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-title: "What's New for OpenAPI with .NET 9"
-date: 2024-09-09
-tags: dotnet,openapi,swagger,swashbuckle
-layout: bloglayout
-description: "A look at the new Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi package in .NET 9 and comparing it to NSwag and Swashbuckle.AspNetCore."
-image: "https://cdn.martincostello.com/blog_openapi.png"
-Developers in the .NET ecosystem have been writing APIs with ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core for years, and
-[OpenAPI][openapi] (nÊe Swagger) has been a popular choice for documenting those APIs.
-OpenAPI at its core is a machine-readable document that describes the endpoints available in an API.
-It contains information not only about parameters, requests and responses, but also additional metadata
-such as descriptions of properties, security-related metadata, and more.
-These documents can then be consumed by tools such as [Swagger UI][swagger-ui] to provide a user interface
-for developers to interact with the API quickly and easily, such as when testing. With the recent surge in
-popularity of AI-based development tools, OpenAPI has become even more important as a way to describe APIs
-in a way that machines can understand.
-For a long time, the two most common libraries to produce API specifications at runtime for ASP.NET Core
-have been [NSwag][nswag] and [Swashbuckle][swashbuckle]. Both libraries provide functionality that allows
-developers to generate a rich OpenAPI document(s) for their APIs in either JSON and/or YAML from their
-existing code. The endpoints can then be augmented in different ways, such as with attributes or custom
-code, to further enrich the generated document(s) to provide a great Developer Experience for its consumers.
-With the upcoming release of [ASP.NET Core 9][aspnetcore-9], the ASP.NET team have introduced new functionality
-for the existing [Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi NuGet package][microsoft-aspnetcore-openapi], that provides a
-new way to generate OpenAPI documents for ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs.
-In this post, we'll take a look at the new functionality and compare it to the exsisting NSwag and Swashbuckle
-libraries to see how it compares in both features as well as performance.
-## Why a new OpenAPI library?
-You may wonder why when there's two existing and popular solutions for generating OpenAPI documents in ASP.NET Core
-that there's a need for a third new option to enter the fray. While both NSwag and Swashbuckle have served the community
-well for many years, recently both libraries have seen a decline in maintenance and updates. This has led to a lag
-in the ability for new features of the framework to be leveraged and/or supported in these libraries with each new release.
-While Swashbuckle has had a bit of a resurgence in 2024 with the [announcement of new maintainers for the project][swashbuckle-maintainers]
-(I'm one of them đ) and now has first-class support for .NET 8, it is still an open source project that is provided
-for free and maintained by volunteers in their spare time. With these constraints, it's difficult to keep up with the
-pace of change in the .NET ecosystem with a new major release every year. By contrast, the ASP.NET team at Microsoft
-are paid to work on the framework full-time, so can dedicate time to ensure that the libraries they provide are kept
-up-to-date with the latest features and best practices as the product evolves over time.
-Another motivating factor for the new library is that [native AoT compilation][native-aot] is becoming an increasingly
-popular way to deploy .NET applications, especially in the cloud, where reducing cold start times is important for
-high-scale applications with variable load patterns. Both NSwag and Swashbuckle rely heavily on reflection to generate
-their OpenAPI documents, but reflection has many constraints when used in an application compiled to run as native code.
-This makes many existing code patterns in these libraries not work due to the metadata needed being trimmed away, as it
-appears to be unused.
-While both libraries probably _could_ be refactored to support native AoT, this would be a significant amount of work to
-undertake as it would require a significant rewrite of the core functionality of both libraries. Speaking as a Swashbuckle
-maintainer, the amount of work required is so large compared to the benefits it would provide, that it's not something that
-is realistically going to happen.
-A brand new library that is designed from the ground-up to support native AoT compilation and the latest features of ASP.NET
-Core however is a very different proposition. Any new library is unburdened by the weight of its existing functionality,
-and instead can start fresh with a new design that is more suited to the current state of the ASP.NET Core ecosystem and
-its needs in 2024 and beyond.
-The Swashbuckle maintainers are also unconcerned that there's a new library on the scene. We don't consider it to be a
-competitor to Swashbuckle - for example, the new library only supports ASP.NET Core 9 and later, whereas Swashbuckle has
-a broader range of support for older versions of ASP.NET Core, including for .NET Framework. Users who want to use the
-new functionality and wish to migrate are welcome to do so, but we're not going to stop maintaining Swashbuckle any time
-soon. I'm sure many developers are happy with their existing library of choice and will continue to use it rather than invest
-time and effort moving from one library to another.
-## Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi Features (and Gaps)
-At a high-level, the new Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi package has the same basic functionality as both NSwag and Swashbuckle.
-It generates an OpenAPI document for your ASP.NET Core endpoints at runtime. The shape of your endpoints, such as their methods,
-paths, requests, responses, parameters etc. are all derived from your application's code. The declaration can be extended with
-metadata, such as with attributes like `[ProducesResponseType]` and `[Tags]`, to provide additional information to the
-generation process to describe the endpoints and schemas as required for your needs.
-The library also integrates with the existing [Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server package][m-e-apidescription-server]
-to generate the document at build time via a custom MSBuild target that can run as part of compiling your project to produce
-the OpenAPI document as a file on disk. This is useful for CI/CD scenarios like [linting][linting] - for example you could run
-[spectral][spectral] as part of your build pipeline to validate that your OpenAPI document is valid and follows recommended best practices.
-Like Swashbuckle, the package is built on top of the [OpenAPI.NET][microsoft-openapi] library, which provides the C# types
-for the various primitives of the [OpenAPI specification][openapi-specification]. The advantage of this is that adding support
-for new versions of the OpenAPI specification in the future (e.g. OpenAPI 3.1) should be easier as the library can be updated
-to use a new version that supports it in the future, with only the "glue" for generating the types from the endpoints needing
-to be updating, rather than also needing to fully implement the specification itself. The generation of the JSON schemas for
-the models is built on top of the [new JSON schema support][json-schema-exporter] in .NET 9, which is exposed by the new
-`JsonSchemaExporter` class.
-OpenAPI support is added at the [endpoint][aspnetcore-endpoints] level (think `MapGet()` and similar methods). This allow the
-the OpenAPI document can be coupled into other mechanisms in ASP.NET Core, such as authorization, caching, and more.
-As noted earlier, it is also fully compatible with native AoT, allowing you to generate OpenAPI documents for your ASP.NET Core
-applications at runtime even when compiled to native code, such as when running in a container, if you want to expose your
-API documentation to your users in your deployed environment.
-To add the minimal level of support for generating an OpenAPI document, you could add the following code to your ASP.NET Core
-application after adding a reference to the Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi NuGet package:
-var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();
-// Add services for generating OpenAPI documents
-var app = builder.Build();
-// Add the endpoint to get the OpenAPI document
-// Your API endpoints
-app.MapGet("/", () => "Hello world!");
-Running the server and navigating to the `/openapi/v1/openapi.json` URL in a browser will then return a OpenAPI document as JSON
-that describes the endpoints in your application.
-### Transformers
-If (or when) you need to enrich the document further, the library provides a number of extensions points that you can use to
-extend the document, or individual operations and/or schemas, using the concept of _transformers_. Transformers provide a way
-for you to run custom code to modify the OpenAPI document as it is being generated, allowing you to add additional metadata.
-Transformers can either be registered as inline delegates or as types that implement the appropriate transformer interface
-(`IOpenApiDocumentTransformer`, `IOpenApiOperationTransformer` or `IOpenApiSchemaTransformer`). In the case of the interfaces,
-this allows you to implement types that use various additional services (e.g. `IConfiguration`) in your implementations and
-means they can be resolved from the dependency injection container used by your application.
-Here's an example of declaring and then using a document transformer:
-// Add a custom service to the DI container
-// Add services for generating OpenAPI documents and register a custom document transformer
-builder.Services.AddOpenApi(options =>
- options.AddDocumentTransformer();
-// A custom implementation of IOpenApiDocumentTransformer that uses our custom service.
-// The type is activated from the DI container, so can use other services in the application.
-class MyDocumentTransformer(IMyService myService) : IOpenApiDocumentTransformer
- public async Task TransformAsync(
- OpenApiDocument document,
- OpenApiDocumentTransformerContext context,
- CancellationToken cancellationToken)
- {
- // Use myService to modify the document in some way...
- }
-As another example of the power of these transformers, I've built a library of my own on top of these abstractions to add
-additional capabilities for my own APIs. The [OpenAPI Extensions for ASP.NET Core][openapi-extensions] library provides a
-number of transformers that can be used to add additional metadata to the OpenAPI document, such as support for generating
-rich examples for requests, responses and schemas.
-### Feature Gaps
-As a first release however, there are a few feature gaps compared to what developers may come to expect from an OpenAPI
-solution compared to NSwag and Swashbuckle.
-#### No User Interface
-Compared to the application templates that shipped with the .NET SDK in previous releases of ASP.NET Core, there is no
-built-in solution to render a user interface on top of the OpenAPI document that is generated.
-I don't think this is a major gap at this stage, as it's still possible to add a Swagger UI to your application with ease
-by continuing to use the [Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI][swashbuckle-ui] NuGet package to provide one. This NuGet package
-is independent from the rest of Swashbuckle, so can be used with the new OpenAPI library without any issues or bloat from
-including two implementations. From version 6.6.2 of Swashbuckle.AspNetCore, this package also supports native AoT, so
-doesn't compromise support for that either.
-#### No XML Comments
-For the .NET 9 release, there is no support for adding descriptions to the OpenAPI document from the XML documentation in
-your code. This is a feature that is [planned for a future release][aspnetcore-openapi-xml], likely .NET 10, but a preview
-of the feature is expected to be made available at some point before then.
-If this is critical for your application, you could investigate creating your own transformer to consume your XML
-documentation until then.
-#### No support for YAML documents
-While both the Microsoft.OpenApi library and NSwag support generating OpenAPI documents in YAML (unlike Swashbuckle), the
-Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi package currently only supports generating OpenAPI documents in JSON. This is a feature that
-could be added in a future release.
