diff --git a/luninfo b/luninfo
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6772da6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/luninfo
@@ -0,0 +1,1475 @@
+# Show lun information and HBA related info in AIX
+# Copyright Armin Kunaschik
+# Version 1.0 complete rewrite
+# Version 1.01 added FC connection and speed to -f
+# Version 1.02 added effective queue depth from kernel to -d -l
+# Version 1.03 10TB disk size "support" :-)
+# Version 1.04 display permanent and temporary system firmware
+# Version 1.05 moved new firmware into long output
+# added GiB display with -g in info view
+# added virtual fibre channel support for -f, -v
+# changed serials hash to hold separate location info for systems
+# dynamic column width for some columns in -i
+# Version 1.06 get virtual WWPNs from fcstat instead from lscfg
+# Version 1.07 pcmpath adapter states added, more dynamic columns and cosmetics
+# basic generic AIX mpio disk (mpioosdisk) detection
+# Version 1.08 more sanity checking for fcs adapters in edge cases
+# Version 1.09 added 2 new p770
+# Version 1.10 moved storage and ms serials out into XML cfg file
+# Version 1.11 ignore sasarray disks, support maybe added later
+# Version 1.12 added -L option to dump cfg information
+# added support for Hitachi VSP devices
+# Version 1.13 worked around a fcstat hang when fc link is down
+# Version 1.14 bug IV79359 -> vfc host detection in -v needs a workaround
+# Version 1.15 emfscsi detection added. Newer servers come with this new type
+# of FC adapters
+# added PowerHA 7 cluster repository disk detection (backup disks)
+# Version 1.16 IBM moved pcmpath to /usr/sbin, added detection to find both
+# Version 1.17 Fixed scsi id detection for mpioosdisks on 2145
+use strict;
+use IPC::Open2;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use List::Util qw( max );
+use XML::Simple; # for config file
+#use Data::Dumper;
+my $luninfo_version="1.17";
+my $cfgfile="/etc/luninfo.cfg";
+my %disks;
+my %paths;
+my %path_defaults;
+sub usage {
+ print STDERR "Usage: $0 [-h] [-V] [-L] [-H | [ -d [ -l ] | -f [ -l ] | -v | -p | -m | -i [ -l ] [ -g ] ] ]\n";
+ print STDERR " -h display this help\n";
+ print STDERR " -V display version\n";
+ print STDERR " -d list disk detail\n";
+ print STDERR " -f list fibre channel hba detail\n";
+ print STDERR " -g display disk size in GiB\n";
+ print STDERR " -H don't display header line, only useful in combination with other options\n";
+ print STDERR " -i display disk info summary (default when there is no -i, -d, -f, -m, -p or -v)\n";
+ print STDERR " -l long list; display more information like uuid, mirror pool detail, locations, firmware versions\n";
+ print STDERR " -m show managed system info\n";;
+ print STDERR " -p list disk paths and priority\n";
+ print STDERR " -v list virtual scsi and fibre channel hba detail\n";
+ print STDERR " -L list all known dc locations and serial numbers\n";
+ exit 1;
+my %options = ( 'ms' => 0,
+ 'disks' => 0,
+ 'fscsi' => 0,
+ 'gigabyte' => 0,
+ 'info' => 0, # default option used when no other option is present
+ 'virtual' => 0,
+ 'paths' => 0,
+ 'long' => 0,
+ 'noheader' => 0,
+ 'version' => 0,
+ 'list' => 0,
+ 'help' => 0
+my %option_constraints = (
+ 'mutual_exclusive' => [ 'info', 'disks','fscsi','virtual','paths','ms','version','list'] ,
+ # put here only valid combinations of the mutual exclusive options... at least one!!!
+ 'valid_combinations' => { 'info' => [ 'long', 'noheader', 'gigabyte'],
+ 'disks' => [ 'long','noheader' ],
+ 'fscsi' => [ 'long', 'noheader' ],
+ 'virtual' => [ 'noheader' ],
+ 'paths' => [ 'noheader' ],
+ 'version' => [ 'none' ], # none is pseudo option, TODO: improve argument checking :-)
+ 'list' => [ 'none' ], # none is pseudo option, TODO: improve argument checking :-)
+ 'ms' => [ 'noheader', 'long' ]
+ }
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%option_constraints]);
+Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); # enable bundling of options like -lp same as -l -p
+GetOptions( "m" => \$options{'ms'},
+ "d" => \$options{'disks'},
+ "f" => \$options{'fscsi'},
+ "g" => \$options{'gigabyte'},
+ "i" => \$options{'info'},
+ "H" => \$options{'noheader'},
+ "v" => \$options{'virtual'},
+ "p" => \$options{'paths'},
+ "l" => \$options{'long'},
+ "V" => \$options{'version'},
+ "h" => \$options{'help'},
+ "L" => \$options{'list'},
+ ) or usage;
+# any option list containing -h will display usage
+if ( $options{'help'} ) { usage; };
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%options]);
+my $sum_opts=0;
+foreach my $option ( @{$option_constraints{'mutual_exclusive'}} ) {
+ $sum_opts += $options{$option};
+# no exclusive option found? -> set 'info' as default
+if ( $sum_opts == 0 ) { $sum_opts+=1; $options{'info'} = 1; }
+if ( $sum_opts > 1 ) { # there can only be one of this options left, bail out if not
+ print STDERR "Invalid combination of arguments!\n";
+ usage;
+# check for valid combinations of the 1 exclusive option we found earlier
+foreach my $option ( @{$option_constraints{'mutual_exclusive'}} ) {
+ next if ( ! $options{$option} ); # check only active option
+ my $regex=join("|",@{$option_constraints{'valid_combinations'}->{$option}});
+ #print ">>>$option valid combinations: $regex\n";
+ my @leftover=grep(!/$regex|$option/,keys %options);
+ #my $tmp=join(":",@leftover);
+ #print "### leftover to check: $tmp\n";
+ my $sum_opts=0;
+ foreach my $leftover_option ( @leftover ) {
+ $sum_opts+= $options{$leftover_option};
+ }
+ if ( $sum_opts > 0 ) {
+ print STDERR "Invalid combination of arguments!\n";
+ usage;
+ }
+# show one line with version information
+if ( $options{'version'} ) {
+ print "luninfo version $luninfo_version\n";
+ exit 0;
+my %locations; # storage box locations
+my %serials; # serials, names and locations of managed systems
+my $cfg; #configuration hash
+# read locations and serials from config file only when necessary
+if ( $options{'ms'} || $options{'info'} || $options{'list'} ) {
+ if ( -e $cfgfile ) {
+ $cfg=XMLin($cfgfile, ForceArray => 1);
+ }
+ # XML config file example
+ # IMPORTANT!!!! There are NO # comments allowed in the config file!!!!!
