Releases: mbta/skate
Releases · mbta/skate
What's Changed
- hotfix: disable active detours on ladder by @firestack in #2941
Full Changelog: 2025-01-27-1...2025-01-27-2
What's Changed
- tweak: Move user filter for drafts by @hannahpurcell in #2907
- tweak: (tiny) Reorganization. User UUID available in a utility by @hannahpurcell in #2906
- tweak: updated URL in HASTUS script by @hannahpurcell in #2914
- feat(ex/skate/detours): add
column by @firestack in #2910 - fix: update checksum for aws cert bundle by @hannahpurcell in #2922
- feat: Detours channel by @hannahpurcell in #2908
- feat: delete draft detour UI by @bfauble in #2909
- tweak: Added hook for the recurrent pattern of loading one detour by @hannahpurcell in #2919
- feat: add
column to frontend detours list by @firestack in #2911 - feat: add
column to frontend detours list by @firestack in #2912 - feat: Base work to get detours in route ladder dropdown by @hannahpurcell in #2915
- feat: Allow the dropdown to appear in read-only mode by @hannahpurcell in #2916
- feat(ts/diversionPage): remove timestamp from diversion page headers by @firestack in #2924
- tweak: Add routepattern signifier in detour dropdown by @hannahpurcell in #2918
- feat(ts/ActiveDetourPanel): add detour properties to activated panel by @firestack in #2923
- fix(ts/dateTime): compare dates in UTC by @firestack in #2931
- feat(ex/formatter): configure migrations formatter in directory by @firestack in #2926
- feat: Add change duration button, icon, and user group by @hannahpurcell in #2927
- fix: useActiveDetours instead of -ByRoute to avoid db-related failures by @hannahpurcell in #2930
- fix(ex/snapshot_serde): fix "activatedAt" not present in old snapshots at serialize time by @firestack in #2929
- chore(ex): configure check_origin for all transports on the
by @firestack in #2895 - fix(ts/activeDetourPanel): fix time ago label by @firestack in #2932
- fix(ts/createDetourMachine): create
date when invoked by @firestack in #2936 - fix(ts/routeLadder): show dropdown on mobile breakpoint by @firestack in #2934
- [for launch] fix: Detour in ladder needs to match on route ids, not name by @hannahpurcell in #2935
- tweak: tiny styling fix for delete draft button by @hannahpurcell in #2937
- fix: Not sure how this snapshot didn't trip up CI sooner? by @hannahpurcell in #2939
- feat: delete draft detour backend by @bfauble in #2925
- feat: Change detour duration modal by @hannahpurcell in #2928
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2024-12-13-1...2025-01-27-1
What's Changed
- feat: add Affected Route to Finished Panel by @firestack in #2905
Full Changelog: 2024-12-06-1...2024-12-13-1
What's Changed
- tweak: Move turn by turn directions in side panel by @hannahpurcell in #2904
Full Changelog: 2024-12-04-1...2024-12-06-1
What's Changed
- chore(ex/detours): create ser-de module by @firestack in #2893
- init(ex/skate/snapshot_serde): create deserialize function by @firestack in #2897
- refactor:test(ex/skate_web/detour_controller): use
factory by @firestack in #2896 - fix(ex/test): make tests against user data dynamic by @firestack in #2874
- chore(ex/skate_web/endpoint): pull
options into compile time constant by @firestack in #2894 - feat: Detour serializer by @hannahpurcell in #2899
- fix(Dockerfile): update checksum for aws cert bundle by @firestack in #2901
- feat(ex/skate/ors): format directions as "short directions" by @firestack in #2902
- fix: Copy details reflects edited detour directions by @hannahpurcell in #2903
Full Changelog: 2024-10-31-1...2024-12-04-1
What's Changed
- feat: make swings apply to current route tab by @firestack in #2892
- Revert "Revert "feat: Add connectionPoints and missedStops to the “Review Det…" by @hannahpurcell in #2891
- tweak: Rename detourText to copyableDetourText, fix typo by @hannahpurcell in #2879
- feat: Editable directions in state machine by @hannahpurcell in #2880
- feat(ts/detour/fs-element-steps): add element labels to next step in activate modal by @firestack in #2889
- tweak: Resize editable directions textbox by @hannahpurcell in #2883
- tweak: Active and Past detours use edited directions by @hannahpurcell in #2884
- feat: fix deployment by @firestack in #2886
- feat(ts/detour-entrypoints): add entrypoints for add detour by @firestack in #2888
Full Changelog: 2024-10-30-1...2024-10-31-1
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2024-10-29-1...2024-10-30-1
What's Changed
- feat: Add connectionPoints and missedStops to the “Review Detour” panel by @hannahpurcell in #2878
- refactor:test(ex): use
template by @firestack in #2865 - cleanup(.gitignore): import order from
template by @firestack in #2869 - cleanup(ex/test): general cleanup related to upgrading to the latest Phoenix version and Template by @firestack in #2868
- fix: change
redirect by @firestack in #2887 - Revert "feat: Add connectionPoints and missedStops to the “Review Det… by @hannahpurcell in #2890
Full Changelog: 2024-10-25-1...2024-10-29-1
What's Changed
- fix(css/vehicle-marker): fix commuter rail color by @firestack in #2876
- feat: Move and style copyButton, add to active and past detour views by @hannahpurcell in #2852
- fix: Avoid using non-unique stop names as key by @hannahpurcell in #2871
- feat(ex/test/factory): make user factory dynamic by @firestack in #2873
- feat: Add connection points to draft detour in progress by @hannahpurcell in #2872
- fix: Don't show connectionPoints on draw panel until they exist by @hannahpurcell in #2877
- feat(ts/detourMachine): add fs-events for waypoints by @firestack in #2882
- feat(ts/detours): add
properties to detours flow by @firestack in #2881
Full Changelog: 2024-10-22-1...2024-10-25-1
What's Changed
- tweak: Make the missed stops count badge round by @hannahpurcell in #2857
- tweak: Update detour panel titles / buttons to match hi-fi language by @hannahpurcell in #2853
- feat: Button icons for detour creation by @hannahpurcell in #2849
- feat(ts/components/markers): move vehicle marker into own file by @firestack in #2859
- tweak: Margin needed on missed stops badge, not padding by @hannahpurcell in #2866
- cleanup(css/shuttle-map): remove selected label color override on shuttle map by @firestack in #2863
- feat(ts/components/vehicleMarker): implement shuttle colors by @firestack in #2860
- refactor(ts/models/shuttle) implement shuttle prefix using
by @firestack in #2862
Full Changelog: 2024-10-15-1...2024-10-22-1