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Global Keybindings

Keybinding Event Name Description
M-p toggle-message-preview Toggle message preview
F2 toggle-channel-list-visibility Toggle channel list visibility
F3 toggle-expanded-channel-topics Toggle display of expanded channel topics
C-Right next-team Switch to the next available team
C-Left prev-team Switch to the previous available team
(unbound) move-current-team-left Move the current team to the left in the team list
(unbound) move-current-team-right Move the current team to the right in the team list
C-q quit Quit

Help Page

Keybinding Event Name Description
Up scroll-up Scroll up
Down scroll-down Scroll down
PgUp page-up Page up
PgDown page-down Page down
Esc, C-c cancel Close the help window
End, M-> scroll-bottom Scroll to the end of the help
Home, M-< scroll-top Scroll to the beginning of the help

Main Interface

Keybinding Event Name Description
F1 show-help Show this help screen
C-g enter-fast-select Enter fast channel selection mode
C-Up channel-list-scroll-up Scroll up in the channel list
C-Down channel-list-scroll-down Scroll down in the channel list
F4 cycle-channel-list-sorting Cycle through channel list sorting modes
M-o change-message-editor-focus Cycle between message editors when a thread is open
C-n focus-next-channel Change to the next channel in the channel list
C-p focus-prev-channel Change to the previous channel in the channel list
M-a focus-next-unread Change to the next channel with unread messages or return to the channel marked '~'
(unbound) focus-next-unread-user-or-channel Change to the next channel with unread messages preferring direct messages
M-s focus-last-channel Change to the most recently-focused channel
M-l clear-unread Clear the current channel's unread / edited indicators
M-8 show-flagged-posts View currently flagged posts
C-s select-mode Select a message to edit/reply/delete
PgUp page-up Page up in the message list (enters message select mode)
S-Home select-oldest-message Scroll to top of message list
C-o enter-url-open Select and open a URL from the current message list

Message Editing

Keybinding Event Name Description
M-e toggle-multiline Toggle multi-line message compose mode
Esc, C-c cancel Cancel autocomplete, message reply, or edit, in that order
M-k invoke-editor Invoke $EDITOR to edit the current message
Tab (non-customizable key) Tab-complete forward
BackTab (non-customizable key) Tab-complete backward
C-x show-attachment-list Show the attachment list
Enter (non-customizable key) Send the current message
Up scroll-up Scroll up in the channel input history
Down scroll-down Scroll down in the channel input history
C-r reply-recent Reply to the most recent message

Text Editing

Keybinding Event Name Description
C-t editor-transpose-chars Transpose the final two characters
C-a editor-beginning-of-line Go to the start of the current line
C-e editor-end-of-line Go to the end of the current line
C-d editor-delete-char Delete the character at the cursor
C-u editor-kill-to-beginning-of-line Delete from the cursor to the start of the current line
C-f editor-next-char Move one character to the right
C-b editor-prev-char Move one character to the left
M-f editor-next-word Move one word to the right
M-b editor-prev-word Move one word to the left
C-w, M-Backspace editor-delete-prev-word Delete the word to the left of the cursor
M-d editor-delete-next-word Delete the word to the right of the cursor
Home editor-home Move the cursor to the beginning of the input
End editor-end Move the cursor to the end of the input
C-k editor-kill-to-end-of-line Kill the line to the right of the current position and copy it
C-y editor-yank Paste the current buffer contents at the cursor

Channel Select Mode

Keybinding Event Name Description
Enter (non-customizable key) Switch to selected channel
Esc, C-c cancel Cancel channel selection
C-n focus-next-channel Select next match
C-p focus-prev-channel Select previous match
Down focus-next-channel-alternate Select next match (alternate binding)
Up focus-prev-channel-alternate Select previous match (alternate binding)

Message Select Mode

Keybinding Event Name Description
Esc, C-c cancel Cancel message selection
k, Up select-up Select the previous message
j, Down select-down Select the next message
Home, M-< scroll-top Scroll to top and select the oldest message
End, M-> scroll-bottom Scroll to bottom and select the latest message
PgUp page-up Move the cursor up by 10 messages
PgDown page-down Move the cursor down by 10 messages
o open-message-url Open all URLs in the selected message
r reply-message Begin composing a reply to the selected message
e edit-message Begin editing the selected message
d delete-message Delete the selected message (with confirmation)
y yank-message Copy a verbatim section or message to the clipboard
Y yank-whole-message Copy an entire message to the clipboard
p pin-message Toggle whether the selected message is pinned
f flag-message Flag the selected message
v view-message View the selected message
t open-thread Open the selected message's thread in a thread window
Enter fetch-for-gap Fetch messages for the selected gap
a react-to-message Post a reaction to the selected message
l copy-post-link Copy a post's link to the clipboard
O open-message-in-editor Open the message's source in $EDITOR