+ # Also important: locations, storage and ms serial numbers (that is "name"-elements) need to be unique!!!
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # will generate this cfg hash:
+ #
+ # $cfg = {
+ # 'location' => {
+ # 'DC1' => {
+ # 'comment' => "Data Center 1"
+ # 'storage' => {
+ # '12345' => {
+ # comment => 'SVC1'
+ # }
+ # },
+ # 'ms' => {
+ # '6512346' => {
+ # 'ms-name' => 'p770dc11',
+ # 'rack => 'A1-B4'
+ # 'comment => ''
+ # },
+ # '6523457' => {
+ # 'ms-name' = 'p770dc12'
+ # 'rack => 'A2-B2'
+ # 'comment' => '',
+ # }
+ # }
+ # },
+ # 'DC2' => {
+ # 'comment' => "Data Center 2"
+ # 'storage' => {
+ # '12346' => {
+ # comment => 'SVC2'
+ # }
+ # },
+ # 'ms' => {
+ # '0612348' => {
+ # 'ms-name' => 'p770dc21',
+ # 'comment => ''
+ # 'rack => 'A5-B6'
+ # },
+ # '0612349' => {
+ # 'ms-name' = 'p770dc22',
+ # 'comment' => ''
+ # 'rack => 'A5-B7'
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ #
+ # comment elements are currently not used for anything except printing the device dump with -L!
+ # some sanity check for the config file
+ # build storage location (%location) and serials hash (%serials)
+ # duplicate serials are only recognized when they appear in different locations
+ foreach my $location ( keys %{$cfg->{'location'}} ) {
+ foreach my $element ( keys %{$cfg->{'location'}->{$location}} ) {
+ for ( $element) {
+ if ( /storage/ ) {
+ foreach my $box ( keys %{$cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}} ) {
+ if ( defined $locations{$box} ) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR in $cfgfile: Duplicate use of storage serial $box! Using first definition.\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $locations{$box}=$location;
+ }
+ } elsif ( /ms/ ) {
+ foreach my $ms ( keys %{$cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}} ) {
+ if ( defined $serials{$ms} ) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR in $cfgfile: Duplicate use of managed system serial $ms! Using first definition.\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ if ( defined $cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}->{$ms}->{'rack'} ) {
+ $serials{$ms}->{'rack'}=$cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}->{$ms}->{'rack'};
+ }
+ # only add if ms-name is defined, otherwise
+ if ( defined $cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}->{$ms}->{'ms-name'} ) {
+ $serials{$ms}->{'name'}=$cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}->{$ms}->{'ms-name'};
+ $serials{$ms}->{'location'}=$location;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: Incomplete entry in $cfgfile! Ignoring location $location serial $ms: ms-name missing!\n"
+ }
+ }
+ } # add more elements here if wanted
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# IBM changed the path of pcmpath from /usr/bin to /usr/sbin some time, shortly before dumping sddpcm... sigh
+my $pcmpath="";
+if ( -x "/usr/bin/pcmpath" ) {
+ $pcmpath="/usr/bin/pcmpath"
+} elsif ( -x "/usr/sbin/pcmpath" ) {
+ $pcmpath="/usr/sbin/pcmpath"
+# subroutine to sort the disks/devices (like hdiskXY/fscsiXX) numerically rather than alphabetically
+sub device_numerically {
+ $a=~ /\D+(\d+)/;
+ my $aa=$1;
+ $b=~ /\D+(\d+)/;
+ my $bb=$1;
+ $aa <=> $bb;
+# option -i, -d, -p
+# read the disk types and availability of all known disks and put it into %disks
+sub get_all_disk_devs {
+ open(CMD,"/usr/sbin/lsdev -c disk -F'name subclass type status'|") or die "Error running lsdev -c disk -F'name subclass type'!";
+ # vSCSI disks have the type vdisk here, regardless of the storage system.. find more about it later
+ while() {
+ chomp;
+ if ( m/(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $disks{$1}->{'name'}=$1; # will also display defined disks
+ $disks{$1}->{'subclass'}=$2;
+ $disks{$1}->{'type'}=$3;
+ $disks{$1}->{'status'}=$4;
+ }
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+# option -i
+# read all PVs and volume group names, get disk sizes
+sub get_all_pv_vg_sizes {
+ open(CMD,"/usr/sbin/lspv|") or die "Error running /usr/sbin/lspv!";
+ while() {
+ chomp;
+ if ( m/(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+){0,1}/ ) {
+ #$disks{$1}->{'name'}=$1;
+ $disks{$1}->{'pvid'}=$2;
+ $disks{$1}->{'vg_name'}=$3;
+ $disks{$1}->{'vg_state'}=defined $4?$4:"-"; # just in case $4 didn't match
+ my $disk=$1;
+ # get size of each available disk... this is the most time consuming part
+ if ( $disks{$disk}->{'status'} eq "Available" ) {
+ open(GETCONF,"/usr/bin/getconf DISK_SIZE /dev/$disk 2>/dev/null|") or die "Error getting disk size for disk $disk !\n";
+ while() {
+ chomp;
+ # if size is requested in GiB
+ if ( $options{'gigabyte'} ) {
+ # size/1024 -> GiB
+ # if less than 1GiB, reduce decimal precision to 2
+ # same applies to disks out of GiB boundaries, like 1.5 GiB
+ $disks{$disk}->{'size'}=( $_ < 1024 || $_%1024 != 0 ) ? sprintf("%.2f",$_/1024) : $_/1024;
+ } else {
+ $disks{$disk}->{'size'}=$_;
+ }
+ }
+ close(GETCONF);
+ # check return code of finished process (shift right by 8)
+ my $rc=$? >> 8;
+ if ( $rc != 0 ) {
+ # disksize -> none if getconf gives error
+ $disks{$disk}->{'size'}="none";
+ }
+ } else {
+ # disksize -> none for defined disks
+ $disks{$disk}->{'size'}="none";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+ # check for PowerHA 7 repository disks and mark backup repositories as caavg_backup
+ # for more detailed information use /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/clmgr -v query repository
+ if ( -x "/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/clmgr" ) { # are we running on a PowerHA 7.x cluster?
+ open(CMD,"/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/clmgr view repository|") or die "Error running clmgr view repository.\n";
+ # hdisk0 (00cf3f460e15d3c1)
+ # hdisk1 (00cf3f460e15ecf0)
+ while() {
+ chomp;
+ if ( m/(\S+)\s+\S+/ ) {
+ if ( $disks{$1}->{'vg_name'} eq "None" ) {
+ # backup repository has no name and is not active -> give it a fake name
+ $disks{$1}->{'vg_name'}="caavg_backup";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%disks]);
+# option -i
+# get all unique id's from odm
+sub get_unique_ids {
+ my @odmdata;
+ {
+ local $/ = "CuAt:";
+ @odmdata = `/usr/bin/odmget -q "attribute=unique_id" CuAt`; # ODMDIR is not set explicitly, so take care... as always! :-)
+ }
+ for my $odmrecord (@odmdata){
+ my @odmstanza = split "\n", $odmrecord; # list of lines in each stanza, including "CuAt" and empty lines
+ my $name=""; my $value="";
+ for my $line (@odmstanza){
+ if ($line =~ /\s+name\s+=\s+"(.*)"/) { $name = $1; }
+ if ($line =~ /\s+value\s+=\s+"(.*)"/) { $value = $1; }
+ }
+ if ( defined $disks{$name} ) { # only set unique_id if the disk is already known
+ $disks{$name}->{'unique_id'}=$value;
+ }
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%disks]);
+# option -i, -d, -p (only because of PCM)
+# read disk parameters of all disks, mostly -d, because of lun_id -> also -c
+sub get_all_lun_params {
+ foreach my $disk ( keys %disks ) {
+ open(CMD,"/usr/sbin/lsattr -El $disk|") or die "Error running /usr/sbin/lsattr -El $disk !\n";
+ while() {
+ if ( /^PCM\s+(\S+)/) { $disks{$disk}->{'PCM'}=$1; } # needed to get default path prio later
+ if ( /^hcheck_interval\s+(\S+)/ ) { $disks{$disk}->{'hcheck_interval'}=$1; }
+ if ( /^hcheck_mode\s+(\S+)/ ) { $disks{$disk}->{'hcheck_mode'}=$1; }
+ if ( /^hcheck_cmd\s+(\S+)/ ) { $disks{$disk}->{'hcheck_cmd'}=$1; } # only with vscsi
+ if ( /^queue_depth\s+(\S+)/ ) { $disks{$disk}->{'queue_depth'}=$1; }
+ if ( /^lun_id\s+(\S+)/ ) { $disks{$disk}->{'lun_id'}=$1; } # only for some physical disks (e.g. 2145, 1818..)
+ if ( /^rw_timeout\s+(\S+)/ ) { $disks{$disk}->{'rw_timeout'}=$1; } # not on vscsi
+ if ( /^reserve_policy\s+(\S+)/ ) { $disks{$disk}->{'reserve_policy'}=$1; }
+ if ( /^PR_key_value\s+(\S+)/ ) { $disks{$disk}->{'PR_key_value'}=$1; }
+ if ( /^algorithm\s+(\S+)/ ) { $disks{$disk}->{'algorithm'}=$1; }
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+ # get/match uuid, box, location etc from collected data
+ for ( $disks{$disk}{'type'} ) {
+ #2105 - 2105 models (ESS)
+ #2145 - 2145 models (SVC)
+ #2147 - 2147 models (SVC)
+ #2810XIV - XIV (maybe 2812 too) ???
