t6 is a "Data-first" IoT platform to connect physical Objects with time-series DB and perform Data Analysis. Please referes to CONTRIBUTING.md in case you would like to help :-)
Physical World are composed by your sensors and actuators, real physical Objects/Devices. In t6, physical Objects needs* a virtual Object as a reference in t6 and then, they are able to add Data to Flows.
* : remain optional
Sample nodeMCU and Arduino scripts are available in the sensors repository and on t6iot Arduino library.
Detailed Api documentation will help you to connect your sensors to t6.
Installing t6 on your own server is easy, follow the installation guide on Wiki page.
More detailed explanation on is also available.
Object->>t6 Sockets: basic auth
t6 Sockets-->>Object: welcome message
t6 Sockets-->>Object: claim request
Object->>t6 Sockets: claim Object
t6 Sockets-->>Object: claimed
loop As many as wished
Object->>t6 Sockets: channel subscribe
Object->>t6 Sockets: channel unsubscribe
t6 Sockets-->>Object: channels
User->>+Object: Http GET /index
Object-->>+User: html Ui and assets
User->>t6 Sockets: Http /unsubscribe
t6 Sockets-->>User: channels
loop Custom frequency
t6 Sockets->>Object: measureRequest
Object-->>t6 Rest Api: Http POST /api/v2.0.1/data
Object-->>t6 Sockets: remindMeToMeasure
t6 is available on the Android Google Play Store for free. This Application is using exactly the same code and Api from this repository.
Some additional Application screenshots.
Please refers to CONTRIBUTING.md in case you would like to help & contribute :-)