What you will learn :
- Image Filtering
- Image PCA & Classification
Directory Tree
| |__ Readme.md
| |__ Face_dataset/
| |__ fig.jpg
You can only use the python packages below:
- numpy
- cv2 (opencv)
- matplotlib
- sklearn
- math
For your output image, you could use eval.py to check your answer.
$ python3 eval.py --gt GT/1-1/fig_grad_x.jpg --out output/1-1/fig_grad_y.jpg
It will show that you "PASS!" or "FAIL." this question.
- Load "fig.jpg" with gray scale.
- Compute and save the results of gradient generated by horizontal Sobel filter and vertical Sobel filter as fig_grad_x.jpg and fig_grad_y.jpg (with cv2.filter2D).
- Compute and save the gradient magnitude as fig_grad_m.jpg with the results in step 2.
The dataset you need is under Face_dataset/
directory, which contains 56×46 pixel face images of 40 different subjects (classes), and 10 images available for each subject. Note that, i_j.png means personi_imagej . Now you have to split the dataset into two subsets (i.e., training and test sets). The first subset contains the first 6 images of each subject, while the second subset include the remaining images. Thus, a total of 6 × 40 = 240 images are in the training set, while 160 images in the test set.
Perform PCA on the training set. Save the mean face and the first three eigenfaces.
- save to [mean.png], [1.png], [2.png], [3.png]
- Be careful the values in eigenvectors after PCA ! (sklearn.decomposition.PCA, you don't need to specify n_components value)
- Bonus: you can implement your own PCA function !!
- hint: 255 * (shifted x/ max(shifted x))
Take 7_2.png, and project it onto the above PCA eigenspace. Reconstruct this image using the first n = 3, 100 eigenfaces. For each n, compute the mean square error (MSE) between the reconstructed face image and 7_2.png. Please save these reconstructed images , [7_2_n3.png] and [7_2_n100.png], and record the corresponding MSE values.
Apply the k-nearest neighbors classifier to recognize test set images. For simplicity, try k={1,3} and n = {3,100}. Report the recognition rate on the test set with different (k,n) pairs.
- hint: sklearn.neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier()