All changes to the log analytics integration will be documented in this file.
- Added call home configuration for the artifactory fluent configuration.
- Repo layout fixes
- Support for Helm
- Readme updates
- Bug fixes
- Updated docker chart queries to monitor dockerhub rate limiting.
- Updated fluentd config, added new chart widgets and an alert to monitor dockerhub rate limiting.
- Fixing issue with ip_address in access logs having space and . at the end
- Updated Prometheus and Grafana installation to use the Prometheus community kube-prometheus-stack. Added drill down options to charts.
- [BREAKING] Prometheus fluentd configs updated to use JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL env.
- Prometheus repo now submodule of parent log-analytics
- [No Prometheus] Adding JFrog Pipelines fluent configuration files to capture logs
- [No Prometheus] Adding JFrog Mission Control fluent configuration files to capture logs
- [No Prometheus] Adding JFrog Distribution fluent configuration files to capture logs
- Splunk updates to launch new version of Splunkbase app v1.1.0
- Removing the need for user to specify splunk host , user, and token twice
- Fixing issue with regex on the audit security log
- Fixed issue with the repo and image when not docker api url
- Initial release of Jfrog Logs Analytic integration