This is part of HW3 in NTU Computer Vision: from Recognition to Geometry (CV) course.
What you will learn :
- Homography
Directory Tree
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| |__ screan.jpg
You can only use the python packages below:
- python standard library
- numpy
- cv2 (opencv) excluding
Given the image screen.jpg with twisted QRcode, the goal of this lab is to untwist it with homography transformation. The goal can be accomplished with the following steps:
Given two N-by-2 matrices, (u, v), representing N corresponding points for v = T(u), this function should return the 3-by-3 homography matrix.
We want to output an 300*300 image with untwisted QRcode on it.
- With the corners of the region of QRcode in screen.jpg and the corners of the output image, we can construct the homography matrix.
- To prevent hole on the output image, instead of transforming all the pixels on the region of QRcode in screen.jpg, we should search for the pixel value for every pixel on the output image based on the homography matrix.
Q: what is the content of the QRcode?