diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d3c3756ab9..a189b099ed 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,50 +1,42 @@
-# React Todo App with API (complete)
-It is the third part of the React Todo App with API.
-Take your code implemented for [Add and Delete](https://github.com/mate-academy/react_todo-app-add-and-delete)
-and implement the ability to toggle and rename todos.
-> Here is [the working example](https://mate-academy.github.io/react_todo-app-with-api/)
-## Toggling a todo status
-Toggle the `completed` status on `TodoStatus` change:
-- Install Prettier Extention and use this [VSCode settings](https://mate-academy.github.io/fe-program/tools/vscode/settings.json) to enable format on save.
-- covered the todo with a loader overlay while waiting for API response;
-- the status should be changed on success;
-- show the `Unable to update a todo` notification in case of API error.
-Add the ability to toggle the completed status of all the todos with the `toggleAll` checkbox:
-- `toggleAll` button should have `active` class only if all the todos are completed;
-- `toggleAll` click changes its status to the opposite one, and sets this new status to all the todos;
-- it should work the same as several individual updates of the todos which statuses were actually changed;
-- do send requests for the todos that were not changed;
-## Renaming a todo
-Implement the ability to edit a todo title on double click:
-- show the edit form instead of the title and remove button;
-- saves changes on the form submit (just press `Enter`);
-- save changes when the field loses focus (`onBlur`);
-- if the new title is the same as the old one just cancel editing;
-- cancel editing on `Esс` key `keyup` event;
-- if the new title is empty delete the todo the same way the `x` button does it;
-- if the title was changed show the loader while waiting for the API response;
-- update the todo title on success;
-- show `Unable to update a todo` in case of API error;
-- or the deletion error message if we tried to delete the todo.
-## If you want to enable tests
-- open `cypress/integration/page.spec.js`
-- replace `describe.skip` with `describe` for the root `describe`
-> ❗❗All tests should pass, even if some behaviour in not well explained in the task❗❗
+## Demo
+- Link to Live Demo: [DEMO LINK](https://pikalovandrey.github.io/react_todo-app-with-api/)
+# React Todo App with API
+## Project Description
+This project implements the ability to toggle and rename tasks in a React-based Todo application. It focuses on enhancing user interaction with tasks while building upon the previously established functionalities of adding and deleting todos.
+## Achievements and Implemented Features
+### Toggling Todos
+- **Toggle Status**: Users can change the `completed` status of each todo item.
+ - Added a loader overlay to indicate loading while waiting for the API response.
+ - The todo status is updated upon successful API call.
+ - Displays an error notification ("Unable to update a todo") in case of an API error.
+- **Toggle All**: A checkbox that allows users to toggle the completion status of all todos simultaneously.
+ - The checkbox has an `active` class only if all todos are completed.
+ - Clicking the checkbox changes its status and updates all todos accordingly.
+ - The API sends requests only for the todos whose statuses actually changed.
+### Renaming Todos
+- **Edit on Double Click**: Users can rename a todo by double-clicking on it.
+ - An edit form appears in place of the title and remove button.
+ - Changes are saved on form submission (by pressing `Enter`) or when the field loses focus (`onBlur`).
+ - If the new title matches the old one, editing is canceled.
+ - Pressing `Esc` cancels the editing process.
+ - If the new title is empty, the todo is deleted in the same way as with the remove button.
+ - A loader is displayed while waiting for the API response upon title change.
+ - Updates the todo title on success, with error notifications for any issues.
+## Technologies Used
+- React
+- TypeScript
+- CSS (Sass)
+- Axios for API calls
## Instructions
-- Implement a solution following the [React task guideline](https://github.com/mate-academy/react_task-guideline#react-tasks-guideline).
-- Use the [React TypeScript cheat sheet](https://mate-academy.github.io/fe-program/js/extra/react-typescript).
-- Replace `` with your Github username in the [DEMO LINK](https://.github.io/react_todo-app-with-api/) and add it to the PR description.
+1. Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory.
+2. Install dependencies using `npm install`.
+3. Start the development server with `npm start`.
+4. Open the application in your browser at `http://localhost:3000`.
diff --git a/src/App.tsx b/src/App.tsx
index 81e011f432..2b0f077ac4 100644
--- a/src/App.tsx
+++ b/src/App.tsx
@@ -1,26 +1,87 @@
-/* eslint-disable max-len */
-/* eslint-disable jsx-a11y/control-has-associated-label */
-import React from 'react';
-import { UserWarning } from './UserWarning';
-const USER_ID = 0;
+import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
+import { FilterOptions, ErrorMessages } from './enums/';
+import { filteredTodos, loadTodos } from './utils/';
+import { Header, Footer, TodoList, Errors } from './components/';
+import { useTodos } from './hooks/useTodos';
export const App: React.FC = () => {
- if (!USER_ID) {
- return ;
- }
+ const [filter, setFilter] = useState(FilterOptions.ALL);
+ const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState(ErrorMessages.NO_ERRORS);
+ const {
+ todos,
+ tempTodo,
+ loadingTodosCount,
+ inputRef,
+ inputValue,
+ handleSubmit,
+ handleUpdateTodo,
+ handleTodoDelete,
+ setTodos,
+ handleTodosToggle,
+ handleTodoToggle,
+ handleCompletedTodosDeleted,
+ handleInputChange,
+ } = useTodos(setErrorMessage);
+ const todosAfterFiltering = useMemo(
+ () => filteredTodos(todos, filter),
+ [todos, filter],
+ );
+ const completedTodos = useMemo(
+ () => todos.filter(todo => todo.completed),
+ [todos],
+ );
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (inputRef.current) {
+ inputRef.current.focus();
+ }
+ }, [todos, inputRef]);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ loadTodos(setTodos, setErrorMessage);
+ }, [setTodos]);
return (