[3D] 3D Geometric Modeling & Processing
[AE] Algorithm Engineering
[AGT] Algorithmic Game Theory
[AIF] Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals
[AP] Advanced Programming
[ASE] Advanced Software Engineering
[BPM] Business Process Modeling
[CHL] Computational Health Laboratory
[CMCS] Computational Models for Complex Systems
[CM] Computational Mathematics for Learning and Data Analysis
[CNS] Computational Neuroscience
[CPC] Competitive Programming and Contests
[FOC] Foundation of Computing
[HLT] Human Language Technologies
[ICT-INFR] ICT Infrastructures
[ICT-RA] ICT Risk Assessment
[ICT-SB] Laboratory on ICT Startup Building
[IQC] Introduction to Quantum Computing
[IR] Information Retrieval
[ISPR] Intelligent Systems for Pattern Recognition
[LBT] Language-Based Technology for Security
[LCI] Languages, Compilers and Interpreters
[LIS] Laboratory for Innovative Software
[MCPS] Mobile and Cyber-Physical Systems
[P2P] Peer to Peer Systems and Blockchains
[PDS-SPM] Parallel and Distributed Systems
[PSC] Principles for Software Composition
[S&EI] Social and Ethical Issues in Information Technology
[SLV] Scientific and Large Data Visualization
[SMV] Security Methods and Verification
[SVV] Software Validation and Verification
[WNES] Wireless Networks of Embedded Systems
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Laboratory for Innovative Software
Mandatory: SOFT
Elective: None
CFU: 6
Semester: Second
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