1.x versions of react-native-theoplayer work with 4.x versions of the iOS THEOplayer SDK (THEOplayerSDK-basic). If you need a specific feature like Google IMA, Goolge DAI or Chromecast, you need to use a custom THEOplayerSDK xcframework for iOS and change the dependency of the react-native-package on the THEOplayerSDK-basic pod into a dependency on that custom xcframework build.
This does not apply to 2.x versions of react-native-theoplayer, because they rely on the 5.x series of the native iOS THEOplayer SDK (THEOplayerSDK-core). Making use of additional features is in that case done by adding specific feature flags to the react-native-theoplayer.json file, which results in loading additional integrations onto the SDK.
The next sections discuss how to add a custom 4.x xcframework to a react-native-theoplayer 1.x setup:
Create in your application's ios folder a new folder named TheoSDK, to store the custom xcframeworks ([YourApplicationFolder]/ios/TheoSdk). This should be at the same level as the Podfile of your application ([YourApplicationFolder]/ios/Podfile)
Generate the custom xcframeworks (with the required features) on portal.theoplayer.com, and
- copy the generated xcframework for iOS to [YourApplicationFolder]/ios/TheoSdk/Frameworks/ios/THEOplayerSDK.xcframework.
- copy the generated xcframework for tvOS to [YourApplicationFolder]/ios/TheoSdk/Frameworks/tvos/THEOplayerSDK.xcframework.
Add a new THEOplayerSDK-basic.podspec file to the new TheoSDK folder ([YourApplicationFolder]/ios/THEOplayerSDK-basic.podspec) with the following example contents (below has Ads feature added in the custom build):
Pod::Spec.new do |s|
s.name = "THEOplayerSDK-basic"
s.version = "1.0"
s.summary = "A custom build of THEOplayerSDK"
s.description = "A custom build of THEOplayerSDK"
s.homepage = "https://theoplayer.com"
s.license = "MIT"
s.author = { "THEO" => "[email protected]" }
s.source = { :git => "https://www.theoplayer.com/.git", :tag => "#{s.version}" }
s.platforms = { :ios => "12.0", :tvos => "12.0" }
### Set custom player SDK
s.ios.vendored_frameworks = 'Frameworks/ios/THEOplayerSDK.xcframework
s.tvos.vendored_frameworks = 'Frameworks/tvos/THEOplayerSDK.xcframework
### Set Ads dependencies
s.ios.dependency "GoogleAds-IMA-iOS-SDK", "3.18.4"
s.tvos.dependency "GoogleAds-IMA-tvOS-SDK", "4.8.2"
Make sure the paths in the podspec point to your downloaded xcframeworks, which should be good when following the above steps.
In your application's Podfile, located at [YourApplicationFolder]/ios/Podfile, add the following line to redirect all dependencies for the THEOplayerSDK-basic within your project to the newly created podspec:
pod 'THEOplayerSDK-basic', :path => './TheoSDK'
When using a custom 4.x SDK for THEOplayer, the react-native-theoplayer package needs to be notified of the features that were added to that custom build. You can specify the features that were added to the custom build in a file in your application folder:
Create/modify the json file located at [YourApplicationFolder]/react-native-theoplayer.json (Should be same level as the node_modules folder)
Edit the file to reflect your custom features (all uppercase, with dashes replaced by underscores):
"ios": {
"features": [
- WEB Indicates a 4.x custom build is used
- GOOGLE_IMA enables the Google IMA functionality in the 4.x SDK
- GOOGLE_DAI enables the Google DAI functionality in the 4.x SDK
- CHROMECAST enables the chromecsting functionality in the 4.x SDK
Make sure to add the 'WEB' feature to indicate a custom 4.x build is being used. Otherwise a more recent 5.x player will be loaded.
Run pod install to update the SDK dependencies in your application. This will regenerate the pod project for your application that now depends on the generated xcframeworks and supports the indicated features.
> cd [YourProjectFolder]/ios
> pod install