This README is validated using the excellent clitest testing framework.
Here we need to handle test setup.
% source ./tests/__init__.zsh
% t_setup
% zstyle ':zephyr:plugin:confd' immediate 'yes'
If the .zshrc.d directory doesn't exist, then fail with a message:
% test -d $HOME/.zshrc.d || echo "$HOME/.zshrc.d does not exist" | substenv
$HOME/.zshrc.d does not exist
% source $PWD/plugins/confd/confd.plugin.zsh #=> --exit 1
% mkdir -p $HOME/.zshrc.d
% test -d $HOME/.zshrc.d && echo "$HOME/.zshrc.d now exists, but is empty" | substenv
$HOME/.zshrc.d now exists, but is empty
% source $PWD/plugins/confd/confd.plugin.zsh 2>&1 | substenv
% echo ${#sourced_files}
% t_reset
Test selection of dirs from $HOME
% zstyle ':zephyr:plugin:confd' directory $HOME/.myrc.d
% rcdirs=($HOME/.myrc.d $HOME/.zshrc.d)
% rcdirs+=($ZDOTDIR/rc.d $ZDOTDIR/conf.d $ZDOTDIR/zshrc.d $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc.d)
% mkdir -p $rcdirs
% for rcd in $rcdirs; touch $rcd/rcfile.zsh
If we set the zstyle
it always overrides everything:
% alias source="t_mock_source" # from now on, use '.' to source for real
% . $PWD/plugins/confd/confd.plugin.zsh | substenv
mock sourcing file... $HOME/.myrc.d/rcfile.zsh
% rm -rf -- $HOME/.myrc.d
% # Now that the zstyle dir is missing, it should fail if the var is still set
% . $PWD/plugins/confd/confd.plugin.zsh #=> --exit 1
% zstyle -e ':zephyr:plugin:confd' directory
, should override $HOME
in this order:
% confd_plugin=$PWD/plugins/confd/confd.plugin.zsh
% . $confd_plugin | substenv ZDOTDIR
mock sourcing file... $ZDOTDIR/conf.d/rcfile.zsh
% rm -rf -- $HOME/.zsh/conf.d
% . $confd_plugin | substenv ZDOTDIR
mock sourcing file... $ZDOTDIR/zshrc.d/rcfile.zsh
% rm -rf -- $HOME/.zsh/zshrc.d
% . $confd_plugin | substenv ZDOTDIR
mock sourcing file... $ZDOTDIR/rc.d/rcfile.zsh
% rm -rf -- $HOME/.zsh/rc.d
% . $confd_plugin | substenv ZDOTDIR
mock sourcing file... $ZDOTDIR/.zshrc.d/rcfile.zsh
% rm -rf -- $HOME/.zsh/.zshrc.d
% unset ZDOTDIR
Finally, $HOME/.zshrc.d
is the default:
% . $PWD/plugins/confd/confd.plugin.zsh | substenv HOME
mock sourcing file... $HOME/.zshrc.d/rcfile.zsh
% rm -rf -- $HOME/.zshrc.d
% t_reset
% t_setup_rc_files
% alias source="t_mock_source" # mock sourcing again
% . $PWD/plugins/confd/confd.plugin.zsh | substenv
mock sourcing file... $HOME/.zshrc.d/a.zsh
mock sourcing file... $HOME/.zshrc.d/
mock sourcing file... $HOME/.zshrc.d/b.zsh
mock sourcing file... $HOME/.zshrc.d/
mock sourcing file... $HOME/.zshrc.d/sym.zsh
% unalias source
% source $PWD/plugins/confd/confd.plugin.zsh | substenv
sourced file: $HOME/.zshrc.d/a.zsh
sourced file: $HOME/.zshrc.d/
sourced file: $HOME/.zshrc.d/b.zsh
sourced file: $HOME/.zshrc.d/
sourced file: $HOME/foo.zsh
Here we need to handle test teardown.
% t_teardown