+ #1750 - 1750 devices (DS 6000)
+ #2107 - 2107 devices (DS 8000)
+ #1724 - 1724 devices (DS 4100)
+ #1814 - 1814 devices (DS 4200 and DS 4700)
+ #1722 - 1722 devices (DS 4300)
+ #1742 - 1742 devices (DS 4400 and DS 4500)
+ #1815 - 1815 devices (DS 4800)
+ #1818 - 1818 devices (DS 5000)
+ # or vscsi, scsd
+ if (/2145/) {
+ # SVC disks
+ # 3321360050768019081CFD800000000000A8404214503IBMfcp
+ # IBM storage WWN always start with 6005076
+ if ( defined $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'} && $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'} =~ /^\S+(6005076......(.....)..........(..)(..))..2145..IBMfcp/ ) {
+ $disks{$disk}->{'uuid'}=$1;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box'}=$2;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'suid'}="$3:$4";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box_type'}="2145";
+ }
+ # This should work from AIX 5.3 upwards for 2145
+ # This might work for DS5000 (type 1818) too, although I don't have a machine to test with
+ if ( defined $disks{$disk}->{'lun_id'} ) {
+ if ( $disks{$disk}->{'lun_id'} =~ m/0x(?:([\da-f]+)0{12}|0)\b/ ) { # either 0 or value without 12 zeros
+ $disks{$disk}->{'scsi_id'}= defined $1 ? hex($1):0;
+ # m/0x([\da-f]+)\b/; scsi_id = hex ($1) >> 48 works only with 64 bit perl! sigh
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/2107/) {
+ # DS8000 family LUN
+ # 200B75G6831015607210790003IBMfcp
+ $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'}=~m/^....(.......)((..)(..))..2107900..IBMfcp/;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box'}=$1;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'uuid'}="$1_$2"; # this is normally $2 ONLY, but we don't print the box
+ $disks{$disk}->{'suid'}="$3:$4";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box_type'}="2107";
+ # There is a lun_id for DS8000 too, but this contains the same info as $3$4 (0x40XX40XX00000000)
+ $disks{$disk}->{'scsi_id'}="-"
+ }
+ #elsif (/1814/) {
+ # there is no unique_id on DS4800 type boxes, but a ieee_volname (e.g. 600A0B800011FA78000035D648C5DBA1)
+ # don't know how to get the box serial from ieee_volname
+ # lun_id is the same as with 2145 => 0x0004000000000000 (remove last 12 "0" and leading "0" to get lun_id)
+ # on vscsi lpars, the ieee_volname is inside uniqe_id: 3520600A0B800011FA78000035D648C5DBA105VDASD03AIXvscsi
+ #}
+ elsif (/vdisk/) { # vSCSI disks
+ # SVC LUNs visible through VIO
+ # 48333321360050768019081CFD8000000000009D804214503IBMfcp05VDASD03AIXvscsi
+ if ( defined $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'} && $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'}=~m/^\S+(6005076......(.....)..........(..)(..))..2145..IBMfcp..VDASD..AIXvscsi/ ) {
+ $disks{$disk}->{'uuid'}=$1;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box'}=$2;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'suid'}="$3:$4";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box_type'}="2145";
+ }
+ # DS8000 family LUN visible through VIO
+ # 3520200B75CF371014A07210790003IBMfcp05VDASD03AIXvscsi"
+ elsif ( defined $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'} && $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'}=~m/........(.......)((..)(..))..2107900..IBMfcp..VDASD..AIXvscsi/ ) {
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box'}=$1;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'uuid'}="$1_$2";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'suid'}="$3:$4";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box_type'}="2107";
+ }
+ # we don't know a method to get the real scsi-id of vscsi devices, set it to "-"
+ $disks{$disk}{'scsi_id'}="-"
+ }
+ elsif (/mpioosdisk/) { # generic AIX MPIO
+ # SVC LUNs visible directly via FC or NPIV but without SDDPCM
+ # 33213600507680180867968000000000006E804214503IBMfcp
+ if ( defined $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'} && $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'}=~m/^\S+(6005076......(.....)..........(..)(..))..2145..IBMfcp/ ) {
+ $disks{$disk}->{'uuid'}=$1;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box'}=$2;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'suid'}="$3:$4";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box_type'}="2145";
+ if ( defined $disks{$disk}->{'lun_id'} ) {
+ if ( $disks{$disk}->{'lun_id'} =~ m/0x(?:([\da-f]+)0{12}|0)\b/ ) { # either 0 or value without 12 zeros
+ $disks{$disk}->{'scsi_id'}= defined $1 ? hex($1):0;
+ # m/0x([\da-f]+)\b/; scsi_id = hex ($1) >> 48 works only with 64 bit perl! sigh
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # DS8000 family LUN directly via FC or NPIV but without SDDPCM
+ # 3520200B75CF371014A07210790003IBMfcp
+ elsif ( defined $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'} && $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'}=~m/........(.......)((..)(..))..2107900..IBMfcp/ ) {
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box'}=$1;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'uuid'}="$1_$2";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'suid'}="$3:$4";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box_type'}="2107";
+ # we don't know a method to get the real scsi-id here too, so set it to "-"
+ $disks{$disk}{'scsi_id'}="-"
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/htcvspgx00mpio/) { # Hitachi VSP GX00 MPIO
+ # may also work with Hitachi boxes that use those disk types:
+ # htc9900mpio
+ # htchusvmmpio
+ # htcuspmpio
+ # htcuspvmpio
+ # htcvspg1000mpio
+ # htcvspmpio
+ # tested with Hitachi VSP G200 without HDLM, just AIX MPIO
+ # 240C504138FE013006OPEN-V07HITACHIfcp
+ if ( defined $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'} && $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'}=~m/........(....)((..)(..))..OPEN-...HITACHIfcp/ ) {
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box'}=$1;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'uuid'}="$1_$2";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'suid'}="$3:$4";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box_type'}="HTC";
+ }
+ if ( defined $disks{$disk}->{'lun_id'} ) {
+ if ( $disks{$disk}->{'lun_id'} =~ m/0x(?:([\da-f]+)0{12}|0)\b/ ) { # either 0 or value without 12 zeros
+ $disks{$disk}->{'scsi_id'}= defined $1 ? hex($1):0;
+ # m/0x([\da-f]+)\b/; scsi_id = hex ($1) >> 48 works only with 64 bit perl! sigh
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/scsd/) { # parallel or serial SCSI disk (subclass would be scsi and sas)
+ delete $disks{$disk}; # we are not interested in those -> remove from hash
+ }
+ elsif (/sisarray/) { # SAS RAID arrays
+ delete $disks{$disk}; # we are (currently) not interested in those -> remove from hash
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Unknown/unsupported disk type $disks{$disk}->{'type'} for disk $disk found!\n";
+ delete $disks{$disk};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%disks]);
+# option -d
+# get effective queue_depth value for each disk from kernel
+# old function, replaced with a faster one. Problems: See below!
