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Prometheus + Grafana Log Metrics for Artifactory 7

The following describes how to configure Prometheus and Grafana to gather metrics from Artifactory and Xray through the use of FluentD. The setup and configuration of Prometheus and Grafana uses Helm for Kubernetes and makes use of the Prometheus community operator helm chart.

In order to use this with Artifactory 6, please see: artifactory 6.

version artifactory xray distribution mission_control pipelines
0.9.0 7.12.5 3.15.1 N/A N/A N/A
0.8.0 7.11.5 3.8.6 N/A N/A N/A
0.7.2 7.10.2 3.8.6 N/A N/A N/A
0.7.1 7.10.2 3.8.6 N/A N/A N/A
0.6.1 7.7.8 3.8.6 N/A N/A N/A
0.6.0 7.7.8 3.8.6 N/A N/A N/A
0.5.0 7.7.3 3.8.0 N/A N/A N/A
0.4.0 7.7.3 3.8.0 N/A N/A N/A
0.3.0 7.7.3 3.8.0 N/A N/A N/A
0.2.0 7.7.3 3.8.0 N/A N/A N/A
0.1.1 7.6.3 3.6.2 N/A N/A N/A

Installing Prometheus and Grafana on Kubernetes

The Prometheus Community kube-prometheus-stack helm chart allows the creation of Prometheus instances and includes Grafana.

Install via Helm 3:

Add the Helm Repositories:

helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update

Install the chart via Helm 3:

helm install jfrog-prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --set prometheus.prometheusSpec.serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues=false

Install the chart via Helm 2:

helm install --name jfrog-prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --set prometheus.prometheusSpec.serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues=false

Artifactory + Metrics via Helm ⎈

For Artifactory Pro/Pro-x use the artifactory-values.yaml file.

For Enterprise/Ent+ use the artifactory-ha-values.yaml file.

You can apply them to your helm install examples below:

Artifactory ⎈:

helm upgrade --install artifactory-ha  jfrog/artifactory-ha \
       --set artifactory.joinKey=EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE \
       -f helm/artifactory-values.yaml

Artifactory-HA ⎈:

helm upgrade --install artifactory-ha  jfrog/artifactory-ha \
       --set artifactory.joinKey=EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE \
       -f helm/artifactory-ha-values.yaml

Note the above examples are only references you will need additional parameters to configure TLS, binary blob storage, or other common Artifactory features.

This will complete the necessary configuration for Artifactory and expose a new service monitor servicemonitor-artifactory to expose metrics to Prometheus.

Xray + Metrics via Helm ⎈

To install Xray with Prometheus metrics being exposed use our file helm/xray-values.yaml to expose a metrics and new service monitor to Prometheus.

Xray ⎈:

helm upgrade --install xray jfrog/xray --set xray.jfrogUrl=http://my-artifactory-nginx-url \
       -f helm/xray-values.yaml

Securing the Metrics Interface

For production use in scenarios where Artifactory or Xray are not deployed to the same cluster/network as your Prometheus + Grafana, the metrics interfaces provided by the FluentD Prometheus Plugin should be secured using TLS. This is done by adding transport tls section to the input plugin @type prometheus within the provided configuration files.

  @type prometheus
  <transport tls>
    # TLS parameters...

The following example sets up the Metrics Interface on HTTPS.

<transport tls>
  cert_path /path/to/jfrog.crt
  private_key_path /path/to/jfrog.key
  private_key_passphrase pass

For client verification (Prometheus or ServiceMonitor as the client), you can also configure the Metrics Interface to validate using the client_cert_auth parameter.

<transport tls>
  cert_path /path/to/jfrog.crt
  private_key_path /path/to/jfrog.key
  private_key_passphrase pass
  client_cert_auth true

For documentation on how to set up Prometheus for TLS using NGINX see here.

Grafana Dashboard

Example dashboards are included in the grafana directory. These include:

  • Artifactory Dashboard
  • Xray Dashboard
  • Artifactory & Xray Drill Downs Dashboard (This dashboard supports the drill down features in the Artifactory and Xray dashboards.)

dashboard-1 dashboard-2

Metrics Collected

All metrics are collected and can be queried using PromQL.

Metric Product Type Labels Description
jfrog_rt_data_download_total Artifactory counter host, remote_address, repo, response_content_length, data_download Data download in bytes.
jfrog_rt_data_upload_total Artifactory counter host, remote_address, repo, request_content_length, data_download Data upload in bytes.
jfrog_rt_req_total Artifactory counter host, remote_address, repo, artifact, request_url, return_status, docker_repo, docker_image Requests to Artifactory.
jfrog_rt_log_level_total Artifactory counter host, log_level Logging level counter (ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG).
jfrog_rt_service_message_total Artifactory counter host, message Service message and counts.
jfrog_rt_access_total Artifactory counter host, username, action_response Artifactory user access and response counter.
jfrog_rt_access_audit_total Artifactory counter host, user, event_type, event Artifactory user event counter.
jfrog_xray_req Xray counter host, remote_address, request_url, return_status Requests to Xray.
jfrog_xray_log_level Xray counter host, log_level Logging level counter (ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG).

Manual Configuration

Manual configuration has been deprecated for Helm ⎈.

Sections below are maintained for reference purposes.

Environment Configuration

The environment variable JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL must be defined to the correct location.

Helm based installs will already have this defined based upon the underlying docker images.

For non-k8s based installations below is a reference to the Docker image locations per product. Note these locations may be different based upon the installation location chosen.

export JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL=/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/
export JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL=/var/opt/jfrog/xray/

FluentD Configuration

The following steps describe how to configure FluentD to gather metrics for Prometheus.

  1. Install the FluentD Prometheus Plugin.
  2. Use the appropriate FluentD configuration file.
    • fluent.conf.rt - Artifactory version 7 server
    • fluent.conf.rt6 - Artifactory version 6 server
    • fluent.conf.xray - Xray server (3.x+)
  3. Replace <TOKEN> with your personal bearer token both times it occurs in the configuration file.*
  4. Copy the configuration file to /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf
  5. Restart td-agent.
  6. In order to expose the /metrics interface for Prometheus to scrape, apply the appropriate *-metrics-service.yaml.
kubectl apply -f k8s/artifactory-ha-member-metrics-service.yaml
  1. The /metrics interface is now available at http://:24231/metrics metrics

* For information on authentication with a bearer token with artifactory, please visit Bearer Token Authentication

Configuring Prometheus to Gather Metrics from Artifactory and Xray on K8s

The following steps create ServiceMonitor(s) to gather metrics. The ServiceMonitor resource tells Prometheus where the metrics service. This metrics service provides the metrics data for the Prometheus "scrapes".

  1. Create the appropriate ServiceMonitor for your JFrog servers to gather metrics.
kubectl apply -f k8s/servicemonitor-*.yaml

kubectl apply -f k8s/servicemonitor-artifactory-ha-member.yaml
  1. Go to the web UI of the Prometheus instance create in Step 1 and verify the Targets list shows the new ServiceMonitor. targets __
  2. Finally, go to Grafana to add your Prometheus instance as a datasource. datasource

Exposing Prometheus, Grafana and FluentD Metrics Interface for Testing

For testing purposes, you may want to expose Prometheus, Grafana and the FluentD Metrics interface. A test-only-expose.yaml provides an example of how to do this:

kubectl apply -f k8s/test-only-expose.yaml

Fluentd HA Setup

Due to the nature of Prometheus pulling metrics a traditional fluentd ha setup with aggregator server is not supported. Artifactory & Xray HA setup is supported by installation of fluentd per node.
