First of all, thanks for contributing!. Before contributing please read the CODE_OF_CONDUCT and search the issue tracker; your issue may have already been discussed
If you think you've found an issue with the extension, you can open a Github issue.
Feel free to reach out to us at
- Fork the repo 🎉
- Create a feature branch. ☕
- Run unit tests and confirm that it passes. ⚡
- Commit your changes. 📝
- Rebase your local changes against the master branch. 💡
- Create new Pull Request.
To install build related dependencies use below command
env GO111MODULE=off go install <package>
. -
Always use
go mod tidy
to clean up unwanted dependencies. -
To generate the binary use below command
go build -o target/extensions/sumologic-extension lambda-extensions/sumologic-extension.go
go test sumoclient_test.go -v
Change the AWS_PROFILE environment variable.
Update the layer version in config/version.go.
Use below command for creating and deploying layer
cd scripts/ sh
Add your layer to lambda by following docs and test the function manually. Confirm that logs are coming to Sumo Logic.