-This is again another piece of functionality I've added to my [OpenAPI Extensions for ASP.NET Core][openapi-extensions] library, so you
-could use that to generate YAML documents if you need to. It's enabled with a single line of code in your application:
-## Comparison with NSwag and Swashbuckle
-So how does the new Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi package compare to the existing NSwag and Swashbuckle libraries?
-While the goal of the library is not for 100% feature parity with either of the existing libraries, it does provide the
-majority of the same functionality that developers would expect from an OpenAPI library for ASP.NET Core applications.
-As noted above, the core gaps are support for XML comments and a built-in User Interface.
-If you'd like a more detailed comparison of the three libraries, you can check out this [GitHub repository][openapi-comparisons]
-that implements a Todo API and exposes equivalent OpenAPI documents for it using all three libraries. This should give you
-a good idea of how all three libraries express the same concepts and how you use them as an application developer.
-As an example, here's the code to add an OpenAPI document and customise the API info in all three implementations.
-One thing you'll notice that the same ability to customise the document is done through either similar concepts that are
-named either _transformers_ (ASP.NET Core), _processors_ (NSwag) or _filters_ (Swashbuckle).
-### Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi
-public static IServiceCollection AddAspNetCoreOpenApi(this IServiceCollection services)
- services.AddOpenApi(options =>
- {
- options.AddDocumentTransformer((document, _, _) =>
- {
- document.Info.Title = "Todo API";
- document.Info.Description = "An API for managing Todo items.";
- document.Info.Version = "v1";
- return Task.CompletedTask;
- });
- options.AddOperationTransformer(new AddExamplesTransformer());
- });
- return services;
-### NSwag
-public static IServiceCollection AddNSwagOpenApi(this IServiceCollection services)
- services.AddOpenApiDocument(options =>
- {
- options.Title = "Todo API";
- options.Description = "An API for managing Todo items.";
- options.Version = "v1";
- options.OperationProcessors.Add(new AddExamplesProcessor());
- });
- return services;
-### Swashbuckle
-public static IServiceCollection AddSwashbuckleOpenApi(this IServiceCollection services)
- services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
- {
- var info = new OpenApiInfo
- {
- Title = "Todo API",
- Description = "An API for managing Todo items.",
- Version = "v1"
- };
- options.SwaggerDoc(info.Version, info);
- options.OperationFilter();
- });
- return services;
-## Performance
-The last thing I thought I'd touch on in this blog post is performance. After I'd created the repository comparing the three
-implementations, I figured it would be interesting to benchmark them to compare how they perform when generating an OpenAPI document.
-### Preliminary Results with .NET 9 Preview 7
-After a detour off into setting up a continuous benchmarking process (which I'll try and blog about separately some time soon),
-I set up some benchmarks for each library with [BenchmarkDotNet][benchmarkdotnet] to compare the performance. When I first set
-them up I was targeting the official Preview 7 release of .NET 9, and at a very high-level, these were the results I got:
-BenchmarkDotNet v0.14.0, Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
-AMD EPYC 7763, 1 CPU, 4 logical and 2 physical cores
-.NET SDK 9.0.100-preview.7.24406.8
- [Host] : .NET 9.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
- ShortRun : .NET 9.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
-Job=ShortRun IterationCount=3 LaunchCount=1
-| Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Gen0 | Gen1 | Gen2 | Allocated |
-|------------ |----------:|----------:|----------:|---------:|---------:|---------:|----------:|
-| AspNetCore | 10.988 ms | 13.319 ms | 0.7301 ms | 171.8750 | 140.6250 | 125.0000 | 6.02 MB |
-| NSwag | 12.269 ms | 2.276 ms | 0.1247 ms | 15.6250 | - | - | 1.55 MB |
-| Swashbuckle | 7.989 ms | 6.878 ms | 0.3770 ms | 15.6250 | - | - | 1.5 MB |
-As you can see from the data, the new OpenAPI package is roughly second along with NSwag in terms of performance, with Swashbuckle
-ahead by a few milliseconds. However the new ASP.NET Core OpenAPI is _way_ behind in terms of memory usage, using nearly 4 times as
-much as the other two libraries. You can also see from the graphs below from many runs over time with the preview 7 that there is
-a lot of variance in the OpenAPI package's performance, compared to the other two libraries which are much more stable.
-Not particularly great, but there's actually two interesting caveats to these benchmarks.
-The first is that [there is a bug][dotnet-aspnetcore-56990] in ASP.NET Core 9 Preview 7 that caused the OpenAPI document schemas to
-not be stable between generations - this was leading to a lot of unncessary work being done, and was causing a memory leak that
-eventually caused OpenAPI generation to stop working completely. Because of this issue, I had to cap the number of iterations the
-benchmarks ran as a short run via `[ShortRunJob]`, otherwise the benchmarks would grind to a halt. This is also the cause of the
-variance in the allocation numbers (the red line at the top of the first graph).
-The second caveat is that, by default, NSwag caches the OpenAPI document it generates, so out-of-the-box it will only ever generate
-the OpenAPI document once. For the sake of comparison, I [disabled the caching][disabled-caching] in NSwag so that the document was
-generated in full on each request. We _could_ level the playing field in the opposite direction by caching all three, but that's not
-interesting for a performance comparison/test as we'd effectively just be benchmarking the caching đ.
-### Gotta Go Fast đĻđ¨
-With some data to hand, I then took a look into what exactly the code was doing to see if there was anything obvious that could be
-fixed or improved to speed things up. What was invaluable in this process was the [EventPipe Profiler][benchmarkdotnet-profiler]
-that can be enabled in BenchmarkDotNet to capture a flame graph of the code being executed. Using [speedscope.app][speedscope] I
-was able to visualise the code paths that were being executed and see where the time was being spent. With this information, I was
-able to identify three different places where the OpenAPI generation was doing unnecessary work and causing the performance issues.
-#### Dictionary Lookups đĩī¸đ
-The first thing I found was that the code seemed to be spending a lot of time in the `Enumerable.All()` method. Digging into this
-further, I noticed that `IDictionary.Contains()` was being used in a number of places in the code along with the indexer.
-This is a known performance trap in .NET, with this pattern leading to a double look-up, which can be avoided by instead using the
-`TryGetValue()` method.
-In fact there's even a .NET analysis rule that covers this scenario: [CA1854][ca1854]. It turns out
-[there's a bug][dotnet-roslyn-analyzers-7369] in this analyser that doesn't catch certain patterns of usage, which is why it wasn't
-caught previously.
-Changing the code to use `TryGetValue()` instead was an easy enough change to make, but that didn't answer the question of why so
-much time was being spent in `All()` in the first place. The reason for this turned out to be due to the way the OpenAPI library
-was implementing [`IEqualityComparer`][iequalitycomparer] for the various types used to generate the OpenAPI document.
-Some custom equality comparers are implemented which are used to help test whether different OpenAPI schema "shapes" are equal to
-each other or not. These objects in some cases contain dozens of properties, some of which are themselves dictionaries or arrays,
-which can create a large object graph to traverse to compute the equality of.
-With some reordering to how the properties are computed based on expense/likelihood of being different, a lot of the cost of these
-comparisons can be avoided and make things much faster in the majority of cases.
-I opened [a pull request][dotnet-aspnetcore-57208] to address both of these items, which once merged caused all of the identified
-method calls to drop out of the hot path for the profiler traces in the benchmarks đĨ.
-#### Too Many Transformers đ¤
-After the fix for the unstable schemas and the above changes, I took another look at the traces from my benchmark runs and
-spotted one other anomaly from the data. Looking at the data, I noticed that [transformers were being created too often][dotnet-aspnetcore-57211].
-This was due to an issue with the lifetime and disposal of transformers, meaning that they were being created once per _schema_,
-rather than once per generation of the OpenAPI _document_. This then had not only the overhead of the additional work, but also
-an impact to memory usage and garbage collection.
-### Latest Results with .NET 9 RC.1
-After changes for the above issues were merged, I re-ran the benchmarks against the latest daily build of .NET 9 from their CI,
-as at the time of writing, .NET 9 RC.1 isn't officially available yet. I've [written about using daily builds before][daily-builds], so
-check out that post if you're interested.
-With the latest version of the .NET SDK from the .NET 9 CI (`9.0.100-rc.1.24452.12` at the time of writing) things are noticeably
-improved compared to preview 7:
-BenchmarkDotNet v0.14.0, Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
-AMD EPYC 7763, 1 CPU, 4 logical and 2 physical cores
-.NET SDK 9.0.100-rc.1.24452.12
- [Host] : .NET 9.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
- DefaultJob : .NET 9.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
-| Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Median | Gen0 | Allocated |
-|------------ |-----------:|---------:|----------:|-----------:|--------:|-----------:|
-| AspNetCore | 981.9 us | 15.94 us | 30.34 us | 975.3 us | - | 326.64 KB |
-| NSwag | 4,570.8 us | 60.82 us | 53.92 us | 4,556.4 us | 15.6250 | 1588.43 KB |
-| Swashbuckle | 2,768.2 us | 52.00 us | 124.58 us | 2,721.2 us | 15.6250 | 1527 KB |
-As you can see compared to the previous results, the OpenAPI package is now the fastest of the three libraries.
-The new ASP.NET Core package beats both NSwag and Swashbuckle by a significant margin, both in terms of time _and_ memory. âĄ
-In fact it's almost **~2.8x** faster, and **~4.6x** less memory hungry that the nearest competitor.
-Compared to itself from preview 7, it's now **~11x** faster and allocates **~18x** less memory. That's a huge improvement! đ
-The caveats to note here:
-- `[ShortRunJob]` is no longer used, so the benchmarks run more iterations and are thus more accurate. This is why
- the error bars are much smaller in the second series of graphs.
-- _All_ improvements between .NET 9 preview 7 and release candidate 1 are included, not just the fixes for OpenAPI.
