diff --git a/server/message_hooks.go b/server/message_hooks.go
index fcd0bc953..b18022698 100644
--- a/server/message_hooks.go
+++ b/server/message_hooks.go
@@ -628,6 +628,8 @@ func (p *Plugin) Update(teamID, channelID string, user *model.User, newPost, old
return errors.New("post not found")
+ // TODO: Add the logic of processing the attachments and uploading new files to Teams
+ // once Mattermost comes up with the feature of editing attachments
md := markdown.New(markdown.XHTMLOutput(true), markdown.LangPrefix("CodeMirror language-"))
content := md.RenderToString([]byte(emoji.Parse(text)))
diff --git a/server/msteams/client.go b/server/msteams/client.go
index 2334e25ac..0c8d3d255 100644
--- a/server/msteams/client.go
+++ b/server/msteams/client.go
@@ -577,6 +577,25 @@ func (tc *ClientImpl) UpdateMessage(teamID, channelID, parentID, msgID, message
contentType := models.HTML_BODYTYPE
+ var originalMessage models.ChatMessageable
+ var err error
+ if parentID != "" {
+ originalMessage, err = tc.client.TeamsById(teamID).ChannelsById(channelID).MessagesById(parentID).RepliesById(msgID).Get(tc.ctx, nil)
+ } else {
+ originalMessage, err = tc.client.TeamsById(teamID).ChannelsById(channelID).MessagesById(msgID).Get(tc.ctx, nil)
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ tc.logError("Error in getting original message from Teams", "error", NormalizeGraphAPIError(err))
+ }
+ if originalMessage != nil {
+ attachments := originalMessage.GetAttachments()
+ for _, a := range attachments {
+ message = fmt.Sprintf(" %s", *a.GetId(), message)
+ }
+ rmsg.SetAttachments(attachments)
+ }
body := models.NewItemBody()
@@ -597,6 +616,19 @@ func (tc *ClientImpl) UpdateMessage(teamID, channelID, parentID, msgID, message
func (tc *ClientImpl) UpdateChatMessage(chatID, msgID, message string, mentions []models.ChatMessageMentionable) error {
rmsg := models.NewChatMessage()
+ originalMessage, err := tc.client.ChatsById(chatID).MessagesById(msgID).Get(tc.ctx, nil)
+ if err != nil {
+ tc.logError("Error in getting original message from Teams", "error", NormalizeGraphAPIError(err))
+ }
+ if originalMessage != nil {
+ attachments := originalMessage.GetAttachments()
+ for _, a := range attachments {
+ message = fmt.Sprintf(" %s", *a.GetId(), message)
+ }
+ rmsg.SetAttachments(attachments)
+ }
contentType := models.HTML_BODYTYPE
@@ -605,10 +637,10 @@ func (tc *ClientImpl) UpdateChatMessage(chatID, msgID, message string, mentions
if _, err := tc.client.ChatsById(chatID).MessagesById(msgID).Patch(tc.ctx, rmsg, nil); err != nil {
return NormalizeGraphAPIError(err)
return nil