Matheval is a mathematical expressions evaluator library written in C#. Allows to evaluate mathematical, boolean, string and datetime expressions
Code is written in pure C#, run on the fly. We don't use any third party libraries or packages
If you get any bugs please let me know by creating a new issue.
Many thanks to our contributors:
Thanhrin (from Da Nang, VietNam)
Eduardo Salinas (from Huesca, Spain)
Using Package Manager
PM> Install-Package org.matheval -Version
Operator | Description |
+ | Additive operator / Unary plus / Concatenate string / Datetime addition |
& | Concatenate string |
– | Subtraction operator / Unary minus / Datetime subtraction |
* | Multiplication operator, can be omitted in front of an open bracket |
/ | Division operator |
% | Remainder operator (Modulo) |
^ | Power operator |
Conditional statement | Description |
IF(logical_condition, value_if_true, value_if_false) | Example: `IF(2>1,"Pass","Fail")` |
SWITCH(expression, val1,result1, [val2,result2], …, [default]) | Example: `SWITCH(3+2,5,"Apple",7,"Mango",3,"Good","N/A")` |
Function* | Description |
AND(logical1, [logical2], …) | Determine if all conditions are TRUE |
OR(logical1, [logical2], …) | Determine if any conditions in a test are TRUE |
NOT(_logical_) | To confirm one value is not equal to another |
XOR(logical1, [logical2], …) | Exclusive OR function |
SUM(number1, [number2],…) | Return sum of numbers supplied |
AVERAGE(number1, [number2],…) | Return average of numbers supplied |
MIN(number1, [number2],…) | Return the smallest value from the numbers supplied |
MAX(number1, [number2],…) | Return the biggest value from the numbers supplied |
MOD(number, divisor) | Get remainder of two given numbers after division operator. |
ROUND(number, num_digits) | Returns the rounded approximation of given number using half-even rounding mode ( you can change to another rounding mode) |
FLOOR(number, significance) | Rounds a given number towards zero to the nearest multiple of a specified significance |
`CEILING`(number, significance) | Rounds a given number away from zero, to the nearest multiple of a given number |
POWER(number, power) | Returns the result of a number raised to a given power |
RAND() | Produces a random number between 0 and 1 |
SIN(number) | Returns the trigonometric sine of the angle given in radians |
SINH(number) | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number |
ASIN(number) | Returns the arc sine of an angle, in the range of -pi/2 through pi/2 |
COS(number) | Returns the trigonometric cos of the angle given in radians |
COSH(number) | Returns the hyperbolic cos of a number |
ACOS(number) | Returns the arc cosine of an angle, in the range of 0.0 through pi |
TAN(number) | Returns the tangent of the angle given in radians |
TANH(number) | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number |
ATAN(number) | Returns the arc tangent of an angle given in radians |
ATAN2(x_number, y_number) | Returns the arctangent from x- and y-coordinates |
COT(number) | Returns the cotangent of an angle given in radians. |
COTH(number) | Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of a number |
SQRT(number) | Returns the correctly rounded positive square root of given number |
LN(number) | Returns the natural logarithm (base _e_) of given number |
LOG10(number) | Returns the logarithm (base 10) of given number |
EXP(number) | Returns e raised to the power of given number |
ABS(number) | Returns the absolute value of given number |
FACT(number) | Returns the factorial of a given number |
