Release notes - Drupsible - Version 1.0.1
- [DRUPSIBLE-289] - 'drush_contrib_modules_destination' is undefined
- [DRUPSIBLE-290] - Remove warnings on english translations
- [DRUPSIBLE-292] - Disable ferm on local when gmail smtp (and postfix) is enabled
- [DRUPSIBLE-293] - app_memcached_enabled needs to take into account pluggable ops features
- [DRUPSIBLE-288] - Override memory limit in drush
Release Notes - Drupsible - Version 1.0
- [DRUPSIBLE-138] - Move Twig's C extension to its own role
- [DRUPSIBLE-164] - Prefix some more vars
- [DRUPSIBLE-174] - Enable memcache_storage also for D8
- [DRUPSIBLE-175] - Add no_log to tasks/templates with secrets
- [DRUPSIBLE-178] - Fix warning
- [DRUPSIBLE-184] - Rename webdomain to app_webdomain
- [DRUPSIBLE-193] - update settings.php to D8.1
- [DRUPSIBLE-203] - Upgrade drupsible-vm (normal and large) to Debian Jessie 8.4 and Ansible
- [DRUPSIBLE-204] - Upgrade to latest version of debops.php5
- [DRUPSIBLE-207] - Remove previous workaround
- [DRUPSIBLE-218] - Replace admin for user 1, as admin is not always the user 1 name
- [DRUPSIBLE-221] - Improve messages and don't ask for SSH key if doing tarballs
- [DRUPSIBLE-222] - Update README for 1.0 release
- [DRUPSIBLE-225] - Remove MySQL dependencies (secret/ferm/tcpwrappers)
- [DRUPSIBLE-254] - Decouple Drush role variables
- [DRUPSIBLE-256] - Upgrade drupsible vm (-large) to Debian Jessie to 8.7.1 and latest vbox guest additions
- [DRUPSIBLE-259] - Get the Samba share back (reloaded)
- [DRUPSIBLE-260] - Better structure dependencies with tags
- [DRUPSIBLE-261] - Provision Drupsible VM
- [DRUPSIBLE-266] - Optimize mysql
- [DRUPSIBLE-267] - Make skipping tcpwrappers and ferm roles the default playbook behavior in local
- [DRUPSIBLE-269] - Support BigPipe
- [DRUPSIBLE-273] - Upgrade to Ansible Container 0.3.0
- [DRUPSIBLE-274] - I want smtp settings to be generated automatically from
- [DRUPSIBLE-275] - Upgrade Drupsible to Ansible 2.3
- [DRUPSIBLE-167] - Varnish control key must be stored per host, not per app
- [DRUPSIBLE-170] - DOMAIN is not regex-replaced correctly after the first time
- [DRUPSIBLE-183] - Fix firewall issues with the Samba access
- [DRUPSIBLE-189] - Fix memcache config for D8
- [DRUPSIBLE-220] - vagrant up fails when box_url not given (which is not the default)
- [DRUPSIBLE-226] - Fix and improve ssh-agent.ssh
- [DRUPSIBLE-230] - Fix reverse proxy headers
- [DRUPSIBLE-231] - tcpwrappers locked me out of the VM
- [DRUPSIBLE-239] - Fix sed in OSX
- [DRUPSIBLE-241] - Fatal error due to undefined vars deploy_modules_present_app and deploy_modules_absent_app
- [DRUPSIBLE-245] - Random IP generation broken
- [DRUPSIBLE-246] - Fix timezone detection in OSX
- [DRUPSIBLE-249] - composer install runs out of memory
- [DRUPSIBLE-250] - Keep up with varnishlog being removed from Debian pkg in 4.1
- [DRUPSIBLE-251] - varnish_app_name cannot contain hyphens
- [DRUPSIBLE-264] - Config sync directory
- [DRUPSIBLE-265] - Error on pki role while provisioning
- [DRUPSIBLE-283] - Deploy disrupted by securepages
- [DRUPSIBLE-284] - Postfix fails when /etc/postifx/sasl does not exist
- [DRUPSIBLE-285] - pyopenssl needs upgrade
- [DRUPSIBLE-286] - missing square brackets
- [DRUPSIBLE-37] - I want Varnish to cache and serve disencrypted HTTPS requests
- [DRUPSIBLE-53] - Support D8 caching
- [DRUPSIBLE-139] - Add source/upstream configuration to be entered from the beginning with
- [DRUPSIBLE-141] - Make homepage redirection not be the default in case of i18n sites
- [DRUPSIBLE-157] - I want to decide whether or not to change the admin password once deployed
- [DRUPSIBLE-158] - I want to tell deploy_xdebug_enabled (per target environment) instead of having an app_xdebug_targets list
- [DRUPSIBLE-159] - I want more in-line help when configuring the app for the first time.
