math-stirng is a JavaScript library that solve phrase mathematics without use eval() function. it solves The Four Basic Mathematical Operations and power a number in this time but in future will add more actions to it.
npm install math-string
yarn add math-string
import mathString from 'math-string';
const result = mathString('1+2'); //3
const result = mathString('-1+3*((4+4*(3+4))+(3*(-1)*-2)/4)+3-5'); //97.5
const result = mathString('1+2^3+2^(4^2+7)'); //8388617
const result = mathString('2^(2^5)'); //4294967296
const res = mathString('1+4+9+('); // throw an error that are not equal number of opening and closing parentheses
const res = mathString('1+4+9..+8'); // throw an error that use . more than onec in same place
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.