SEC(number) | Returns the secant of an angle given in radians |
CSC(number) | Returns the cosecant of an angle given in radians |
PI() | Return value of Pi |
RADIANS(degrees) | Convert degrees to radians |
DEGREES(radians) | Convert radians to degrees |
INT(number) | Returns the Integer value of given number |
Constant | Description |
e | The value of _e_ |
PI | The value of _PI_ |
TRUE | The boolean true value |
FALSE | The boolean false value |
NULL | The null value |
Function | Description |
LEFT(text, num_chars) | Extracts a given number of characters from the left side of a supplied text string |
RIGHT(text, num_chars) | Extracts a given number of characters from the right side of a supplied text string |
MID(text, start_num, num_chars) | Extracts a given number of characters from the middle of a supplied text string |
REVERSE(text) | Reverse a string |
ISNUMBER(text) | Check if a value is a number |
LOWER(text) | Converts all letters in the specified string to lowercase |
UPPER(text) | Converts all letters in the specified string to uppercase |
PROPER(text) | Capitalizes words given text string |
TRIM(text) | Removes extra spaces from text |
LEN(text) | Returns the length of a string/ text |
TEXT(value, [format_text]) | Convert a numeric value into a text string. You can use the TEXT function to embed formatted numbers inside text
TEXT(123) -> 123
TEXT(DATEVALUE("2021-01-23"),"dd-MM-yyyy") -> 23-01-2021
TEXT(2.61,"hh:mm") -> 14:38
TEXT(2.61,"[hh]") -> 62
TEXT(2.61,"hh-mm-ss") -> 14-38-24
TEXT(DATEVALUE("2021-01-03")-DATEVALUE("2021-01-01"),"[h]") -> 48
TEXT(TIME(12,00,00)-TIME(10,30,10),"hh hours and mm minutes and ss seconds") -> "01 hours and 29 minutes and 50 seconds"
`TEXT(TIME(12,00,00)-TIME(10,30,10),"hh hours and mm minutes and ss seconds") -> "01 hours and 29 minutes and 50 seconds"`` |
REPLACE(old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text) | Replaces characters specified by location in a given text string with another text string |
SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text) | Replaces a set of characters with another |
FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num]) | Returns the location of a substring in a string (case sensitive) |
SEARCH(find_text, within_text, [start_num]) | Returns the location of a substring in a string (case insensitive) |
CONCAT(text1, text2, text3,…) | Combines the text from multiple strings |
ISBLANK(text) | Returns TRUE when a given string is null or empty, otherwise return FALSE |
REPT(text, repeat_time) | Repeats characters a given number of times |
CHAR(char_code) | Return character from ascii code |
CODE(char) | Returns a ascii code of a character |
VALUE(text) | Convert numbers stored as text to numbers |
using System;
using org.matheval;
public class Program
public static void Main()
Expression expression = new Expression("(a + b) / 2 ");
expression.Bind("a", 3);
Object value = expression.Eval();
Console.WriteLine("Result: "+value); //Result: 4
using System;
using org.matheval;
public class Program
public static void Main()
Expression expression = new Expression("IF(time>8, (HOUR_SALARY*8) + (HOUR_SALARY*1.25*(time-8)), HOUR_SALARY*time)");
//bind variable
expression.Bind("HOUR_SALARY", 10);
expression.Bind("time", 9);
Decimal salary = expression.Eval<Decimal>();
Console.WriteLine(salary); //return 92.5
Expression expr = new Expression("SWITCH(name,1,'apple',2,'mango',3,'banana','N/A')");
//Bind variable
expr.Bind("name", 2);
String value = expr.Eval<String>(); //return "mango"
Expression expression = new Expression("SUM(1,2,3) + true");
