- BUGFIX: Fix menu button for chrome. #47
- FEATURE: Add animation link hover scss mixin. #46
- FEATURE: Add window scroll js component. #45
- FEATURE: Add animated menu button mixin. #44
- FEATURE: Add animated link scss mixin. #43
- FEATURE: Add default options to register component. #42
- BUGFIX: Fix path to index.js of library. #39
- ENHANCEMENT: Mark lazy.js implementation as experimental. #38
- ENHANCEMENT: Remove jQuery as dependency of web core js. #38
- ENHANCEMENT: Change api request to use json instead of html. #37
- FEATURE: Add support for multiple arguments in service call. #36
- ENHANCEMENT: Rename src folder to js. #35
- ENHANCEMENT: Add package-json.lock file to gitignore. #41
- FEATURE: Added truncate component. #32
- FEATURE: Added dot dot dot scss mixin. #31
- FEATURE: Added return of instance in startComponent. #30
- FEATURE: Added mediaOnly mixin. #28
- FEATURE: Added contaiiner link scss mixin. #26
- BUGFIX: Define jquery as peer dependency. #23
- BUGFIX: Show correct stack trace for failed component start. #24
- ENHANCEMENT: Add closeOnEsc to expand and toggle class instead of display. #19
- BUGFIX: Fix media mixin to use the correct pixels and allow multiple lists. #16
- FEATURE: Add map math mixin. #14
- BUGFIX: Fix expand component when element have multiple classes. #15
- FEATURE: Add media scss mixin. #13
- FEATURE: Add service to load google map library. #12
- FEATURE: Add skew scss mixin. #4
- ENHANCEMENT: Add eslint and stylelint with circle ci. #11
- FEATURE: Add expand js component. #6
- FEATURE: Add container link js component. #7
- BUGFIX: Fix context of call services. #9
- FEATURE: Add service to communicate with apis. #5
- FEATURE: Sort order of methods in core.js. Added gitignore file. #3
- FEATURE Add lazy load prototype.
- FEATURE Initial component and service logic.