- This is most apparent from the major step down on the graph for all three libraries a few points in from the left.
- This is where the benchmark project switches from using preview 7 to the daily RC1 builds.
-As ever, performance is relative to the environment used and your numbers might vary. However with a relatively stable
-environment (GitHub Actions' Ubuntu runners in this case), the graphs show consistent performance across multiple runs
-and a clear improvement as newer versions of .NET 9 are used. The useful data here is in the trends, not the absolute values.
-## Further Reading
-For more information on the new features in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi package, check out these ASP.NET Community Standup
-streams on YouTube. Here [Safia Abdalla][safia-abdalla], the engineer behind this new functionality, explains the new features
-in the package and how to use them in your applications:
-- [OpenAPI Updates in .NET 9][aspnetcore-openapi-stream-1]
-- [OpenAPI Updates in .NET 9 (Part 2)][aspnetcore-openapi-stream-2]
-The documentation for the package for ASP.NET Core 9 can be found in [Microsoft Learn][aspnetcore-openapi].
-## Summary
-All in all, the new ASP.NET Core OpenAPI package is a great addition to the ASP.NET Core ecosystem. It provides a modern and
-performant way to generate OpenAPI documents for your ASP.NET Core applications to cover the core use cases that developers need.
-While it may not yet be as feature-rich as existing libraries such as NSwag or Swashbuckle, it's better ability to keep up with
-the change of pace to ASP.NET Core now and in the future, such as support for native AoT, give it a strong foundation to build
-on going forwards, such as for future support for OpenAPI 3.1.
-Developers don't need to switch from their existing libraries to the new OpenAPI package if they're happy with their current
-implementation - the only compelling reason to switch is if you want to generate OpenAPI documents in a native AoT deployment.
-For those who do wish to switch (I have for a number of my apps), the migration is easiest for users of Swashbuckle.AspNetCore due
-to both libraries being built on top of the same OpenAPI.NET foundation.
-If you've not added OpenAPI documentation to an API before and are writing a new ASP.NET Core 9+ application, I'd recommend giving
-the library a try to see how it fits your needs. It's a great way to get started with OpenAPI documentation for your APIs!
-[aspnetcore-9]: https://learn.microsoft.com/aspnet/core/release-notes/aspnetcore-9.0 "What's new in ASP.NET Core 9.0"
-[aspnetcore-endpoints]: https://learn.microsoft.com/aspnet/core/fundamentals/routing "Routing in ASP.NET Core"
-[aspnetcore-openapi]: https://learn.microsoft.com/aspnet/core/fundamentals/openapi/aspnetcore-openapi?view=aspnetcore-9.0 "Work with OpenAPI documents on Microsoft Learn"
-[aspnetcore-openapi-stream-1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch/XoMese9g8WQ "ASP.NET Community Standup - OpenAPI Updates in .NET 9 on YouTube"
-[aspnetcore-openapi-stream-2]: https://www.youtube.com/watch/keK69Y5HqvY "ASP.NET Community Standup - OpenAPI Updates in .NET 9 (Part 2) on YouTube"
-[aspnetcore-openapi-xml]: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/39927#issuecomment-2233634912 "Support XML-based OpenAPI docs for minimal APIs"
-[benchmarkdotnet]: https://github.com/dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet "The BenchmarkDotNet repository on GitHub"
-[benchmarkdotnet-profiler]: https://benchmarkdotnet.org/articles/features/event-pipe-profiler.html "EventPipeProfiler"
-[benchmark-commit-preview7]: https://github.com/martincostello/aspnetcore-openapi/commit/fd5d79a12deeeda3abc10b61a80f2568bd38b381
-[benchmark-commit-rc1]: https://github.com/martincostello/aspnetcore-openapi/commit/6a09d0422eeeabe38cc4ea7655af04d5d7209d11
-[ca1854]: https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/fundamentals/code-analysis/quality-rules/CA1854 "Prefer the IDictionary.TryGetValue(TKey, out TValue) method"
-[daily-builds]: https://blog.martincostello.com/upgrading-to-dotnet-8-part-5-preview-7-and-rc-1-2/ "Daily Build Testing"
-[disabled-caching]: https://github.com/martincostello/aspnetcore-openapi/blob/fd5d79a12deeeda3abc10b61a80f2568bd38b381/src/TodoApp/OpenApi/NSwag/NSwagOpenApiEndpoints.cs#L94-L97
-[dotnet-aspnetcore-56990]: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/56990 "OpenAPI schemas are not stable between generations"
-[dotnet-aspnetcore-57208]: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/pull/57208 "Use TryGetValue for dictionary lookups in OpenAPI comparers"
-[dotnet-aspnetcore-57211]: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/pull/57211 "OpenAPI activates transformers too many times"
-[dotnet-roslyn-analyzers-7369]: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn-analyzers/issues/7369 "CA1854 isn't catching cases that aren't directly part of an if statement"
-[example-aspnetcore]: https://github.com/martincostello/aspnetcore-openapi/blob/06b3aff0e5023cce8a5c8599507b4d974aedf37b/src/TodoApp/OpenApi/AspNetCore/AspNetCoreOpenApiEndpoints.cs
-[example-nswag]: https://github.com/martincostello/aspnetcore-openapi/blob/06b3aff0e5023cce8a5c8599507b4d974aedf37b/src/TodoApp/OpenApi/NSwag/NSwagOpenApiEndpoints.cs
-[example-swashbuckle]: https://github.com/martincostello/aspnetcore-openapi/blob/06b3aff0e5023cce8a5c8599507b4d974aedf37b/src/TodoApp/OpenApi/Swashbuckle/SwashbuckleOpenApiEndpoints.cs
-[iequalitycomparer]: https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.collections.generic.iequalitycomparer-1 "IEqualityComparer Interface"
-[json-schema-exporter]: https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/main/release-notes/9.0/preview/preview6/libraries.md#jsonschemaexporter "JsonSchemaExporter"
-[linting]: https://learn.microsoft.com/aspnet/core/fundamentals/openapi/aspnetcore-openapi?view=aspnetcore-9.0#lint-generated-openapi-documents-with-spectral "Lint generated OpenAPI documents with Spectral"
-[microsoft-aspnetcore-openapi]: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi "The Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi package on NuGet.org"
-[m-e-apidescription-server]: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server/ "The Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server package on NuGet.org"
-[microsoft-openapi]: https://github.com/microsoft/OpenAPI.NET "The OpenAPI.NET repository on GitHub"
-[native-aot]: https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/deploying/native-aot "Native AOT deployment"
-[nswag]: https://github.com/RicoSuter/NSwag "The NSwag repository on GitHub"
-[openapi]: https://swagger.io/docs/specification/about/ "What Is OpenAPI?"
-[openapi-comparisons]: https://github.com/martincostello/aspnetcore-openapi "A GitHub repository comparing OpenAPI implementations for ASP.NET Core"
-[openapi-extensions]: https://github.com/martincostello/openapi-extensions "The OpenAPI Extensions repository on GitHub"
-[openapi-specification]: https://swagger.io/specification/ "The OpenAPI specification"
-[safia-abdalla]: https://github.com/captainsafia "@captainsafia on GitHub"
-[spectral]: https://github.com/stoplightio/spectral "The Spectral repository on GitHub"
-[speedscope]: https://www.speedscope.app/ "speedscope"
-[swagger-ui]: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui "The Swagger UI repository on GitHub"
-[swashbuckle]: https://github.com/domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle.AspNetCore "The Swashbuckle.AspNetCore repository on GitHub"
-[swashbuckle-maintainers]: https://github.com/domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle.AspNetCore/discussions/2778 "Swashbuckle.AspNetCore maintainers announcement"
-[swashbuckle-ui]: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI "The Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI package on NuGet.org"
+title: "What's New for OpenAPI with .NET 9"
+date: 2024-09-09
+tags: dotnet,openapi,swagger,swashbuckle
+layout: bloglayout
+description: "A look at the new Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi package in .NET 9 and comparing it to NSwag and Swashbuckle.AspNetCore."
+image: "https://cdn.martincostello.com/blog_openapi.png"
+Developers in the .NET ecosystem have been writing APIs with ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core for years, and
+[OpenAPI][openapi] (nÊe Swagger) has been a popular choice for documenting those APIs.
+OpenAPI at its core is a machine-readable document that describes the endpoints available in an API.
+It contains information not only about parameters, requests and responses, but also additional metadata
+such as descriptions of properties, security-related metadata, and more.
+These documents can then be consumed by tools such as [Swagger UI][swagger-ui] to provide a user interface
+for developers to interact with the API quickly and easily, such as when testing. With the recent surge in
+popularity of AI-based development tools, OpenAPI has become even more important as a way to describe APIs
+in a way that machines can understand.
+For a long time, the two most common libraries to produce API specifications at runtime for ASP.NET Core
+have been [NSwag][nswag] and [Swashbuckle][swashbuckle]. Both libraries provide functionality that allows
+developers to generate a rich OpenAPI document(s) for their APIs in either JSON and/or YAML from their
+existing code. The endpoints can then be augmented in different ways, such as with attributes or custom
+code, to further enrich the generated document(s) to provide a great Developer Experience for its consumers.
+With the upcoming release of [ASP.NET Core 9][aspnetcore-9], the ASP.NET team have introduced new functionality
+for the existing [Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi NuGet package][microsoft-aspnetcore-openapi], that provides a
+new way to generate OpenAPI documents for ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs.
+In this post, we'll take a look at the new functionality and compare it to the exsisting NSwag and Swashbuckle
+libraries to see how it compares in both features as well as performance.
+## Why a new OpenAPI library?
+You may wonder why when there's two existing and popular solutions for generating OpenAPI documents in ASP.NET Core
+that there's a need for a third new option to enter the fray. While both NSwag and Swashbuckle have served the community
+well for many years, recently both libraries have seen a decline in maintenance and updates. This has led to a lag
+in the ability for new features of the framework to be leveraged and/or supported in these libraries with each new release.
