My solution to COMP90024 Cluster and Cloud Computing Assignment 1.
Implement a simple, parallelized application leveraging the University of Melbourne HPC facility SPARTAN. The application will search a large geocoded Twitter dataset to identify tweet hotspots around Melbourne.
├── data
├──── melbGrid.json # melbourne coordinates box
├──── tinyTwitter.json # array of twitter json data
├──── smallTwitter.json # array of twitter json data (bigger than tinyTwitter.json)
├── output # output result from slurm job
├── slurm-job #
├──── # slurm job with 1 node and 1 core configuration
├──── # slurm job with 1 node and 8 core configuration
├──── # slurm job with 2 node and 8 core configuration
├── .gitignore
├── # main python script
brew install mpich
VirtualEnv is a way to create isolated Python environments for every project and VirtualEnvWrapper "wraps" the virtualenv API to make it more user friendly.
$ pip install pip --upgrade
$ pip install virtualenv
$ pip install virtualenvwrapper
To complete the virtualenv setup process, put the following in you ~/.bash_profile
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/
The following commands will ensure you have the Python dependencies installed inside your virtualenv
$ mkvirtualenv hpc-project --python=python3
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
For example run in parallel with 4 node
$ mpiexec -n 4