAuth2

The app role assigned to a server will be compared to the role claims in the JWT provided in the Authorization header. If a user has been assigned the same application role, system credentials will be applied to the connection.

For more info on app roles, see: app roles

example server json in list

    "name": "Equinor WITSML",
    "url": "https://witsml007.someserver/store/WITSML",
    "description": "Equinor testserver. Do not edit any datasets",
    "securityScheme": "OAuth2",
    "role": [ "user" ]

example JWT from Bearer token

  "roles": [

MSAL Frontend

To enable Oauth2 with MSAL in frontend, the following environment settings can be set:

# To disable MSAL, leave NEXT_PUBLIC_MSALENABLED empty

Hybrid Flow

It is now possible to utilize both OAuth2 and Basic authentication security schemes at the same time. With this configuration the end user will have to authenticate against an authorization server that supports OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow with PKCE.

As described in the serverlist, Witsml-Explorer will choose the correct method to contact the backend, based on how you configure your list of servers. If the Server has securityscheme OAuth2 and both the server and user have the same app-roles, the frontend will use the Bearer token received from the authorization server and relay this to the backend along with the url of the server. It will not ask the user for basic credentials (username:password).

The backend in turn will do a lookup on the users application role, and if eligible, use the system-user fetched from keyvault for further connections to the WITSML server.

Basic witsmlexplorer flow

For an illustration of sequences initiated when the user queries a server with property securityscheme set to Basic, visit the figure in the beginning of this document under WITSML server credentials flow

OAuth2 witsmlexplorer flow with MSAL

The following diagram illustrates the flow for a user contacting a Server that have been assigned securityscheme OAuth2. The setting OAuth2Enabled=true has been set in backend, and MSAL enabled in frontend:

graph TD
    A[1. WitsmlExplorer Frontend] -->|login| B[2. Auth Server]
    B[2. Auth Server] --> |token| A[WitsmlExplorer Frontend]
    A[1. WitsmlExplorer Frontend] --->|w/token:getservers| G[3. ServerlistDB]
    G[3. ServerlistDB] --->|servers| A[itsml-Explorer]
    A[1. WitsmlExplorer Frontend] ----> |w/token:getwells| H[3. WitsmlExplorer API]
    H[3. WitsmlExplorer API] ----> |wells| A[1. WitsmlExplorer Frontend]  
    H[3. WitsmlExplorer API] --> |getsyscreds| K[5. Azure Keyvault]
    K[5. Azure Keyvault] --> |syscreds| H[3. WitsmlExplorer API]
    H[3. WitsmlExplorer API] ---> |w/syscreds:getwells| J[6. WITSML Server]
    J[6. WITSML Server]  ---> |wells| H[4. WitsmlExplorer API]
  1. End user visit Witsml-Explorer.
  2. The end user will be redirected to login with the configured OAuth2 Authorization server (Azure AD).
  3. Witsml-Explorer will fetch the initial Serverlist from DB. When OAuth2 is enabled both in the frontend and backend, retrieving the serverlist will only be available for logged in users. Similarly Create, Update and Delete will be reserved for users with role admin. All servers in the list now include two properties: securityscheme and role.
  4. If the user through the frontend chooses to query a server with a securityscheme set to OAuth2, the backend will check the received Bearer JWT token for app-roles. This in turn will be checked against the configured roles for the server.
  5. When one of the user roles and server roles overlap, the backend fetches system credentials from Azure Keyvault for this witsml server.
  6. The server will now forward the query to the witsml server using Basic authorization with system credentials fetched from step 5.

The resulting list of wells will then be passed back to the frontend.

API Access without frontend

Below are some examples on the use of API endpoints without the frontend. See information about Swagger and Swashbuckle earlier in the documents for detailed information on the endpoints

Basic mode

witsml-explorer is in Basic mode. (Started with OAuth2Enabled=false in appsettings).

1. Get witsml-server configuration list and cookie. You will need to include this cookie to subsequent calls to the API

GET http://localhost:5000/api/witsml-servers HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:5000
Content-Type: application/json
Origin: http://localhost:3000
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: witsmlexplorer=9a8c9c5d-1d0c-4ebf-867d-6641962da380; path=/; secure; samesite=strict; httponly

2. Authorize WITSML credentials for the WITSML server you will query, this to ensure that backend encrypts the password and caches it against your session.

GET http://localhost:5000/api/credentials/authorize?keep=false HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:5000
Content-Type: application/json
Origin: http://localhost:3000
Cookie: witsmlexplorer=9a8c9c5d-1d0c-4ebf-867d-6641962da380
WitsmlTargetServer: dXNlcjEyMzpwYXNzNDU2@https://witsmlserver.using.basic.creds/Store/WITSML
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 21:03:00 GMT
Server: Kestrel
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:3000

3. Use endpoints
Include cookie. If credentials has expired or missing you will get a 401 response and will need to authorize (step 2) again first

GET http://localhost:5000/api/wells HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:5000
Content-Type: application/json
Origin: http://localhost:3000
Cookie: witsmlexplorer=9a8c9c5d-1d0c-4ebf-867d-6641962da380
WitsmlTargetServer: https://witsmlserver.using.basic.creds/Store/WITSML
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 20:53:03 GMT
Server: Kestrel
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

    "uid": "8b6b40ca-fcf5-4f4c-83ff-91a9f358c30b",
    "name": "_ Complete",
    "field": "Greenfield",
    "timeZone": "+01:00",
    "operator": "Equinor",

OAuth2 mode

witsml-explorer is in OAuth2 mode. (Started with OAuth2Enabled=true in appsettings).

No cookie involved. But you will still need to authorize for servers configured as Basic

prerequisite: a valid Bearer token with app-roles and server configuration in place.

1. witsml-server configuration list (and other endpoints)

GET https://localhost:5001/api/witsml-servers HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJ...<token here>

If a server has system credentials in keyvault and the bearer of the token has the correct role for this server, you can use endpoints directly. Example below for rigs

2. Use endpoints

GET http://localhost:5000/api/wells/<wellId>/wellbores/<wellboreId>/rigs HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer eyJ...<token here>
Content-Type: application/json
WitsmlTargetServer: https://witsmlserver.using.system.creds/store/WITSML

If you do not have system credentials in keyvault, and need to use Basic credentials for a server in OAuth2 mode, you must authorize first like below before using endpoints with this server.

3. Authorize WITSML credentials

GET http://localhost:5000/api/credentials/authorize?keep=false HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer eyJ...<token here>
Host: localhost:5000
Content-Type: application/json
Origin: http://localhost:3000
WitsmlTargetServer: dXNlcjEyMzpwYXNzNDU2@https://witsmlserver.using.basic.creds/Store/WITSML

(note the base64 encoded username:password @ witsmlserver)