- [DRUPSIBLE-160] - I want to decide whether translations are updated, per environment
- [DRUPSIBLE-161] - I want to make my D8 website accessible through HTTPS, like I do with my D7 sites
- [DRUPSIBLE-163] - I want to build my D8 project using composer
- [DRUPSIBLE-166] - I want an alias for the playbooks so my life is easier
- [DRUPSIBLE-168] - I need to update Composer's checksum
- [DRUPSIBLE-169] - Remove vagrant-cachier plugin from Vagrantfile
- [DRUPSIBLE-171] - I want improvements to the wizard bin/
- [DRUPSIBLE-172] - I want to specify the local hostname
- [DRUPSIBLE-173] - I want to improve the injection of config into settings.php
- [DRUPSIBLE-176] - I want to use varnishlog and varnishncsa too
- [DRUPSIBLE-177] - I want to use Varnish latest version 4.1 (has xhkey for D8 caching and 8.1's big pipe)
- [DRUPSIBLE-179] - As a new user, I want to easily enable SMTP from the beginning, so that my Drupal app can send out emails
- [DRUPSIBLE-180] - I want to install the new Drupal 8.1
- [DRUPSIBLE-181] - I want my git password stored outside main app.profile and YAML config files
- [DRUPSIBLE-182] - Fine-tune Varnish probe parameters
- [DRUPSIBLE-185] - I don't want composer version to change, unless I want it to be a specific one
- [DRUPSIBLE-186] - I want to be asked about the VM's IP (static or dynamic)
- [DRUPSIBLE-187] - I want to specify guest param in vagrant.yml for all providers (and some guidance) (was: I want to be asked about the VM box (normal or large or custom)
- [DRUPSIBLE-197] - Inform real client IP in access log
- [DRUPSIBLE-198] - I want feedback of the defaults when running
- [DRUPSIBLE-199] - Add shallow-clone option to drush make
- [DRUPSIBLE-208] - Support PHP7 and PHP5 in debops.php
- [DRUPSIBLE-209] - Support PHP7 and PHP5 in drupsible.apache2 in Xenial
- [DRUPSIBLE-210] - Support PHP7 and PHP5 in drupsible.deploy in Xenial
- [DRUPSIBLE-211] - Support PHP7 and PHP5 in drupsible.memcached in Xenial
- [DRUPSIBLE-212] - Support drupsible.mysql in Xenial
- [DRUPSIBLE-213] - Support PHP7 and PHP5 in drupsible.newrelic in Xenial
- [DRUPSIBLE-214] - Support PHP7 and PHP5 in drupsible.project in Xenial
- [DRUPSIBLE-215] - Support PHP7 and PHP5 in drupsible.twigc in Xenial
- [DRUPSIBLE-216] - Support PHP7 and PHP5 in drupsible.uploadprogress in Xenial
- [DRUPSIBLE-217] - Support PHP7 and PHP5 in drupsible.xdebug in Xenial
- [DRUPSIBLE-219] - I want to have drupal console available in Drupal 8 (as it happens with drush)
- [DRUPSIBLE-223] - As a first-time user, I want to have /etc/host automatically edited for me
- [DRUPSIBLE-228] - Upon vagrant up, I want a 3-tier architecture, with one host per tier
- [DRUPSIBLE-229] - Configure "Logging and errors" to use syslog
- [DRUPSIBLE-233] - Enable Varnish to be run inside a docker container
- [DRUPSIBLE-234] - Prevent httpoxy
- [DRUPSIBLE-235] - Enable Apache2 and the other deploy roles to be run inside a docker container
- [DRUPSIBLE-236] - Enable MySQL to be run inside a docker container
- [DRUPSIBLE-238] - Enable memcache_storage default
- [DRUPSIBLE-240] - Provide a variable for root folder inside the codebase repo
- [DRUPSIBLE-242] - Add variable to customize drush contrib dir
- [DRUPSIBLE-244] - Improved management of SSH
- [DRUPSIBLE-247] - Remove Pageant req
- [DRUPSIBLE-248] - Replace external samba share by Vagrant's sync'ed folder
- [DRUPSIBLE-252] - Configurable drupal log rotation
- [DRUPSIBLE-253] - Allow to opt-out of features requiring fixed IPs in Varnish and Apache
- [DRUPSIBLE-255] - I want to be able to opt-out of creating a hotfix branch
- [DRUPSIBLE-268] - Enable deployment to work inside a docker container
- [DRUPSIBLE-270] - I want to export and import D8 configuration as part of the deployments to different environments.