+#sub get_queuedepth_from_kernel {
+# foreach my $disk ( sort keys %disks ) {
+# local $/ = undef;
+# my $scsidisk_info=qx{ /usr/bin/echo "scsidisk $disk" | /usr/sbin/kdb -script }; # or use open2
+# my $line_no = 0;
+# foreach my $entry ( split ( /^NAME\s+ADDRESS\s+STATE\s+CMDS_OUT\s+CURRBUF\s+LOW\n/m, $scsidisk_info ) ) {
+# next if not $line_no++; # remove first block of junk
+# #print ">>>$entry\n";
+# my $disk="";;
+# if ( $entry =~ m/(\S+)/ ) { # first word is disk name
+# $disk=$1;
+# }
+# my $queuedepth;
+# # ushort queue_depth = 0x14;
+# if ( $entry =~ m/\s+ushort\s+queue_depth\s+=\s+0x([\da-f]+);/m ) {
+# $queuedepth= hex( $1);
+# $disks{$disk}->{'queue_depth_kernel'}=$queuedepth;
+# }
+# #print "$disk $disks{$disk}->{'queue_depth_kernel'}\n";
+# }
+# }
+# option -d
+# get effective queue_depth value for each disk from kernel
+# TODO: Remove completly when there is no older AIX 7.1 anymore, queue_depth can be changed online in >7.1 TL3
+# so there is no need anymore to find out whether or not it is changed but not yet active
+sub get_queuedepth_from_kernel {
+ my $parallel_kdb_queries=10; # reduce if you see empty queuedepth values!
+ my $kdb_count=0;
+ my $number_of_disks= scalar(keys %disks);
+ my $initial_kdb_command=""; # no additional initial kdb command necessary
+ my $kdb_command=$initial_kdb_command;
+ foreach my $disk ( keys %disks ) {
+ $kdb_count++; $number_of_disks--;
+ $kdb_command .= "scsidisk $disk; ";
+ if ( $kdb_count == $parallel_kdb_queries || $number_of_disks == 0 ) {
+ my $disk_name=""; my $queuedepth="";
+ my $kdb_output=qx{ /usr/bin/echo "$kdb_command" | /usr/sbin/kdb -script };
+ my @paragraphs=split(/Executing\s+scsidisk\s+command/,$kdb_output);
+ foreach my $paragraph ( @paragraphs ) {
+ if ( $paragraph =~ m/^NAME\s+ADDRESS\s+STATE\s+CMDS_OUT\s+CURRBUF\s+LOW\n(\S+)/m ) {
+ $disk_name=$1;
+ }
+ if ( $paragraph =~ m/\s+ushort\s+queue_depth\s+=\s+0x([\da-f]+);/m) {
+ $queuedepth= hex( $1);
+ }
+ if ( $queuedepth ne "" && $disk_name ne "" ) {
+ $disks{$disk_name}->{'queue_depth_kernel'}=$queuedepth;
+ $queuedepth=""; $disk_name="";
+ }
+ }
+ $kdb_count=0; $kdb_command=$initial_kdb_command;
+ }
+ }
+# option -i, -d, -p
+# get default path prio for each unique disk type
+sub get_default_path_prio {
+ my @odmdata;
+ {
+ local $/ = "PdPathAt:";
+ @odmdata = `/usr/bin/odmget -q "attribute=priority" PdPathAt`;
+ }
+ for my $odmrecord (@odmdata){
+ my @odmstanza = split "\n", $odmrecord;
+ my $default=''; my $uniquetype='';
+ for my $line (@odmstanza){
+ if ($line =~ /\s+uniquetype\s+=\s+"(.*)"/) { $uniquetype = $1; }
+ if ($line =~ /\s+deflt\s+=\s+"(.*)"/) { $default = $1; }
+ }
+ if ( $uniquetype ne '' ) { $path_defaults{$uniquetype}=$default; }
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%path_defaults]);
+# option -i, -d, -p
+# parse the lspath output to get all possible path information
+sub get_all_path_info {
+ open(CMD,'/usr/sbin/lspath -F "status name parent connection path_status path_id"|') or die "Error running /usr/sbin/lspath !\n";
+ while () {
+ chomp;
+ # Enabled hdisk2 vscsi0 810000000000 Available 0
+ my ($state, $disk, $adapter, $connection, $path_status, $path_id)=m/(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/;
+ next if ($disk =~m/^ses/); # ignore SAS enclosures
+ $paths{$disk}->{'id'}->{$path_id}->{'path_status'}=$path_status;
+ $paths{$disk}->{'id'}->{$path_id}->{'connection'}=$connection; # currently unused, contains SCSI-ID for each path
+ # might be useful later
+ # set defaults to 0
+ if ( not defined $paths{$disk}->{'count'} ) { $paths{$disk}->{'count'}=0; }
+ if ( not defined $paths{$disk}->{'enabled'} ) { $paths{$disk}->{'enabled'}=0; }
+ if ( not defined $paths{$disk}->{'not_enabled'} ) { $paths{$disk}->{'not_enabled'}=0; }
+ $paths{$disk}->{'count'}+=1; # count paths
+ if ( $state ne "Enabled" ) {
+ $paths{$disk}->{'not_enabled'}+=1; # count "not enabled" paths
+ } else {
+ $paths{$disk}->{'enabled'}+=1; # count enabled paths
+ }
+ $paths{$disk}->{'id'}->{$path_id}->{'adapter'}=$adapter; # save state of every path/adapter
+ $paths{$disk}->{'id'}->{$path_id}->{'state'}=$state; # save state of every path/adapter
+ $paths{$disk}->{'id'}->{$path_id}->{'select'}="-"; # defaults, to be overridden by sddpcm
+ $paths{$disk}->{'id'}->{$path_id}->{'errors'}="-"; # defaults, to be overridden by sddpcm
+ if ( defined $disks{$disk} && defined $disks{$disk}->{'PCM'} && defined $path_defaults{$disks{$disk}->{'PCM'}} ) { # because of autovivification
+ # set default prio of every disk when available
+ $paths{$disk}->{'id'}->{$path_id}->{'prio'}=$path_defaults{$disks{$disk}->{'PCM'}};
+ }
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+ #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%paths]);
+# option -p
+# override default path prio with actual prio (if set)
+# this applies to MPIO disks only. sddpcm disks don't put priorities here!
