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113 lines (70 loc) · 3.09 KB


Local development

For interactive local development, use make run to build and run go-httpbin or make watch to automatically re-build and re-run go-httpbin on every change:

make run
make watch

By default, the server will listen on, but the host, port, or any other configuration option may be overridden by specifying the relevant environment variables:

make run PORT=9999
make run PORT=9999 MAX_DURATION=60s
make watch HOST= PORT=8888


Run make test to run unit tests, using TEST_ARGS to pass arguments through to go test:

make test
make test TEST_ARGS="-v -race -run ^TestDelay"

Integration tests

go-httpbin includes its own minimal WebSocket echo server implementation, and we use the incredibly helpful Autobahn Testsuite to ensure that the implementation conforms to the spec.

These tests can be slow to run (~40 seconds on my machine), so they are not run by default when using make test.

They are run automatically as part of our extended "CI" test suite, which is run on every pull request:

make testci

WebSocket development

When working on the WebSocket implementation, it can also be useful to run those integration tests directly, like so:

make testautobahn

Use the AUTOBAHN_CASES var to run a specific subset of the Autobahn tests, which may or may not include wildcards:

make testautobahn AUTOBAHN_CASES=6.*
make testautobahn AUTOBAHN_CASES=6.5.*
make testautobahn AUTOBAHN_CASES=6.5.4

Test coverage

We use Codecov to measure and track test coverage as part of our continuous integration test suite. While we strive for as much coverage as possible and the Codecov CI check is configured with fairly strict requirements, 100% test coverage is not an explicit goal or requirement for all contributions.

To view test coverage locally, use

make testcover

which will run the full suite of unit and integration tests and pop open a web browser to view coverage results.

Linting and code style

Run make lint to run our suite of linters and formatters, which include gofmt, revive, and staticcheck:

make lint

Docker images

To build a docker image locally:

make image

To build a docker image an push it to a remote repository:

make imagepush

By default, images will be tagged as mccutchen/go-httpbin:${COMMIT} with the current HEAD commit hash.

Use VERSION to override the tag value

make imagepush VERSION=v1.2.3

or DOCKER_TAG to override the remote repo and version at once:

make imagepush DOCKER_TAG=my-org/my-fork:v1.2.3

Automated docker image builds

When a new release is created, the Release GitHub Actions workflow automatically builds and pushes new Docker images for both linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 architectures.