+While Swashbuckle has had a bit of a resurgence in 2024 with the [announcement of new maintainers for the project][swashbuckle-maintainers]
+(I'm one of them đ) and now has first-class support for .NET 8, it is still an open source project that is provided
+for free and maintained by volunteers in their spare time. With these constraints, it's difficult to keep up with the
+pace of change in the .NET ecosystem with a new major release every year. By contrast, the ASP.NET team at Microsoft
+are paid to work on the framework full-time, so can dedicate time to ensure that the libraries they provide are kept
+up-to-date with the latest features and best practices as the product evolves over time.
+Another motivating factor for the new library is that [native AoT compilation][native-aot] is becoming an increasingly
+popular way to deploy .NET applications, especially in the cloud, where reducing cold start times is important for
+high-scale applications with variable load patterns. Both NSwag and Swashbuckle rely heavily on reflection to generate
+their OpenAPI documents, but reflection has many constraints when used in an application compiled to run as native code.
+This makes many existing code patterns in these libraries not work due to the metadata needed being trimmed away, as it
+appears to be unused.
+While both libraries probably _could_ be refactored to support native AoT, this would be a significant amount of work to
+undertake as it would require a significant rewrite of the core functionality of both libraries. Speaking as a Swashbuckle
+maintainer, the amount of work required is so large compared to the benefits it would provide, that it's not something that
+is realistically going to happen.
+A brand new library that is designed from the ground-up to support native AoT compilation and the latest features of ASP.NET
+Core however is a very different proposition. Any new library is unburdened by the weight of its existing functionality,
+and instead can start fresh with a new design that is more suited to the current state of the ASP.NET Core ecosystem and
+its needs in 2024 and beyond.
+The Swashbuckle maintainers are also unconcerned that there's a new library on the scene. We don't consider it to be a
+competitor to Swashbuckle - for example, the new library only supports ASP.NET Core 9 and later, whereas Swashbuckle has
+a broader range of support for older versions of ASP.NET Core, including for .NET Framework. Users who want to use the
+new functionality and wish to migrate are welcome to do so, but we're not going to stop maintaining Swashbuckle any time
+soon. I'm sure many developers are happy with their existing library of choice and will continue to use it rather than invest
+time and effort moving from one library to another.
+## Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi Features (and Gaps)
+At a high-level, the new Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi package has the same basic functionality as both NSwag and Swashbuckle.
+It generates an OpenAPI document for your ASP.NET Core endpoints at runtime. The shape of your endpoints, such as their methods,
+paths, requests, responses, parameters etc. are all derived from your application's code. The declaration can be extended with
+metadata, such as with attributes like `[ProducesResponseType]` and `[Tags]`, to provide additional information to the
+generation process to describe the endpoints and schemas as required for your needs.
+The library also integrates with the existing [Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server package][m-e-apidescription-server]
+to generate the document at build time via a custom MSBuild target that can run as part of compiling your project to produce
+the OpenAPI document as a file on disk. This is useful for CI/CD scenarios like [linting][linting] - for example you could run
+[spectral][spectral] as part of your build pipeline to validate that your OpenAPI document is valid and follows recommended best practices.
+Like Swashbuckle, the package is built on top of the [OpenAPI.NET][microsoft-openapi] library, which provides the C# types
+for the various primitives of the [OpenAPI specification][openapi-specification]. The advantage of this is that adding support
+for new versions of the OpenAPI specification in the future (e.g. OpenAPI 3.1) should be easier as the library can be updated
+to use a new version that supports it in the future, with only the "glue" for generating the types from the endpoints needing
+to be updating, rather than also needing to fully implement the specification itself. The generation of the JSON schemas for
+the models is built on top of the [new JSON schema support][json-schema-exporter] in .NET 9, which is exposed by the new
+`JsonSchemaExporter` class.
+OpenAPI support is added at the [endpoint][aspnetcore-endpoints] level (think `MapGet()` and similar methods). This allow the
+the OpenAPI document can be coupled into other mechanisms in ASP.NET Core, such as authorization, caching, and more.
+As noted earlier, it is also fully compatible with native AoT, allowing you to generate OpenAPI documents for your ASP.NET Core
+applications at runtime even when compiled to native code, such as when running in a container, if you want to expose your
+API documentation to your users in your deployed environment.
+To add the minimal level of support for generating an OpenAPI document, you could add the following code to your ASP.NET Core
+application after adding a reference to the Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi NuGet package:
+var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();
+// Add services for generating OpenAPI documents
+var app = builder.Build();
+// Add the endpoint to get the OpenAPI document
+// Your API endpoints
+app.MapGet("/", () => "Hello world!");
+Running the server and navigating to the `/openapi/v1/openapi.json` URL in a browser will then return a OpenAPI document as JSON
+that describes the endpoints in your application.
+### Transformers
+If (or when) you need to enrich the document further, the library provides a number of extensions points that you can use to
+extend the document, or individual operations and/or schemas, using the concept of _transformers_. Transformers provide a way
+for you to run custom code to modify the OpenAPI document as it is being generated, allowing you to add additional metadata.
+Transformers can either be registered as inline delegates or as types that implement the appropriate transformer interface
+(`IOpenApiDocumentTransformer`, `IOpenApiOperationTransformer` or `IOpenApiSchemaTransformer`). In the case of the interfaces,
+this allows you to implement types that use various additional services (e.g. `IConfiguration`) in your implementations and
+means they can be resolved from the dependency injection container used by your application.
+Here's an example of declaring and then using a document transformer:
+// Add a custom service to the DI container
+// Add services for generating OpenAPI documents and register a custom document transformer
+builder.Services.AddOpenApi(options =>
+ options.AddDocumentTransformer();
+// A custom implementation of IOpenApiDocumentTransformer that uses our custom service.
+// The type is activated from the DI container, so can use other services in the application.
+class MyDocumentTransformer(IMyService myService) : IOpenApiDocumentTransformer
+ public async Task TransformAsync(
+ OpenApiDocument document,
+ OpenApiDocumentTransformerContext context,
+ CancellationToken cancellationToken)
+ {
+ // Use myService to modify the document in some way...
+ }
+As another example of the power of these transformers, I've built a library of my own on top of these abstractions to add
+additional capabilities for my own APIs. The [OpenAPI Extensions for ASP.NET Core][openapi-extensions] library provides a
+number of transformers that can be used to add additional metadata to the OpenAPI document, such as support for generating
+rich examples for requests, responses and schemas.
+### Feature Gaps
+As a first release however, there are a few feature gaps compared to what developers may come to expect from an OpenAPI
+solution compared to NSwag and Swashbuckle.
+#### No User Interface
+Compared to the application templates that shipped with the .NET SDK in previous releases of ASP.NET Core, there is no
+built-in solution to render a user interface on top of the OpenAPI document that is generated.
+I don't think this is a major gap at this stage, as it's still possible to add a Swagger UI to your application with ease
+by continuing to use the [Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI][swashbuckle-ui] NuGet package to provide one. This NuGet package
+is independent from the rest of Swashbuckle, so can be used with the new OpenAPI library without any issues or bloat from
+including two implementations. From version 6.6.2 of Swashbuckle.AspNetCore, this package also supports native AoT, so
+doesn't compromise support for that either.
+#### No XML Comments
+For the .NET 9 release, there is no support for adding descriptions to the OpenAPI document from the XML documentation in
+your code. This is a feature that is [planned for a future release][aspnetcore-openapi-xml], likely .NET 10, but a preview
+of the feature is expected to be made available at some point before then.
+If this is critical for your application, you could investigate creating your own transformer to consume your XML
+documentation until then.
+#### No support for YAML documents
+While both the Microsoft.OpenApi library and NSwag support generating OpenAPI documents in YAML (unlike Swashbuckle), the
+Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi package currently only supports generating OpenAPI documents in JSON. This is a feature that
+could be added in a future release.
+This is again another piece of functionality I've added to my [OpenAPI Extensions for ASP.NET Core][openapi-extensions] library, so you
+could use that to generate YAML documents if you need to. It's enabled with a single line of code in your application:
+## Comparison with NSwag and Swashbuckle
+So how does the new Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi package compare to the existing NSwag and Swashbuckle libraries?
+While the goal of the library is not for 100% feature parity with either of the existing libraries, it does provide the
+majority of the same functionality that developers would expect from an OpenAPI library for ASP.NET Core applications.
+As noted above, the core gaps are support for XML comments and a built-in User Interface.
+If you'd like a more detailed comparison of the three libraries, you can check out this [GitHub repository][openapi-comparisons]
+that implements a Todo API and exposes equivalent OpenAPI documents for it using all three libraries. This should give you
+a good idea of how all three libraries express the same concepts and how you use them as an application developer.
+As an example, here's the code to add an OpenAPI document and customise the API info in all three implementations.
+One thing you'll notice that the same ability to customise the document is done through either similar concepts that are
+named either _transformers_ (ASP.NET Core), _processors_ (NSwag) or _filters_ (Swashbuckle).
+### Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi
+public static IServiceCollection AddAspNetCoreOpenApi(this IServiceCollection services)
+ services.AddOpenApi(options =>
+ {
+ options.AddDocumentTransformer((document, _, _) =>
+ {
+ document.Info.Title = "Todo API";
+ document.Info.Description = "An API for managing Todo items.";
+ document.Info.Version = "v1";
+ return Task.CompletedTask;
+ });
+ options.AddOperationTransformer(new AddExamplesTransformer());
+ });
+ return services;
+### NSwag
+public static IServiceCollection AddNSwagOpenApi(this IServiceCollection services)
+ services.AddOpenApiDocument(options =>
+ {
+ options.Title = "Todo API";
+ options.Description = "An API for managing Todo items.";
+ options.Version = "v1";
+ options.OperationProcessors.Add(new AddExamplesProcessor());
+ });
+ return services;
+### Swashbuckle
+public static IServiceCollection AddSwashbuckleOpenApi(this IServiceCollection services)
+ services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
+ {
+ var info = new OpenApiInfo
+ {
+ Title = "Todo API",
+ Description = "An API for managing Todo items.",
+ Version = "v1"
+ };
+ options.SwaggerDoc(info.Version, info);
+ options.OperationFilter();
+ });
+ return services;
+## Performance
+The last thing I thought I'd touch on in this blog post is performance. After I'd created the repository comparing the three
+implementations, I figured it would be interesting to benchmark them to compare how they perform when generating an OpenAPI document.