+sub get_all_path_prio {
+ my @odmdata;
+ {
+ local $/ = "CuPathAt:";
+ @odmdata = `/usr/bin/odmget -q "attribute=priority" CuPathAt`;
+ }
+ for my $odmrecord (@odmdata){
+ my @odmstanza = split "\n", $odmrecord;
+ my $disk=""; my $path_id=""; my $value="";
+ for my $line (@odmstanza){
+ if ($line =~ /\s+name\s+=\s+"(.*)"/) { $disk = $1; }
+ if ($line =~ /\s+path_id\s+=\s+(.*)/) { $path_id = $1; }
+ if ($line =~ /\s+value\s+=\s+"(.*)"/) { $value = $1; }
+ }
+ if ( defined $paths{$disk} ) {
+ $paths{$disk}->{'id'}->{$path_id}->{'prio'}=$value;
+ }
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%paths]);
+ # option -p
+# get all path priorities for sddpcm disks
+sub get_all_sdd_path_prio {
+ return if ( ! -x "$pcmpath" );
+ my $pcmpath_data = qx { $pcmpath query device};
+ my $rc=$? >> 8;
+ if ( $rc == 0 ) { # only when there is no error from pcmpath! There are rare occasions, where this is not right,
+ # e.g. after sddpcm upgrade without reboot
+ my $line_no = 0;
+ my $devname=""; my @path_info=();
+ foreach my $entry ( split ( /^DEV#:\s+\S+\s+|^Path#.*Errors\s*\n/m, $pcmpath_data ) ) {
+ next if not $line_no++; # remove first block of junk
+ # there are 2 types of entries: device name and paths
+ if ( $entry =~ /DEVICE NAME:\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $devname = $1;
+ #print "dev=$devname\n";
+ } else {
+ @path_info=split( /\n/, $entry );
+ foreach my $path_element ( @path_info ) {
+ # fscsi0/path4 -> 4 corresponds to lspath path_id and can start with any number
+ # so p_path is not path_id!!!
+ # 0* fscsi0/path0 OPEN NORMAL 21341235 0
+ # or
+ # 0 fscsi2/path1 OPEN NORMAL 21341235 0
+ if ( $path_element=~ m/\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\/path(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/ ) {
+ # $p_path=$3; $p_prio=$1; $p_adapter=$2; $p_state=$4; $p_mode=$5; $p_select=$6; $p_errors=$7;
+ $paths{$devname}{'id'}{$3}{'prio'}=$1;
+ $paths{$devname}{'id'}{$3}{'select'}=$6;
+ $paths{$devname}{'id'}{$3}{'errors'}=$7;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%paths]);
+# list content of cfg file -> data center locations, storage and managed system serials, racks and comments
+# option -L
+if ( $options{'list'} ) {
+ foreach my $location ( sort keys %{$cfg->{'location'}} ) {
+ printf("DC %s comment %s\n",
+ $location,
+ defined $cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{'comment'} && length($cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{'comment'}) >0 ? $cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{'comment'}:"-"
+ );
+ foreach my $element ( reverse sort keys %{$cfg->{'location'}->{$location}} ) {
+ for ( $element) {
+ if ( /storage/ ) {
+ foreach my $box ( sort keys %{$cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}} ) {
+ printf(" storage box %s comment %s\n",
+ $box,
+ defined $cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}->{$box}->{'comment'} && length($cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}->{$box}->{'comment'}) >0 ? $cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}->{$box}->{'comment'}:"-"
+ );
+ }
+ } elsif ( /ms/ ) {
+ foreach my $ms ( sort keys %{$cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}} ) {
+ printf(" managed system %s serial %s rack %s comment %s\n",
+ defined $cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}->{$ms}->{'ms-name'}?$cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}->{$ms}->{'ms-name'}:"UNKNOWN",
+ $ms,
+ defined $cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}->{$ms}->{'rack'}?$cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}->{$ms}->{'rack'}:"-",
+ defined $cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}->{$ms}->{'comment'} && length($cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}->{$ms}->{'comment'}) >0 ? $cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}->{$ms}->{'comment'}:"-"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print"\n";
+ }
+# option -i
+elsif ( $options{'info'} ) {
+ get_all_disk_devs;
+ get_all_pv_vg_sizes;
+ get_unique_ids;
+ get_all_lun_params;
+ get_all_path_info;
+ # use dynamic widths for some columns
+ # calculate various max lengths
+ # always apply minimum sizes just in case there are no elements so the header can be displayed correctly
+ #my $max_disk_len=(sort { $b <=> $a } map { length($_) } map( $disks{$_}->{'name'}, keys %disks))[0];
+ my $max_disk_len=max(map length($_->{'name'}||0), values %disks);
+ $max_disk_len++; # add one more space for visibility
+ if ( $max_disk_len<5 ) { $max_disk_len=5; } # min size
+ my $max_size_len=max(map length($_->{'size'}), values %disks);
+ if ( $max_size_len<4 ) { $max_size_len=4; } # min size
+ #my $max_loc_len=max(map { length($_||0) } map( $locations{$disks{$_}->{'box'}}, keys %disks));
+ my $max_loc_len=max(map { length($locations{$_->{'box'}}||0)} values %disks);
+ if ( $max_loc_len<3 ) { $max_loc_len=3; } # min size
+ my $max_box_len=max(map length($_->{'box'}||0), values %disks);
+ if ( $max_box_len<3 ) { $max_box_len=3; } # min size
+ my $max_vg_len=max(map length($_->{'vg_name'}||0), values %disks);
+ if ( $max_vg_len<3 ) { $max_vg_len=3; } # min size
+ my $max_vg_state_len=max(map length($_->{'vg_state'}||0), values %disks);
+ if ( $max_vg_state_len<7 ) { $max_vg_state_len=7; } # min size, VGSTATE header is 7 chars long
+ # print the disk summary
+ if ( $options{'long'} ) {
+ # option -i -l
+ # get mirror pool names. This takes very long on 6.1 /dev/null|") or die "Error getting mirror pool names using lspv -L -P !\n";
+ while() {
+ chomp;
+ next if (/^Physical/);
+ my ($pv, $vg, $mirror_pool)=split;
+ if ( $mirror_pool eq "" ) { $mirror_pool="None"; }
+ # set only if the disk is defined (we threw out some disk types earlier!)
