Simple quiz app built using Flask and Python - React on the Front-End
Basic description of user actions
- Um, obvious but I'll fill this out more later. Just basic functionality for now. Add, edit, and delete quiz questions. No fancy functionality yet, like user auth, question groups, or stats.
Description of fields
- question_id
- question_text
- question_choice_a
- question_choice_b
- question_choice_c
- question_choice_d
- question_answer
HTML pages displaying questions and forms
- View list of all questions
- View a question with its choices, radio buttons for choices, and a submit button to check if it's correct
- Create new question
- Edit existing question
Miscellaneous thoughts
- Questions can belong to different question sets so you can drill specific concepts
- Show a progress bar so user can see what question they're on and how many they have left
- View stats at the end of taking the quiz so user can see how well they did