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Maxie D. Schmidt edited this page Jan 21, 2018 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the Chameleon Mini Live Debugger Wiki!

This application is an interactive NFC debugging and logging tool for Android using the Chameleon Mini Rev. g boards using this USB cable (or some variant thereof). The Chameleon Mini is a hardware tool for NFC debugging, card emulation, security testing, reconnaissance, and general purpose debugging over this interface. These small card-sized NFC emulator devices are able to clone contact-less cards and RFID tags and sniff the raw RF-framed data sent over the interface without the overhead of Android's prohibitive NFC stack. Recent versions of the Chameleon boards (Rev. >= g) have the option to perform LIVE logging with the device where the raw logs are printed to the console in real time. This application provides a portable interface to be used with the live logging features of the device for on the go and stealth NFC card reader debugging and testing. A Beta testing version of the application is now available on the Play Store.

Screenshots and hardware setup

Live Logging Interface:

Tools Menu:

Logging Tools Menu:

Export Tab:

Sample Output of the Logging Data to PlainText File:


"Paid" Flavor Themes:

(See Issue #7)