+### Preliminary Results with .NET 9 Preview 7
+After a detour off into setting up a continuous benchmarking process ([read about it here][continuous-benchmarks]),
+I set up some benchmarks for each library with [BenchmarkDotNet][benchmarkdotnet] to compare the performance. When I first set
+them up I was targeting the official Preview 7 release of .NET 9, and at a very high-level, these were the results I got:
+BenchmarkDotNet v0.14.0, Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
+AMD EPYC 7763, 1 CPU, 4 logical and 2 physical cores
+.NET SDK 9.0.100-preview.7.24406.8
+ [Host] : .NET 9.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
+ ShortRun : .NET 9.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
+Job=ShortRun IterationCount=3 LaunchCount=1
+| Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Gen0 | Gen1 | Gen2 | Allocated |
+|------------ |----------:|----------:|----------:|---------:|---------:|---------:|----------:|
+| AspNetCore | 10.988 ms | 13.319 ms | 0.7301 ms | 171.8750 | 140.6250 | 125.0000 | 6.02 MB |
+| NSwag | 12.269 ms | 2.276 ms | 0.1247 ms | 15.6250 | - | - | 1.55 MB |
+| Swashbuckle | 7.989 ms | 6.878 ms | 0.3770 ms | 15.6250 | - | - | 1.5 MB |
+As you can see from the data, the new OpenAPI package is roughly second along with NSwag in terms of performance, with Swashbuckle
+ahead by a few milliseconds. However the new ASP.NET Core OpenAPI is _way_ behind in terms of memory usage, using nearly 4 times as
+much as the other two libraries. You can also see from the graphs below from many runs over time with the preview 7 that there is
+a lot of variance in the OpenAPI package's performance, compared to the other two libraries which are much more stable.
+Not particularly great, but there's actually two interesting caveats to these benchmarks.
+The first is that [there is a bug][dotnet-aspnetcore-56990] in ASP.NET Core 9 Preview 7 that caused the OpenAPI document schemas to
+not be stable between generations - this was leading to a lot of unncessary work being done, and was causing a memory leak that
+eventually caused OpenAPI generation to stop working completely. Because of this issue, I had to cap the number of iterations the
+benchmarks ran as a short run via `[ShortRunJob]`, otherwise the benchmarks would grind to a halt. This is also the cause of the
+variance in the allocation numbers (the red line at the top of the first graph).
+The second caveat is that, by default, NSwag caches the OpenAPI document it generates, so out-of-the-box it will only ever generate
+the OpenAPI document once. For the sake of comparison, I [disabled the caching][disabled-caching] in NSwag so that the document was
+generated in full on each request. We _could_ level the playing field in the opposite direction by caching all three, but that's not
+interesting for a performance comparison/test as we'd effectively just be benchmarking the caching đ.
+### Gotta Go Fast đĻđ¨
+With some data to hand, I then took a look into what exactly the code was doing to see if there was anything obvious that could be
+fixed or improved to speed things up. What was invaluable in this process was the [EventPipe Profiler][benchmarkdotnet-profiler]
+that can be enabled in BenchmarkDotNet to capture a flame graph of the code being executed. Using [speedscope.app][speedscope] I
+was able to visualise the code paths that were being executed and see where the time was being spent. With this information, I was
+able to identify three different places where the OpenAPI generation was doing unnecessary work and causing the performance issues.
+#### Dictionary Lookups đĩī¸đ
+The first thing I found was that the code seemed to be spending a lot of time in the `Enumerable.All()` method. Digging into this
+further, I noticed that `IDictionary.Contains()` was being used in a number of places in the code along with the indexer.
+This is a known performance trap in .NET, with this pattern leading to a double look-up, which can be avoided by instead using the
+`TryGetValue()` method.
+In fact there's even a .NET analysis rule that covers this scenario: [CA1854][ca1854]. It turns out
+[there's a bug][dotnet-roslyn-analyzers-7369] in this analyser that doesn't catch certain patterns of usage, which is why it wasn't
+caught previously.
+Changing the code to use `TryGetValue()` instead was an easy enough change to make, but that didn't answer the question of why so
+much time was being spent in `All()` in the first place. The reason for this turned out to be due to the way the OpenAPI library
+was implementing [`IEqualityComparer`][iequalitycomparer] for the various types used to generate the OpenAPI document.
+Some custom equality comparers are implemented which are used to help test whether different OpenAPI schema "shapes" are equal to
+each other or not. These objects in some cases contain dozens of properties, some of which are themselves dictionaries or arrays,
+which can create a large object graph to traverse to compute the equality of.
+With some reordering to how the properties are computed based on expense/likelihood of being different, a lot of the cost of these
+comparisons can be avoided and make things much faster in the majority of cases.
+I opened [a pull request][dotnet-aspnetcore-57208] to address both of these items, which once merged caused all of the identified
+method calls to drop out of the hot path for the profiler traces in the benchmarks đĨ.
+#### Too Many Transformers đ¤
+After the fix for the unstable schemas and the above changes, I took another look at the traces from my benchmark runs and
+spotted one other anomaly from the data. Looking at the data, I noticed that [transformers were being created too often][dotnet-aspnetcore-57211].
+This was due to an issue with the lifetime and disposal of transformers, meaning that they were being created once per _schema_,
+rather than once per generation of the OpenAPI _document_. This then had not only the overhead of the additional work, but also
+an impact to memory usage and garbage collection.
+### Latest Results with .NET 9 RC.1
+After changes for the above issues were merged, I re-ran the benchmarks against the latest daily build of .NET 9 from their CI,
+as at the time of writing, .NET 9 RC.1 isn't officially available yet. I've [written about using daily builds before][daily-builds], so
+check out that post if you're interested.
+With the latest version of the .NET SDK from the .NET 9 CI (`9.0.100-rc.1.24452.12` at the time of writing) things are noticeably
+improved compared to preview 7:
+BenchmarkDotNet v0.14.0, Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)
+AMD EPYC 7763, 1 CPU, 4 logical and 2 physical cores
+.NET SDK 9.0.100-rc.1.24452.12
+ [Host] : .NET 9.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
+ DefaultJob : .NET 9.0.0 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
+| Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Median | Gen0 | Allocated |
+|------------ |-----------:|---------:|----------:|-----------:|--------:|-----------:|
+| AspNetCore | 981.9 us | 15.94 us | 30.34 us | 975.3 us | - | 326.64 KB |
+| NSwag | 4,570.8 us | 60.82 us | 53.92 us | 4,556.4 us | 15.6250 | 1588.43 KB |
+| Swashbuckle | 2,768.2 us | 52.00 us | 124.58 us | 2,721.2 us | 15.6250 | 1527 KB |
+As you can see compared to the previous results, the OpenAPI package is now the fastest of the three libraries.
+The new ASP.NET Core package beats both NSwag and Swashbuckle by a significant margin, both in terms of time _and_ memory. âĄ
+In fact it's almost **~2.8x** faster, and **~4.6x** less memory hungry that the nearest competitor.
+Compared to itself from preview 7, it's now **~11x** faster and allocates **~18x** less memory. That's a huge improvement! đ
+The caveats to note here:
+- `[ShortRunJob]` is no longer used, so the benchmarks run more iterations and are thus more accurate. This is why
+ the error bars are much smaller in the second series of graphs.
+- _All_ improvements between .NET 9 preview 7 and release candidate 1 are included, not just the fixes for OpenAPI.
+ This is most apparent from the major step down on the graph for all three libraries a few points in from the left.
+ This is where the benchmark project switches from using preview 7 to the daily RC1 builds.
+As ever, performance is relative to the environment used and your numbers might vary. However with a relatively stable
+environment (GitHub Actions' Ubuntu runners in this case), the graphs show consistent performance across multiple runs
+and a clear improvement as newer versions of .NET 9 are used. The useful data here is in the trends, not the absolute values.
+## Further Reading
+For more information on the new features in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi package, check out these ASP.NET Community Standup
+streams on YouTube. Here [Safia Abdalla][safia-abdalla], the engineer behind this new functionality, explains the new features
+in the package and how to use them in your applications:
+- [OpenAPI Updates in .NET 9][aspnetcore-openapi-stream-1]
+- [OpenAPI Updates in .NET 9 (Part 2)][aspnetcore-openapi-stream-2]
+The documentation for the package for ASP.NET Core 9 can be found in [Microsoft Learn][aspnetcore-openapi].
+## Summary
+All in all, the new ASP.NET Core OpenAPI package is a great addition to the ASP.NET Core ecosystem. It provides a modern and
+performant way to generate OpenAPI documents for your ASP.NET Core applications to cover the core use cases that developers need.
+While it may not yet be as feature-rich as existing libraries such as NSwag or Swashbuckle, it's better ability to keep up with
+the change of pace to ASP.NET Core now and in the future, such as support for native AoT, give it a strong foundation to build
+on going forwards, such as for future support for OpenAPI 3.1.
+Developers don't need to switch from their existing libraries to the new OpenAPI package if they're happy with their current
+implementation - the only compelling reason to switch is if you want to generate OpenAPI documents in a native AoT deployment.
+For those who do wish to switch (I have for a number of my apps), the migration is easiest for users of Swashbuckle.AspNetCore due
+to both libraries being built on top of the same OpenAPI.NET foundation.
+If you've not added OpenAPI documentation to an API before and are writing a new ASP.NET Core 9+ application, I'd recommend giving
+the library a try to see how it fits your needs. It's a great way to get started with OpenAPI documentation for your APIs!