- [DRUPSIBLE-271] - As a sysadmin, I want to ensure CHANGELOG.txt isn't readable by the public
- [DRUPSIBLE-272] - I want latest version of drupal-console installed by default
- [DRUPSIBLE-276] - As a sysadmin I want to easily configure and deploy any drupal module and its requirements
- [DRUPSIBLE-282] - As a developer, I want to specify a prefix for my database tables
Release Notes - Drupsible - Version 0.9.9
- [DRUPSIBLE-106] - Check compatibility
- [DRUPSIBLE-112] - Upgrade PKI role to its newest release
- [DRUPSIBLE-120] - Release memcached role to Ansible Galaxy
- [DRUPSIBLE-121] - Release composer role to Ansible Galaxy
- [DRUPSIBLE-122] - Reorganize playbooks and groups of hosts in the inventory. Remove hard deps of Varnish and release it on Ansible Galaxy.
- [DRUPSIBLE-123] - Release newrelic role to Ansible Galaxy
- [DRUPSIBLE-124] - Update drush versions for D7 and D8
- [DRUPSIBLE-133] - Improve drupsible's "enable/disable modules"
- [DRUPSIBLE-134] - Provide ability to ignore errors of drush make
- [DRUPSIBLE-136] - Improved handling of Drupal versions
- [DRUPSIBLE-143] - Normalize passwords location under secret folder
- [DRUPSIBLE-144] - Skip copy of vagrant.yml and ansible.cfg if exists
- [DRUPSIBLE-147] - Make app_env values all scalar, to simplify the configuration needed
- [DRUPSIBLE-154] - Tidy up apache2 role
- [DRUPSIBLE-155] - Replace sudo by become
- [DRUPSIBLE-30] - Ansible bug in unarchive module for non-ASCII chars in filenames
- [DRUPSIBLE-111] - deploy.yml playbook fails on apt dependency of newrelic role (with_items receives an empty var)
- [DRUPSIBLE-114] - On Ansible 2, debops.pki role fails restart ferm
- [DRUPSIBLE-115] - Varnish fail to start due to port in use by apache2
- [DRUPSIBLE-127] - A few minor bugs in D8
- [DRUPSIBLE-135] - Varnish virtual hosts task do not work well
- [DRUPSIBLE-145] - Logrotate (daily): duplicate log entry for drupal.log
- [DRUPSIBLE-146] - Fix db clone
- [DRUPSIBLE-152] - New Relic sysmond not started after Drupsible playbooks ran
- [DRUPSIBLE-52] - Support drush make in custom profiles
- [DRUPSIBLE-72] - Install xdebug
- [DRUPSIBLE-73] - Install uploadprogress
- [DRUPSIBLE-83] - get_url instead of curl
- [DRUPSIBLE-102] - Configure full backups per target environment
- [DRUPSIBLE-103] - Upgrade to users v0.1.5
- [DRUPSIBLE-105] - Remove workaround now Vagrant 1.8 is out (and enforce the new version)
- [DRUPSIBLE-107] - Upgrade Drupsible VM to Ansible 2
- [DRUPSIBLE-109] - Document Samba role
- [DRUPSIBLE-110] - set/force location for downloading modules with drush dl
- [DRUPSIBLE-116] - Update apache vhost common definition, as per new .htaccess in D7.42
- [DRUPSIBLE-117] - Improvements to requirements.default.yml for the new galaxy
- [DRUPSIBLE-118] - Replace hard role dependencies of apache2
- [DRUPSIBLE-125] - Switch drush defaults to use Drupal 8
- [DRUPSIBLE-126] - Switch default Drupal version to Drupal 8
- [DRUPSIBLE-129] - Setup Twig's C extension
- [DRUPSIBLE-132] - Remove debops.apt, debops.apt_preferences as they are not needed anymore
- [DRUPSIBLE-148] - Allow to enable Xdebug for PHP-CLI (default disabled)
- [DRUPSIBLE-149] - I want to forget about the communication method between PHP and Apache2 (socket or port)
- [DRUPSIBLE-150] - Add HTTPS enabled? and Varnish enabled? questions to
- [DRUPSIBLE-151] - Improve logic and error handling in bin/
- [DRUPSIBLE-61] - Samba does not work after a reboot. ferm service needs to be flushed.