User Listings

Keybinding Event Name Description
Esc, C-c cancel Close the user search list
C-p, Up search-select-up Select the previous user
C-n, Down search-select-down Select the next user
PgDown page-down Page down in the user list
PgUp page-up Page up in the user list
Enter activate-list-item Interact with the selected user

URL Select Mode

Keybinding Event Name Description
Enter (non-customizable key) Open the selected URL, if any
s save-attachment Save the selected attachment
Esc, C-c cancel Cancel URL selection
k, Up select-up Move cursor up
j, Down select-down Move cursor down
q (non-customizable key) Cancel URL selection

Theme List Window

Keybinding Event Name Description
Esc, C-c cancel Close the theme list
C-p, Up search-select-up Select the previous theme
C-n, Down search-select-down Select the next theme
PgDown page-down Page down in the theme list
PgUp page-up Page up in the theme list
Enter activate-list-item Switch to the selected color theme

Channel Search Window

Keybinding Event Name Description
Esc, C-c cancel Close the channel search list
C-p, Up search-select-up Select the previous channel
C-n, Down search-select-down Select the next channel
PgDown page-down Page down in the channel list
PgUp page-up Page up in the channel list
Enter activate-list-item Join the selected channel

Message Viewer: Common

Keybinding Event Name Description
Esc, C-c cancel Close window
Tab select-next-tab Select next tab
BackTab select-previous-tab Select previous tab

Message Viewer: Message tab

Keybinding Event Name Description
PgUp page-up Page up
PgDown page-down Page down
S-Left page-left Page left
S-Right page-right Page right
Up scroll-up Scroll up
Down scroll-down Scroll down
Left scroll-left Scroll left
Right scroll-right Scroll right
End, M-> scroll-bottom Scroll to the end of the message
Home, M-< scroll-top Scroll to the beginning of the message

Message Viewer: Reactions tab

Keybinding Event Name Description
PgUp page-up Page up
PgDown page-down Page down
Up scroll-up Scroll up
Down scroll-down Scroll down
End, M-> scroll-bottom Scroll to the end of the reactions list
Home, M-< scroll-top Scroll to the beginning of the reactions list

Attachment List

Keybinding Event Name Description
Esc, C-c cancel Close attachment list
k, Up select-up Move cursor up
j, Down select-down Move cursor down
a add-to-attachment-list Add a new attachment to the attachment list
o open-attachment Open the selected attachment using the URL open command
d delete-from-attachment-list Delete the selected attachment from the attachment list

Attachment File Browser

Keybinding Event Name Description
Esc, C-c cancel Cancel attachment file browse
o open-attachment Open the selected file using the URL open command
/ filebrowser-begin-search Begin search for name in list
Enter filebrowser-select-file-or-enter-directory Select file or enter directory
Space filebrowser-select-current Select file
C-b, PgUp filebrowser-list-page-up Move cursor one page up
C-f, PgDown filebrowser-list-page-down Move cursor one page down
C-u filebrowser-list-half-page-up Move cursor one-half page up
C-d filebrowser-list-half-page-down Move cursor one-half page down
g, Home, M-< filebrowser-list-top Move cursor to top of list
G, End, M-> filebrowser-list-bottom Move cursor to bottom of list
j, C-n, Down filebrowser-list-next Move cursor down
k, C-p, Up filebrowser-list-previous Move cursor up

Flagged Messages

Keybinding Event Name Description
Esc, C-c cancel Exit post browsing
k, Up select-up Select the previous message
j, Down select-down Select the next message
f flag-message Toggle the selected message flag
Enter activate-list-item Jump to and select current message

Reaction Emoji Search Window

Keybinding Event Name Description
Esc, C-c cancel Close the emoji search window
C-p, Up search-select-up Select the previous emoji
C-n, Down search-select-down Select the next emoji
PgDown page-down Page down in the emoji list
PgUp page-up Page up in the emoji list
Enter activate-list-item Post the selected emoji reaction