+ if ( defined $disks{$pv} ) { $disks{$pv}->{'mirror_pool'}=$mirror_pool; }
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+ #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%disks]);
+ if ( ! $options{'noheader'} ) { # option -H
+ printf("%-*s %*s %-*s %*s %34s %5s %4s %5s %10s %-16s %-*s %*s %6s %-8s\n",
+ $max_disk_len, "#DISK",
+ $max_size_len, "SIZE",
+ $max_loc_len, "LOC",
+ $max_box_len, "BOX",
+ "UUID",
+ "UID",
+ "SCSI",
+ "PATHS",
+ "STATE",
+ "PVID",
+ $max_vg_len, "VG",
+ $max_vg_state_len, "VGSTATE",
+ "TYPE",
+ );
+ }
+ foreach my $disk ( sort device_numerically keys %disks) {
+ printf("%-*s %*s %-*s %*s %34s %5s %4s %2s/%-2s %10s %-16s %-*s %*s %6s %-8s\n",
+ $max_disk_len, $disks{$disk}->{'name'},
+ $max_size_len, defined $disks{$disk}->{'size'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'size'} : "none",
+ $max_loc_len, defined $locations{$disks{$disk}->{'box'}} ? $locations{$disks{$disk}->{'box'}} : "-",
+ $max_box_len, $disks{$disk}->{'box'},
+ $disks{$disk}->{'uuid'},
+ $disks{$disk}->{'suid'},
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'scsi_id'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'scsi_id'} : "-",
+ $paths{$disk}->{'enabled'},
+ $paths{$disk}->{'count'},
+ $disks{$disk}->{'status'},
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'pvid'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'pvid'} : "none",
+ $max_vg_len, defined $disks{$disk}->{'vg_name'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'vg_name'} : "-",
+ $max_vg_state_len, defined $disks{$disk}->{'vg_state'} ? substr($disks{$disk}->{'vg_state'},0,6) : "-", # compatibility with old luninfo
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box_type'},
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'mirror_pool'}?$disks{$disk}->{'mirror_pool'}:"none"
+ );
+ }
+ } else { # plain option -i
+ if ( ! $options{'noheader'} ) { # option -H
+ printf("%-*s %*s %-*s %*s %5s %4s %5s %10s %-16s %-*s %*s %6s\n",
+ $max_disk_len, "#DISK",
+ $max_size_len, "SIZE",
+ $max_loc_len, "LOC",
+ $max_box_len, "BOX",
+ "UID",
+ "SCSI",
+ "PATHS",
+ "STATE",
+ "PVID",
+ $max_vg_len, "VG",
+ $max_vg_state_len, "VGSTATE",
+ "TYPE"
+ );
+ }
+ foreach my $disk ( sort device_numerically keys %disks) {
+ printf("%-*s %*s %-*s %*s %5s %4s %2s/%-2s %10s %-16s %-*s %*s %6s\n",
+ $max_disk_len, $disks{$disk}->{'name'},
+ $max_size_len, defined $disks{$disk}->{'size'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'size'} : "none",
+ $max_loc_len, defined $locations{$disks{$disk}->{'box'}} ? $locations{$disks{$disk}->{'box'}} : "-",
+ $max_box_len, $disks{$disk}->{'box'},
+ $disks{$disk}->{'suid'},
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'scsi_id'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'scsi_id'} : "-",
+ $paths{$disk}->{'enabled'},
+ $paths{$disk}->{'count'},
+ $disks{$disk}->{'status'},
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'pvid'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'pvid'} : "none",
+ $max_vg_len, defined $disks{$disk}->{'vg_name'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'vg_name'} : "-",
+ $max_vg_state_len, defined $disks{$disk}->{'vg_state'} ? substr($disks{$disk}->{'vg_state'},0,6) : "-", # compatibility with old luninfo
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box_type'}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+} elsif ( $options{'disks'} ) {
+ # option -d
+ get_all_disk_devs;
+ get_all_lun_params;
+ get_all_path_info;
+ if ( $options{'long'} ) {
+ get_queuedepth_from_kernel;
+ if ( ! $options{'noheader'} ) { # option -H
+ printf("%-9s %3s %3s %3s %5s %-6s %-17s %-12s %-13s %-9s %-9s %-8s\n",
+ }
+ foreach my $disk ( sort device_numerically keys %disks) {
+ printf("%-9s %3s %3s %3s %2s/%-2s %-6s %-17s %-12s %-13s %-9s %-9s %-8s\n",
+ $disks{$disk}->{'name'},
+ $disks{$disk}->{'queue_depth'},
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'queue_depth_kernel'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'queue_depth_kernel'} : "-",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'rw_timeout'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'rw_timeout'} : "-",
+ $paths{$disk}->{'enabled'},
+ $paths{$disk}->{'count'},
+ ($paths{$disk}->{'enabled'} == $paths{$disk}->{'count'}) ? "OK" : "NOT_OK",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'algorithm'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'algorithm'} : "-",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'reserve_policy'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'reserve_policy'} : "-",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'hcheck_cmd'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'hcheck_cmd'} : "-",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'hcheck_interval'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'hcheck_interval'} : "-",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'hcheck_mode'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'hcheck_mode'} : "-",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'PR_key_value'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'PR_key_value'} : "-"
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( ! $options{'noheader'} ) { # option -H
+ printf("%-9s %3s %3s %5s %-6s %-17s %-12s %-13s %-9s %-9s %-8s\n",
+ }
+ foreach my $disk ( sort device_numerically keys %disks) {
+ printf("%-9s %3s %3s %2s/%-2s %-6s %-17s %-12s %-13s %-9s %-9s %-8s\n",
+ $disks{$disk}->{'name'},
+ $disks{$disk}->{'queue_depth'},
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'rw_timeout'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'rw_timeout'} : "-",
+ $paths{$disk}->{'enabled'},
+ $paths{$disk}->{'count'},
+ ($paths{$disk}->{'enabled'} == $paths{$disk}->{'count'}) ? "OK" : "NOT_OK",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'algorithm'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'algorithm'} : "-",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'reserve_policy'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'reserve_policy'} : "-",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'hcheck_cmd'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'hcheck_cmd'} : "-",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'hcheck_interval'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'hcheck_interval'} : "-",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'hcheck_mode'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'hcheck_mode'} : "-",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'PR_key_value'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'PR_key_value'} : "-"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+} elsif ( $options{'ms'} ) {
+ # option -m
+ # serial, machine type, firmware etc...