+[aspnetcore-9]: https://learn.microsoft.com/aspnet/core/release-notes/aspnetcore-9.0 "What's new in ASP.NET Core 9.0"
+[aspnetcore-endpoints]: https://learn.microsoft.com/aspnet/core/fundamentals/routing "Routing in ASP.NET Core"
+[aspnetcore-openapi]: https://learn.microsoft.com/aspnet/core/fundamentals/openapi/aspnetcore-openapi?view=aspnetcore-9.0 "Work with OpenAPI documents on Microsoft Learn"
+[aspnetcore-openapi-stream-1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch/XoMese9g8WQ "ASP.NET Community Standup - OpenAPI Updates in .NET 9 on YouTube"
+[aspnetcore-openapi-stream-2]: https://www.youtube.com/watch/keK69Y5HqvY "ASP.NET Community Standup - OpenAPI Updates in .NET 9 (Part 2) on YouTube"
+[aspnetcore-openapi-xml]: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/39927#issuecomment-2233634912 "Support XML-based OpenAPI docs for minimal APIs"
+[benchmarkdotnet]: https://github.com/dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet "The BenchmarkDotNet repository on GitHub"
+[benchmarkdotnet-profiler]: https://benchmarkdotnet.org/articles/features/event-pipe-profiler.html "EventPipeProfiler"
+[benchmark-commit-preview7]: https://github.com/martincostello/aspnetcore-openapi/commit/fd5d79a12deeeda3abc10b61a80f2568bd38b381
+[benchmark-commit-rc1]: https://github.com/martincostello/aspnetcore-openapi/commit/6a09d0422eeeabe38cc4ea7655af04d5d7209d11
+[ca1854]: https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/fundamentals/code-analysis/quality-rules/CA1854 "Prefer the IDictionary.TryGetValue(TKey, out TValue) method"
+[continuous-benchmarks]: https://blog.martincostello.com/continuous-benchmarks-on-a-budget/
+[daily-builds]: https://blog.martincostello.com/upgrading-to-dotnet-8-part-5-preview-7-and-rc-1-2/ "Daily Build Testing"
+[disabled-caching]: https://github.com/martincostello/aspnetcore-openapi/blob/fd5d79a12deeeda3abc10b61a80f2568bd38b381/src/TodoApp/OpenApi/NSwag/NSwagOpenApiEndpoints.cs#L94-L97
+[dotnet-aspnetcore-56990]: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/56990 "OpenAPI schemas are not stable between generations"
+[dotnet-aspnetcore-57208]: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/pull/57208 "Use TryGetValue for dictionary lookups in OpenAPI comparers"
+[dotnet-aspnetcore-57211]: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/pull/57211 "OpenAPI activates transformers too many times"
+[dotnet-roslyn-analyzers-7369]: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn-analyzers/issues/7369 "CA1854 isn't catching cases that aren't directly part of an if statement"
+[example-aspnetcore]: https://github.com/martincostello/aspnetcore-openapi/blob/06b3aff0e5023cce8a5c8599507b4d974aedf37b/src/TodoApp/OpenApi/AspNetCore/AspNetCoreOpenApiEndpoints.cs
+[example-nswag]: https://github.com/martincostello/aspnetcore-openapi/blob/06b3aff0e5023cce8a5c8599507b4d974aedf37b/src/TodoApp/OpenApi/NSwag/NSwagOpenApiEndpoints.cs
+[example-swashbuckle]: https://github.com/martincostello/aspnetcore-openapi/blob/06b3aff0e5023cce8a5c8599507b4d974aedf37b/src/TodoApp/OpenApi/Swashbuckle/SwashbuckleOpenApiEndpoints.cs
+[iequalitycomparer]: https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.collections.generic.iequalitycomparer-1 "IEqualityComparer Interface"
+[json-schema-exporter]: https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/main/release-notes/9.0/preview/preview6/libraries.md#jsonschemaexporter "JsonSchemaExporter"
+[linting]: https://learn.microsoft.com/aspnet/core/fundamentals/openapi/aspnetcore-openapi?view=aspnetcore-9.0#lint-generated-openapi-documents-with-spectral "Lint generated OpenAPI documents with Spectral"
+[microsoft-aspnetcore-openapi]: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi "The Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi package on NuGet.org"
+[m-e-apidescription-server]: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server/ "The Microsoft.Extensions.ApiDescription.Server package on NuGet.org"
+[microsoft-openapi]: https://github.com/microsoft/OpenAPI.NET "The OpenAPI.NET repository on GitHub"
+[native-aot]: https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/deploying/native-aot "Native AOT deployment"
+[nswag]: https://github.com/RicoSuter/NSwag "The NSwag repository on GitHub"
+[openapi]: https://swagger.io/docs/specification/about/ "What Is OpenAPI?"
+[openapi-comparisons]: https://github.com/martincostello/aspnetcore-openapi "A GitHub repository comparing OpenAPI implementations for ASP.NET Core"
+[openapi-extensions]: https://github.com/martincostello/openapi-extensions "The OpenAPI Extensions repository on GitHub"
+[openapi-specification]: https://swagger.io/specification/ "The OpenAPI specification"
+[safia-abdalla]: https://github.com/captainsafia "@captainsafia on GitHub"
+[spectral]: https://github.com/stoplightio/spectral "The Spectral repository on GitHub"
+[speedscope]: https://www.speedscope.app/ "speedscope"
+[swagger-ui]: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui "The Swagger UI repository on GitHub"
+[swashbuckle]: https://github.com/domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle.AspNetCore "The Swashbuckle.AspNetCore repository on GitHub"
+[swashbuckle-maintainers]: https://github.com/domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle.AspNetCore/discussions/2778 "Swashbuckle.AspNetCore maintainers announcement"
+[swashbuckle-ui]: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI "The Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI package on NuGet.org"
diff --git a/source/2024-09-23-continuous-benchmarks-on-a-budget.html.md b/source/2024-09-23-continuous-benchmarks-on-a-budget.html.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b259990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/2024-09-23-continuous-benchmarks-on-a-budget.html.md
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+title: "Continuous Benchmarks on a Budget"
+date: 2024-09-23
+tags: actions,benchmarks,benchmarkdotnet,ci,dotnet,github
+layout: bloglayout
+description: "Using GitHub Actions, GitHub Pages and Blazor to run and visualise continuous benchmarks with BenchmarkDotNet with zero hosting costs."
+image: "https://cdn.martincostello.com/blog_benchmarks-regression.png"
+Over the last few months I've been doing a bunch of testing with the [new OpenAPI support in .NET 9][openapi-post].
+As part of that testing, I wanted to take a look at how the performance of the new libraries compared to the existing
+open source libraries for OpenAPI support in .NET, the most popular including [NSwag][nswag] and [Swashbuckle.AspNetCore][swashbuckle].
+It's fairly easy to get up and running writing some benchmarks using [BenchmarkDotNet][benchmarkdotnet], but it's often a task
+that you need to sit down and do manually when you have the need, and then gets forgotten about as time goes on. Because of that,
+I thought it would be a fun mini-project to set up some automation to run the benchmarks on a continuous basis so that I could
+monitor the performance of my open source projects easily going forwards.
+In this post I'll cover how I went about setting up a continuous benchmarking pipeline using GitHub Actions, [GitHub Pages][github-pages]
+and [Blazor][blazor] to run and visualise the results of the benchmarks on a "good enough" basis without needing to spend any money__*__
+on infrastructure.
+_*Unless you want to use this with GitHub Enterprise Server or non-public repositories. More information about this later._
+## The Ideal
+In an ideal world, we'd all have access to a dedicated performance lab, with a number of dedicated high-specification physical
+machines that we could use to run benchmarks on a regular basis. We could generate reams of data from these benchmarks, and then
+ingest that data into a data warehousing solution and run reports, generate dashboards and much more to monitor performance metrics
+for the software we're building.
+The .NET team is an engineering team with the budget for such a setup, and they have engineers dedicated to performance testing
+and the supporting infrastructure needed to run them. For example they have a [dashboard][aspnetcore-benchmarks-dashboard] using
+[Power BI][power-bi] that they use to track the performance of the ASP.NET Core framework over time using dozens of benchmarks for
+[ASP.NET Core][aspnetcore-benchmarks-code] and the [.NET Runtime][dotnet-performance] that the product engineers can use to test
+the impact of changes they make, and are run on a regular basis to identify regressions. You can read more about their
+[benchmarks][aspnetcore-benchmarks-docs] in GitHub.
+As great as that would be, we're not all the likes of Microsoft, especially in the open source world. I don't know about you, but
+I certainly don't have the budget to maintain a dedicated performance lab, physical or virtual, and a data warehouse to run on top
+of it. How can we as open source software developers leverage the free tools available to us today to achieve something similar in
+spirit to an Enterprise-level solution that still gives us value?
+## Prior Art and Inspiration
+I'm a big fan of [GitHub Actions][github-actions], and use it for all of my own software projects to build and deploy my software,
+as well to automate other tasks like [applying monthly .NET SDK updates][dotnet-automated-patching] or housekeeping tasks like
+[clearing out old Azure Container Registry images][acr-housekeeping]. GitHub Actions also comes with a generous free tier for public
+repositories - at the time of writing you get unlimited minutes for running GitHub Actions workflows, capped at
+[20 concurrent jobs][github-actions-limits] for Linux and Windows runners (macOS is less generous, at 5).
+GitHub Actions isn't ever going to be a like-for-like replacement for dedicated performance machines, especially on the free tier
+rather than with custom dedicated runners, but it's a great alternative. We can't rely on these runners to give us accurate _absolute_
+benchmark results (i.e. how fast can my code possibly ever go), but we can use them to give us good _relative_ benchmark results to
+produce trends over time. There will still be an element of noise in the results due to the shared nature of the runners because
+we have no control over the underlying hardware they run on, so they may change unexpectedly over time as the service is upgraded,
+but that's a trade-off that can be balanced against the usefulness of such an architecture for a _"budget performance lab"_.
