Add arduino-ci build process. Added a dummy examples folder with the same .ino source. This shows that the sketch compiles well.
FIx #4, default address range = 08...119 (0-7 and 120-127 are special)
- Fix failing TWBR setting
- added yield() during scan to improve ESP behavior.
- added disable interrupts flag
- refactor / cleanup
- Fix #152
- improved support for ESP32
- changed multispeed ranges a bit (option 0 and 9)
- refactor
- added experimental high speeds 1000, 3400, 5000 KHz.
verified on UNO and ESP32, note the latter one must adjust the pins in the code.
- '9' command to scan up to 400 KHz only to prevent blocking
- changed "scan up to 400 KHz" as default at startup
- DUE support
- TEENSY support - multiple I2C ports
- '@' command to select I2C Port
- changed # speeds steps of 100
- Wire.setClock as more portable way to set I2C clock
- void setSpeed() - more control about what is scanned
- void setAddress() - address range
- extended help