List<String> errors = expression.GetError();
if(errors.Count > 0)
foreach(String error in errors)
Expression expression = new Expression("sin(pi/2+x)-cos(x) = a");
//validate expression
List<String> errors = expression.GetError();
if (errors.Count == 0)
// get variables
List<String> variables = expression.getVariables();
foreach (String variable in variables)
Console.WriteLine(variable); // will print x, a
Expression expression = new Expression();
Expression expression = new Expression();
expression.DisableFunction(new string[] { "SIN", "COS" });
Scale and rounding mode
Use setScale() method to set number of digits to the right of the decimal point. Use setRoundingMode() method to set rounding mode. You can choose 1 of the following options:
Expression expression = new Expression("pi/2");
Decimal value = expression.Eval<Decimal>();//return 1.571
Expression expr = new Expression("MIN(a,b,c)");
expr.Bind("a", 2);
expr.Bind("b", 3);
expr.Bind("c", 16);
int value = expr.Eval<int>(); // return 2
Expression expr = new Expression("MAX(a)");
expr.Bind("a", new List<Decimal> { 10m, 9.6m, 135, 724.2m, 6m, -4m });
Decimal value = expr.Eval<Decimal>(); // return 724.2
Expression expr = new Expression("SUM(a,b,c)");
expr.Bind("a", 2d);
expr.Bind("b", 3d);
expr.Bind("c", 16d);
Double sum = expr.Eval<Double>(); // return 21
Double avg = expr.Eval<Double>(); // return 7
Expression expr = new Expression("SUM(a)");
expr.Bind("a", new List<Decimal> { 2m, 3m, 16m });
Decimal sum = expr.Eval<Decimal>(); // return 21
Decimal avg = expr.Eval<Decimal>(); // return 7
using System;
using org.matheval;
public class Program
public static void Main()
Expression expr = new Expression("MIN(2,3,16)");
int min = expr.Eval<int>();
Console.WriteLine(min);// return 2 (min)
int max = expr.Eval<int>();
Console.WriteLine(max);// return 16 (max)
decimal sum = expr.Eval<decimal>();
Console.WriteLine(sum);// return 21 (sum)
decimal average = expr.Eval<decimal>();
Console.WriteLine(average);// return 7 (average)
using System;
using org.matheval;
public class Program
public static void Main()
Expression expr = new Expression("ROUND(2.149, 1)");
Object value = expr.Eval<Decimal>();
Console.WriteLine("ROUND(2.149, 1) = "+value); //return 2.1
expr = new Expression("FLOOR(2.149)");
value = expr.Eval();
Console.WriteLine("FLOOR(2.149) = "+value); //return 2
expr = new Expression("FLOOR(3.7,2)");
value = expr.Eval();
Console.WriteLine("FLOOR(3.7,2) = "+value); //return 2
expr = new Expression("CEILING(2.149)");
value = expr.Eval();
Console.WriteLine("CEILING(2.149) = "+value); //return 3
expr = new Expression("CEILING(1.5, 0.1)");
value = expr.Eval();
Console.WriteLine("CEILING(1.5, 0.1) = "+value); //return 1.5
Expression expr = new Expression('SIN(PI())^2+COS(PI())^2');
Object value = expr.Eval(); //return 1
Expression expr = new Expression("sin(a) - cos(a) = SQRT(2) * sin(a - pi / 4)");
bool value = expr.Bind("a", Math.PI/5).Eval<bool>(); //return true
using System;
using org.matheval;
public class Program
public static void Main()
Expression expr = new Expression("tan(a)^3-((3*sin(a)-sin(3*a))/(3*cos(a)+cos(3*a)))");
Decimal value = expr.Bind("a", Math.PI/6).Eval<Decimal>();
Console.WriteLine(value); //return 0
Expression expr = new Expression("3--2+--3-(-(++2))");
Object value = expr.Eval(); //return 10
using System;
using org.matheval;
public class Program
public static void Main()
Expression taxExpr = new Expression("IF(LOWER(TAX_CODE)='vat',amount*10/100,IF(LOWER(TAX_CODE)='gst',amount*15/100,0))");
taxExpr.Bind("amount", 5005m);
Decimal value = taxExpr.Eval<Decimal>();