+Given that, my first thought was that someone must have already written a GitHub Action to run benchmarks and collect the data for
+them. Indeed, that was the case and the action I found that ended up being a major source of inspiration for my own setup was the
+[benchmark-action/github-action-benchmark][publisher-inspiration] action.
+The action supports 10 existing performance testing tools, including BenchmarkDotNet for .NET, other tools for Go, Java and Python,
+as well as custom tools. The action ingests the output of these tools, summarises the results into a JSON document, and then
+pushes the results into a GitHub repository. It also commits static assets like HTML, CSS and JavaScript files to the repository
+alongside the results so that you can view the results in a web browser. The static pages include charts generated using [Chart.js][chart-js]
+so that you can view trends in the data over time and spot regressions. The action can also be configured to comment on pull requests
+or commits if it determines that a regression has occurred in the benchmark data, removing some of the burden of needing to watch
+for changes by eye.
+By setting up a [GitHub Pages][github-pages] site to serve a website for the content of the repository, you can use the static HTML
+files to visualise the results of the benchmarks in a browser. GitHub Pages is free to use, so using a public GitHub repository (free)
+to store the data in conjunction with GitHub Pages to view the results (free) and GitHub Actions to run BenchmarkDotNet to generate the
+results (free), you can see how we've got all the pieces in place to host a continuous benchmarking solution without needing a budget for
+any hardware, infrastructure or hosting.
+## The Solution
+OK, so if there's already an action do to all of this, why did I go and write my own version of it? While the existing action is great,
+because it's focused on multiple different tools, there's an element of _least common denominator_ to the features it has. The key feature
+that it lacked for BenchmarkDotNet was the ability to visualise memory allocations in the charts in addition to the time/duration for
+the benchmarks. There were also a number of minor other things I wanted to be able to do that the existing action didn't support out-of-the-box,
+like customing Git commit details.
+While the UI it provides by default is functional, and it's possible to create your own custom UI to visualise the data, the JavaScript to
+generate the dashboards hasn't really been designed with testability and extensibility in mind (in my opinion). As I started to customise
+the provided code over a week or so to meet my needs, I found I was often breaking it with unintentional regressions, and it was difficult
+to test in the form it's provided in by default.
+With that in mind, I decided I would create my own fork-in-spirit of the original action, but with a focus on BenchmarkDotNet. This would
+allow me to customise the UI to my needs, and to make it more testable and extensible in the future. Also, a new side-project is always a
+fun excuse to learn some new technology!
+### Storing the Data
+The first part of the solution, the data storage, is the easiest part. For this, all I needed to do was create a new public GitHub repository
+([martincostello/benchmarks][benchmarks-data], how imaginative). For the design, the repository uses its branches to represent branches in
+the source repository, with the data for each specific repository stored in a directory named after the repository. The data is then stored
+in JSON files checked into the repository, providing a history of the benchmark data over time that can be tracked using standard Git tools.
+Using a dedicated repository for the data has a number of benefits:
+- All the data is stored in one repository, making it easy to access and query (and potentially migrate in the future if I need to change the data format);
+- The benchmark results do not affect the Git history of the source repository;
+- The dashboard can be deployed and versioned independently of the data - otherwise there'd be a lot of churn in the repository as the data is pushed.
+The main trade-off here, compared to storing data in the source repository, is that each repository generating benchmark results needs to
+have a GitHub access token configured that has write access to the data repository. This is just a minor inconvenience in terms of needing
+to add it to the neccessary repositories, rather than security concern. There's nothing stored in the data repository other than the data
+and GitHub files (README etc.).
+### Generating the Benchmarks
+For the second part of the solution, I created a new custom GitHub Action based on the existing action: [martincostello/benchmarkdotnet-results-publisher][publisher-action]
+The action is written in TypeScript, so it runs as a native JavaScript action in GitHub Actions workflows, rather than needing any
+additional software to be installed on a GitHub Actions runner.
+Some of the improvements I made for my version of the action include:
+- Add data points for memory allocations when present to the Benchmark.NET results' JSON;
+- Support for customising the Git commit message and author details;
+- Pushing the data to the repository using the GitHub API to avoid the need to clone the data repository;
+- Pushing the data as valid JSON, rather than as a JavaScript object literal assigned to a `window` global variable.
+With the action published, the next step is to use it to generate the benchmark results from the source repositories.
+I won't get into the specifics of writing the actual benchmarks using BenchmarkDotNet, but the key part is a GitHub Actions workflow
+([example][benchmarks-workflow]) that runs the benchmarks using a GitHub-hosted Linux runner. At the time of writing, these use Ubuntu
+22.04 using x64 processors and have 1 CPU with 4 logical cores. The workflow then uses the action once the benchmarks have been run
+to publish the results to the [benchmarks repository][benchmarks-data]. The workflow runs for all pushes to a number of branches in the
+repository, as well as being able to be run on-demand if needed.
+I've chosen not to run the benchmarks on every pull request for a few reasons:
+- Pull requests from forks and from Dependabot do not have access to secrets - this means the data cannot be pushed to the other repository;
+- I don't want to tie-up a lot of my GitHub Actions capacity running the benchmarks for all PRs given that most pull requests are unlikely
+ to change the performance characteristics of the code;
+- If a regression is detected post-merge ([like this][regression-comment]), I can easily investigate the cause after-the-fact and either fix-forward or revert the change.
+The only requirement over basic BenchmarkDotNet usage is that the benchmarks need to be run with the `--exporters json` option to
+generate the benchmark results in JSON format. This is for the action to use to generate the summarised data for the dashboard.
+### Visualising the Data
+The final piece of the puzzle is [the dashboard to visualise the data][benchmarks-site]. I've been looking for a good excuse to try
+writing something using [Blazor][blazor] for a while, but I've never had a good reason to do so that would have otherwise needed a
+re-architecture of an existing web application of mine. This seemed like a great opportunity to give it a try and learn something new.
+As the dashboard is hosted in a GitHub Pages site, there's no back-end to the application, so a Blazor WebAssembly (WASM) application
+is the only avenue open to developing a Blazor application in this context.
+I wouldn't consider myself a web developer (centering `div`s is always hard, somehow), but I found Blazor to basically be _"React with C#"_,
+so given my comfort with C# and .NET development it was relatively easy to pick up once I got my head around a few new concepts
+(the render cycle, etc.). The difference between the original HTML with embedded JavaScript and my new Blazor version is night and day.
+I was also able to use [.NET Aspire][dotnet-aspire] as a good source of inspiration and practices for writing Blazor applications as the
+Aspire Dashboard is itself a Blazor application (albeit not Blazor WASM). It was also the source of inspiration I used for moving from
+Chart.js to [Plotly][plotly] for the charts in the dashboard so that I could add error bars to the data points from the benchmarks.
+It was also an opportunity to look into [bUnit][bunit] for testing the dashboard. I won't go on a tangent about bUnit, other than to say
+I was really impressed with how it plugged into the existing .NET test ecosystem I'm familiar with using [xunit][xunit]. It was really easy
+for me to add unit tests for the components and pages and get good coverage of the codebase ([80%+][code-coverage]) with existing tools like
+[coverlet][coverlet] and [ReportGenerator][report-generator] to publish to [codecov.io][codecov].
+I was able to signficantly extend the original kernel of the dashboard idea from the github-action-benchmark action to include a number
+of additional features that I wanted to be able to use. These included:
+- Viewing all data from a single HTML page, not matter the repository or branch;
+- Being able to load the data using the GitHub API to support storing the data in a different repository;
+- Support for GitHub Enterprise Server or internal/private repositories (we can build and deploy copies of the dashboard onto my
+ employer's GitHub Enterprise Server instance for teams to use internally);
+- GitHub authentication using [device flow][github-device-flow] to increase the rate limits for the GitHub API and support the above;
+- Deep-linking to specific repositories/branches/charts;
+- Downloading the charts as images for use elsewhere (like in blog posts or GitHub issues).
+You can find the source code for the dashboard in the [martincostello/benchmarks-dashboard][benchmarks-dashboard] repository.
+If you'd like to host your own version, you can either fork it and modify it to your needs and deploy from there, or you could use the
+repository via a [Git submodule][git-submodule] in your own repository to host the dashboard in a subdirectory of your repository and
+then customise the build process and change the configuration etc. before you deploy it. The submodule approach is what I've used to
+deploy an orange-themed version of the dashboard for use in GitHub Enterprise Server at my employer for some internal repositories.
+#### The No-Cost Exception
+The device flow support is the one exception to the "no cost" rule for the solution. As a client-side application with no back-end, the
+normal GitHub OAuth flow cannot be used to authenticate a user to obtain an access token for the GitHub API as it would expose the client
+secret to the browser. The [device flow][github-device-flow] is a way to authenticate the user without needing a secret, but it does not
+support CORS, so it's not possible to use it directly from a browser. To work around this, I added an endpoint to an existing API of mine
+to proxy the device flow requests to GitHub with CORS support and then return the access token to the client.
+This doesn't cost me anything _extra_ as I already had a running piece of unrelated infrastructure that I could use for this purpose. If you
+wanted to run this solution yourself with GitHub Enterprise Server, or private repositories, you would similarly need to deploy (or extend)
+some infrastructure to proxy the device flow.
+Similarly, I added a custom domain to the GitHub Pages site, but this was again a cost I already had for my domain and DNS, so wasn't an
+_additional_ cost. It's still possible to use the default GitHub Pages domain to host the site, you just don't get the custom/vanity URL
+to serve it over.
+> â ī¸ If you need to use device flow with non-public repositories hosted in GitHub.com, you should do so over a custom domain so that you
+> can restrict the allowed hosts for CORS to your domain, as otherwise you would need to allow it for the entire GitHub Pages domain, or
+> otherwise restrict it somehow (e.g. by referrer or IP address).
