Releases: mbientlab/MetaWear-SDK-Android
NeoPixel and Ble Service Fixes
The update fixes some bugs in the NeoPixel controller and run time errors in the MetaWearBleService class.
- Fixed bugs with the initializeStrand and rotateStrand implementations
- Fixed bugs with the receivedStrandState and receivedRotatationState callback functions
- Correctly ordered the entries in the RotationDirection enum
- Tidied up the comments in the NeoPixel class
- Added checks to avoid run time errors caused by invalid data packets and non-registered callbacks
Accelerometer Updates
This update contains small modifications to the accelerometer code to make it compatible with version 0.4.1 of the firmware.
- Modified enableNotification and disableNotification to explicitly enable the status register for notifications
- Fixed github version of the code with the name change of MetaWearBleService
Version 1.0 of the Android API
[2014-07-22] Added link to updated Getting Started guide for API v1.0 and added a note for changing the MetaWear service name
The change list for the API update is given below. Beware that a lot of the API was completely overhauled to reflect new features added to the firmware and to better organize the classes. This version of the API will break compatibility with API v0.1.
Javadocs and the jar library are included in the download.
Getting Started
- Setup new structure for interacting with the MetaWear service class
- Added another callback interface, replacing the need to add a second broadcast receiver to handle general ble callbacks
- Separated the Commands and MetaWearController class by modules
- New commands and controllers are in the "controller" package
- Better organized Bluetooth and MetaWear characteristic Uuids
- LED Driver class has been completely redone to reflect changes in the next firmware release
- Added functions for the NeoPixel, IBeacon, and Haptic Driver modules
- Removed classes
- Actions
- BroadcastReceiverBuilder
- Characteristics
- Commands
- Renamed class MetaWearBLEService to MetaWearBleService
First release of MetaWear API
Keep in mind that the MetaWear firmware and API are still in development. The API may undergo drastic changes before version 1.0 is release. API documentation and jar file are included in the download. A getting started guide is available on the MbientLab web page:
Release Date
- Created MetaWear service to manage communication with GATT service
- Setup callback system for to allow users to handle MetaWear notifications
- Pushing / Releasing the button, accelerometer data updates, etc.
- Setup controller class to interact with the MetaWear board