Expression expr = new Expression("IF(VALUE(LEFT(date,4))<2020,'n/a','generation of ' & LEFT(date,4))");
expr.Bind("date", "2022-01-20");
String value = expr.Eval<String>();
Expression taxExpr = new Expression("IF(LOWER(TAX_CODE)='vat',amount*10/100,IF(LOWER(TAX_CODE)='gst',amount*15/100,0))");
taxExpr.Bind("amount", 5005m);
Decimal value = taxExpr.Eval<Decimal>();
using System;
using org.matheval;
public class Program
public static void Main()
Expression expr = new Expression("CONCAT('The United States of ', 'America')");
String value = expr.Eval<String>();
Console.WriteLine(value);//The United States of America
December 30, 1899 date system
We use 1899 date system, the first day that is supported is December 30, 1899. Any date you supply to this library will be converted into a serial number that represents the number of elapsed days starting from December 30, 1899. Look at the sample below:
Expression expr = new Expression("DATETIME(2025,01,02,12,11,10)");
Decimal serialDate = expr.Eval<Decimal>(); // return 45659.507755 (days elapsed from December 30, 1899)
DateTime datetime = expr.Eval<DateTime>(); // return 2025/01/02 12:11:10
Expression expr = new Expression("NETWORKDAYS(B5,C5)");
new DateTime[] {
new DateTime(2017,11,23),
new DateTime(2017, 12, 25),
new DateTime(2018, 1, 1)
expr.SetWeekends(new Int32[] { 1, 2, 3 }); //Sunday = 0, ..., Saturday = 6
expr.Bind("B5", new DateTime(2017, 1, 15));
expr.Bind("C5", new DateTime(2018, 1, 21));
Decimal value = expr.Eval<Decimal>(); //return 212
Expression expr = new Expression("NETWORKDAYS(DATEVALUE('2021-03-30'),DATEVALUE('2022-05-16'))");
int value = expr.Eval<int>(); // return 295
Expression expr = new Expression("NETWORKDAYS(startdate,enddate)");
expr.Bind("startdate", new DateTime(2021, 08, 11));
expr.Bind("enddate", new DateTime(2021, 10, 4));
Object value = expr.Eval(); // return 39
Expression expr = new Expression("DATEDIF(DATEVALUE('2021-01-31'),DATEVALUE('2029-08-29'),'Y')");
Object value = expr.Eval(); // return 8
Expression expr = new Expression("DATEDIF(DATEVALUE('2021-01-31'),DATEVALUE('2029-08-29'),'M')");
Object value = expr.Eval(); // return 102
Expression expr = new Expression("DATEDIF(DATEVALUE('2021-01-31'),DATEVALUE('2029-08-29'),'D')");
Object value = expr.Eval(); // return 3132
Expression expr = new Expression("DATEDIF(DATEVALUE('2021-01-31'),DATEVALUE('2029-08-29'),'MD')");
Object value = expr.Eval(); // return 29
Expression expr = new Expression("DATETIME(2021,2,28,15,50,0)-DATETIME(2021,2,21,23,0,0)");
Decimal value = expr.Eval<Decimal>(); // return 6.70139 (days)
Expression expr = new Expression("(DATETIME(2021,2,28,15,50,0)-DATETIME(2021,2,21,23,0,0))*24");
Decimal value = expr.Eval<Decimal>(); // return 160.8 (hours)
Expression expr = new Expression("(DATETIME(2021,2,28,15,50,0)-DATETIME(2021,2,21,23,0,0))*24*60");
Decimal value = expr.Eval<Decimal>(); // return 9650 (mins)
Expression expr = new Expression("DATETIME(2021,2,28,15,50,0)-DATETIME(2021,2,21,23,0,0)");
Object value = expr.Eval(); // return 6.701389 (days)
Expression expr = new Expression("DATETIME(2021,2,28,15,50,0)-DATETIME(2021,2,21,23,0,0)");
Object value = expr.Eval(); // return 6.701389 (days)
Expression expr = new Expression("DATE(2021,2,28)-DATE(2021,2,21)");
Object value = expr.Eval(); // return 7 (days)
Expression expr = new Expression("DATE(2021,9,20)+3");
DateTime value = expr.Eval<DateTime>(); // return 2021-09-23
Expression expr = new Expression("TIME(10,10,0)+TIME(10,10,0)");
TimeSpan value = expr.Eval<TimeSpan>(); // return 20:20:00
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