+### The End Result
+With all the pieces in place, at a high-level the solution looks something like this:
+Which for the end-user (i.e. me) gives a nice interactive dashboard to visualise the results like this:
+I've set up a demo repository ([martincostello/benchmarks-demo][benchmarks-demo]) that you can use as an inspiration for setting
+up some Benchmark.NET benchmarks and then using a GitHub Actions workflow to run them and publish them to another repository.
+## Concrete Results
+So with this solution in place, what have I been able to achieve with it so far?
+First, the dashboard was incredibly useful to track the fixes for a number of performance improvements in the new ASP.NET Core OpenAPI
+library. These are covered in more detail in [my previous blog post][openapi-post], but the dashboard was invaluable in tracking the
+effect of the changes on the performance of the library over time as changes were made, particularly when ASP.NET Core 9 Release Candidate 1
+was released.
+The second concrete outcome from using the dashboard was the discovery of a performance regression in the .NET Runtime in .NET 9.
+With the release of .NET 9 RC1 on the 10th of September 2024, I updated a number of my own applications to use the new version of the runtime
+as RC1 is the first preview of .NET 9 with "go-live" support. After updating a number of applications and deploying them to my "production"
+environments, I took a look at the dashboard to review any changes in the performance of the applications.
+I expected a good number of the benchmarks to show that the time taken for the benchmarks had reduced and/or used less memory. This was the
+case for the majority of the benchmarks, but there was one benchmark that bucked the trend and went in the wrong direction.
+Going back to the chart shown at the top of this blog post, you can see that the red line denoting memory usage has a noticeable,
+and consistent, uptick a few commits ago:
+If we hover over the first data point in the uptick, we can see that the change is from the upgrade from .NET 8 to .NET 9 RC1:
+I hadn't spotted this regression previously as the benchmark data is something I'd started collecting relatively recently, and the trends
+didn't go back far enough to show the regression at the time it was made through my testing of the .NET 9 pre-releases. It was only when
+I merged the upgrade to `main` and the data I'd started collecting in that branch for .NET 8 was the difference apparent.
+The regression also escaped the regression comment functionality of the GitHub Action. The memory used compared to the previous commit was
+~106% - this is lower than the default threshold of 200% (i.e. double, carried through from [github-action-benchmark][publisher-inspiration])
+to avoid noisy false positives from variance in the performance of the GitHub Actions runners. When I've been running these benchmarks
+for a bit longer, I might revisit this threshold to see if it can be lowered (either by changing the config, or maybe the default itself)
+to avoid missing such regressions in the future. In this case, it was manual review that spotted it, rather than anything automated.
+The [specific benchmark][regression-benchmark] calls [an endpoint][regression-endpoint] that as I use as the health endpoint in a number of
+my applications for containers deployed to Azure App Service. The endpoint uses `JsonObject` to return a JSON payload that contains a number
+of useful properties about the application, such as the Git commit it was built from, the version of .NET its running, etc. This isn't an area
+I would have expected to see a regression, but also isn't on a critical path, so wouldn't have been particularly noticeable in usage of the
+applications themselves. It also turned out not to be an anomaly, as the same endpoint is present in several of my applications copy-pasted,
+and each one showed the same regression.
+I figured it would be worth raising the issue with the .NET team, so I created a more pared-down version of the benchmark. The original benchmark
+is an "end-to-end" benchmark that calls the endpoint over HTTP, so I extracted the body of the endpoint into a separate method and then benchmarked
+it in isolation. By itself, the same code showed the same regression, but without being compensated for by improvements elsewhere in the .NET
+9 runtime and ASP.NET Core 9, the regression was relatively significant. Compared to .NET 8, the memory usage had increased by 70% and the time
+taken to run the benchmark had increased by 90%. Ouch.
+I raised the issue with the .NET team, and they were able to identify the cause of the regression as part of
+[adding suport for explicit ordering of the properties of `JsonObject`][json-ordering]: [dotnet/runtime#107869][runtime-regression].
+The issue was fixed just three days later, and will be included in release candidate 2 of .NET 9 in October. The team also added new benchmarks
+to their existing suite to ensure that such a regression in this area doesn't slip by in the future.
+I think both these examples of otherwise unnoticed issues demonstrate the usefulness of having a continuous benchmarking solution in place!
+## Summary
+In this post I've covered how I set up a continuous benchmarking solution using GitHub Actions, GitHub Pages and Blazor to run and visualise
+the results of BenchmarkDotNet benchmarks without needing to spend any money on hardware, software or infrastructure. The solution is good
+enough to provide a consistent relative view of the performance of the software I maintain over time, and to spot any regressions in their performance.
+I'm looking forward to see what changes, and any issues, this setup might reveal in 2025 and beyond once .NET 10 development kicks off.
+If you'd like to run your own copy of this solution, or if you have suggestions about how to improve or extend it, feel free to open an issue
+in either the [action][publisher-action] or [dashboard][benchmarks-dashboard] repositories. I'd also be curious to hear about any other issues
+you might find that you wouldn't have otherwise noticed if you adopt this approach for your own code projects.
+I hope you've found this post interesting and its given you some inspiration to add a similar capability to your own workflows. đĄ
+[acr-housekeeping]: https://github.com/martincostello/github-automation/blob/adf8d8b14b6b8ac7be8ca8f30614ac4dfb137642/.github/workflows/acr-housekeeping.yml "A GitHub Actions workflow to clean up ACR images"
+[aspnetcore-benchmarks-dashboard]: https://aka.ms/aspnet/benchmarks "ASP.NET Core Benchmarks Power BI Dashboard"
+[aspnetcore-benchmarks-code]: https://github.com/aspnet/Benchmarks "ASP.NET Core Benchmarks on GitHub"
+[aspnetcore-benchmarks-docs]: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/blob/main/docs/Benchmarks.md "ASP.NET Core Benchmarks on GitHub"
+[benchmarkdotnet]: https://github.com/dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet "The BenchmarkDotNet repository on GitHub"
+[benchmarks-dashboard]: https://github.com/martincostello/benchmarks-dashboard "Benchmarks dashboard repository on GitHub"
+[benchmarks-data]: https://github.com/martincostello/benchmarks "Benchmarks data repository on GitHub"
+[benchmarks-demo]: https://github.com/martincostello/benchmarks-demo "Benchmarks demo repository on GitHub"
+[benchmarks-site]: https://benchmarks.martincostello.com/ "Benchmarks dashboard deployed to GitHub Pages"
+[benchmarks-workflow]: https://github.com/martincostello/api/blob/main/.github/workflows/benchmark-ci.yml "GitHub Actions workflow to run the benchmarks"
+[blazor]: https://learn.microsoft.com/aspnet/core/blazor/ "ASP.NET Core Blazor"
+[bunit]: https://bunit.dev/ "bUnit: a testing library for Blazor components"
+[chart-js]: https://www.chartjs.org "Chart.js website"
+[codecov]: https://about.codecov.io/ "Codecov website"
+[code-coverage]: https://app.codecov.io/gh/martincostello/benchmarks-dashboard "Code coverage for the benchmarks dashboard"
+[coverlet]: https://github.com/coverlet-coverage/coverlet "The Coverlet repository on GitHub"
+[dotnet-aspire]: https://github.com/dotnet/aspire "The .NET Aspire repository on GitHub"
+[dotnet-automated-patching]: https://www.youtube.com/live/pOeT1otTi4M?si=9OEq-rm_DTopVNd1&t=172 "On .NET Live - Effortless .NET updates with GitHub Actions"
+[dotnet-performance]: https://github.com/dotnet/performance "The dotnet/performance repository on GitHub"
+[git-submodule]: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules "Git Tools - Submodules"
+[github-actions]: https://github.com/features/actions "GitHub Actions"
+[github-actions-limits]: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/administering-github-actions/usage-limits-billing-and-administration "GitHub Actions usage limits, billing and administration"
+[github-device-flow]: https://docs.github.com/apps/oauth-apps/building-oauth-apps/authorizing-oauth-apps#device-flow "GitHub Device Flow documentation"
+[github-pages]: https://pages.github.com/ "GitHub Pages"
+[json-ordering]: https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/main/release-notes/9.0/preview/preview6/libraries.md#ordering-jsonobject-properties "Ordering JsonObject properties"
+[nswag]: https://github.com/RicoSuter/NSwag "The NSwag repository on GitHub"
+[openapi-post]: https://blog.martincostello.com/whats-new-for-openapi-with-dotnet-9/ "What's New for OpenAPI with .NET 9"
+[plotly]: https://plotly.com/javascript/ "Plotly JavaScript Open Source Graphing Library"
+[power-bi]: https://learn.microsoft.com/power-bi/fundamentals/power-bi-overview "What is Power BI?"
+[publisher-action]: https://github.com/martincostello/benchmarkdotnet-results-publisher "The benchmarkdotnet-results-publisher repository on GitHub"
+[publisher-inspiration]: https://github.com/benchmark-action/github-action-benchmark "The github-action-benchmark repository on GitHub"
+[regression-benchmark]: https://github.com/martincostello/api/blob/28fc4e2a9267e98303ff896e5e3a1da292201d2b/tests/API.Benchmarks/ApiBenchmarks.cs#L42-L44 "The benchmark that regressed"
+[regression-comment]: https://github.com/martincostello/project-euler/pull/335#issuecomment-2302688319 "Example of a comment on a pull request for a regression"
+[regression-endpoint]: https://github.com/martincostello/api/blob/28fc4e2a9267e98303ff896e5e3a1da292201d2b/src/API/ApiModule.cs#L85-L114 "The endpoint that regressed"
+[report-generator]: https://github.com/danielpalme/ReportGenerator "The ReportGenerator repository on GitHub"
+[runtime-regression]: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/107869 "Performance regression with JsonObject creation by +70%"
+[swashbuckle]: https://github.com/domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle.AspNetCore "The Swashbuckle.AspNetCore repository on GitHub"
+[xunit]: https://xunit.net/ "xUnit.net"