- [DRUPSIBLE-100] - Reverse proxy header not properly set
- [DRUPSIBLE-101] - Skip full backups setup if not in PROD
- [DRUPSIBLE-42] - I want to be able to add custom code to Drupal settings.php
- [DRUPSIBLE-99] - New handling of dependencies in debops locked me out of the VM
- [DRUPSIBLE-93] - Ability to specify a Git password as a secret
- [DRUPSIBLE-95] - Use ControlPersist and pipelining
- [DRUPSIBLE-96] - Enable pipelining default
- [DRUPSIBLE-98] - Update apache vhost common definition, as per new .htaccess in D7.40
- [DRUPSIBLE-75] - Avoid New Relic PHP Agent being skipped
- [DRUPSIBLE-52] - Support drush make in custom profiles
- [DRUPSIBLE-76] - Customize max_execution_time
- [DRUPSIBLE-88] - Provide a random private IP to avoid conflict with other Drupsible projects in the local environment
- [DRUPSIBLE-89] - Configure a VM with a larger disk size
- [DRUPSIBLE-90] - Reduce VM default disk size to 5G
- [DRUPSIBLE-91] - Update VBox Guest Additions ISO version
- [DRUPSIBLE-81] - Fix PKI installation
- [DRUPSIBLE-82] - Fix Newrelic PHP Agent configuration
- [DRUPSIBLE-85] - drush dl site_audit fails because of home dir
- [DRUPSIBLE-87] - Trying to branch when importing
- [DRUPSIBLE-77] - Ability to disable trusted host pattern (teapot error) in Varnish
- [DRUPSIBLE-78] - Ability to specify more paths for piping
- [DRUPSIBLE-79] - Customize frequency and quantity of backups
- [DRUPSIBLE-84] - Skip base_url and cookie_domain if the webapp spans multiple different domains
- [DRUPSIBLE-86] - Copy and decompress codebase tarball failed
- [DRUPSIBLE-70] Escape slashes when expanding paths
- [DRUPSIBLE-56] Test on Ubuntu Trusty
- [DRUPSIBLE-51] Fix backup in OSX
- [DRUPSIBLE-63] Varnish 4 and systemd in Debian/Ubuntu
- [DRUPSIBLE-63] Varnish 4 and systemd in Ubuntu Trusty
- [DRUPSIBLE-69] Varnish does not autostart on systemd
- [DRUPSIBLE-46] - shell scripts in bin need x privilege
- [DRUPSIBLE-47] - SSH agent handling is broken
- [DRUPSIBLE-48] - Add support (experimental) for Drupal 8
- [DRUPSIBLE-17] - Add specific versions to requirements.default.yml
- [DRUPSIBLE-22] - Create a Drupsible Controller box for Virtualbox (based upon Debian Jessie)
- [DRUPSIBLE-44] - I want to easily install a Drupal profile/distribution
- [DRUPSIBLE-45] - Backups not being done
- [DRUPSIBLE-17] - Add specific versions to requirements.default.yml
- [DRUPSIBLE-23] - I want each deploy to be a new/fresh deploy, but I want to reduce deployment time as much as possible.
- [DRUPSIBLE-27] - I want my webapp to be able to send email notifications.
- [DRUPSIBLE-28] - Provide a tarball option for deploying the codebase
- [DRUPSIBLE-29] - I want to deploy real SSL certificates to the web server.
- [DRUPSIBLE-31] - I want to configure my Drupal webapp to serve HTTPS
- [DRUPSIBLE-32] - Fine-tune SSL settings of Apache
- [DRUPSIBLE-33] - Fix access to Samba share
- [DRUPSIBLE-34] - I want my webapp to be served faster (using Varnish as a front-end)
- [DRUPSIBLE-35] - I want to use my own Jinja2 template for the VCL.
- [DRUPSIBLE-36] - I want to specify an error page.
- [DRUPSIBLE-38] - I want better mgmt of my configs
- [DRUPSIBLE-40] - I want to run vagrant up instead of bin/
- [DRUPSIBLE-41] - I want users browsers to internally cache all the static content of my webapp
- DRUPSIBLE-4 - I want to run drupsible immediately on new remote servers
- DRUPSIBLE-5 - I want a solid sshd configuration of the remote servers
- DRUPSIBLE-6 - Create a new config playbook, cutting tasks from the deploy playbook
- DRUPSIBLE-12 - I want my configs to survive code updates from drupsible-project
- DRUPSIBLE-13 - Improve ssh-agent handling in Vagrantfile
- DRUPSIBLE-24 - I want to install a fresh Drupal 7 using any given install profile
- DRUPSIBLE-26 - I want my website accessible through HTTPS in my local.