+ my %system;
+ open(CMD,'/usr/sbin/lsattr -El sys0|') or die "Error running lsattr -El sys0 !";
+ while() {
+ # systemid IBM,0306C090G Hardware system identifier False
+ # system serial is 06C090G!
+ if ( /^fwversion\s+IBM,(\S+)/) { $system{'fwversion'}=$1; }
+ # modelname IBM,9117-MMA Machine name False
+ if ( /^modelname\s+IBM,(\S+)/) { $system{'modelname'}=$1; }
+ # fwversion IBM,EM350_107 Firmware version and revision levels False
+ if ( /^systemid\s+IBM,..(\S+)/) { $system{'systemid'}=$1; }
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+ open(CMD,'/usr/sbin/lsmcode -r -t system|') or die "Error running lsmcode -r -t system !";
+ while() {
+ # system:EM350_159 (t) EM350_149 (p) EM350_159 (t)
+ if ( /^system:(\S+)\s+\(t\)\s+(\S+)\s+\(p\)\s+(\S+)\s+\(.\)/ ) {
+ $system{'active_firmware'}=$3;
+ $system{'permanent_firmware'}=$2;
+ $system{'temporary_firmware'}=$1;
+ }
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+ if ( $options{'long'} ) { # option -l
+ if ( ! $options{'noheader'} ) { # option -H
+ printf("%-15s %-10s %-11s %-11s %-11s %-10s %-8s %-8s\n","#MODELNAME","SYSTEMID","FIRMWARE","FIRMWARE(t)","FIRMWARE(p)","MSYSNAME","LOCATION","RACK");
+ }
+ printf("%-15s %-10s %-11s %-11s %-11s %-10s %-8s %-8s\n",
+ $system{'modelname'},
+ $system{'systemid'},
+ # just in case we are on a machine with "weird" lsmcode output -> print sys0 data
+ defined $system{'active_firmware'} ? $system{'active_firmware'} : $system{'fwversion'},
+ defined $system{'temporary_firmware'} ? $system{'temporary_firmware'} : "-",
+ defined $system{'permanent_firmware'} ? $system{'permanent_firmware'} : "-",
+ ( defined $serials{$system{'systemid'}}->{"name"} and length $serials{$system{'systemid'}}->{"name"} ) ? $serials{$system{'systemid'}}->{"name"} : "UNKNOWN",
+ ( defined $serials{$system{'systemid'}}->{"location"} and length $serials{$system{'systemid'}}->{"location"} ) ? $serials{$system{'systemid'}}->{"location"} : "UNKNOWN",
+ ( defined $serials{$system{'systemid'}}->{"rack"} and length($serials{$system{'systemid'}}->{"rack"}) ) ? $serials{$system{'systemid'}}->{"rack"} : "-"
+ );
+ } else {
+ if ( ! $options{'noheader'} ) { # option -H
+ printf("%-15s %-10s %-10s %-10s\n","#MODELNAME","SYSTEMID","FIRMWARE","MSYSNAME");
+ }
+ printf("%-15s %-10s %-10s %-10s\n",
+ $system{'modelname'},
+ $system{'systemid'},
+ # just in case we are on a machine with "weird" lsmcode output -> print sys0 data
+ defined $system{'active_firmware'} ? $system{'active_firmware'} : $system{'fwversion'},
+ defined $serials{$system{'systemid'}} ? $serials{$system{'systemid'}}->{"name"} : "UNKNOWN"
+ );
+ }
+elsif ( $options{'fscsi'} ) {
+ # option -f
+ # get FibreChannel hba data
+ my %adapters;
+ open(CMD,'/usr/sbin/lsdev -Cc adapter -F name:status:type|') or die "Error running /usr/sbin/lsdev -Cc adapter -F name:status:type !\n";
+ # -S Available -> would list only available adapters
+ while () {
+ chomp;
+ next if ! /^fcs|IBM,vfc-client$/; # only physical and virtual fcs adapters, more to include here?
+ my ($adapter,$status,$type)=split(/:/);
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'status'}=$status;
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'name'}=$adapter;
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'type'}=$type;
+ if ( $adapter =~ /^fcs/ ) {
+ # fcs0 U78AB.001.WZSGDZK-P1-C4-T1 4Gb FC PCI Express Adapter (df1000fe)
+ #
+ # Part Number.................10N7255
+ # Serial Number...............1A109002A3
+ # Manufacturer................001A
+ # EC Level....................D77040
+ # Customer Card ID Number.....5774
+ # FRU Number..................10N7255 # sometimes there are spaces before the value!
+ # Device Specific.(ZM)........3
+ # Network Address.............10000000C9B775FA
+ # ROS Level and ID............02E8277F
+ # Device Specific.(Z0)........2057706D
+ # Device Specific.(Z1)........00000000
+ # Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000
+ # Device Specific.(Z3)........03000909
+ # Device Specific.(Z4)........FFE01212
+ # Device Specific.(Z5)........02E8277F
+ # Device Specific.(Z6)........06E12715
+ # Device Specific.(Z7)........07E1277F
+ # Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C9B775FA
+ # Device Specific.(Z9)........ZS2.71X15
+ # Device Specific.(ZA)........Z1F2.70A5
+ # Device Specific.(ZB)........Z2F2.71X15
+ # Device Specific.(ZC)........00000000
+ # Hardware Location Code......U78AB.001.WZSGDZK-P1-C4-T1
+ open(CMD1,"/usr/sbin/lscfg -vl $adapter|") or die "Error running /usr/sbin/lscfg -vl $adapter !\n";
+ while() {
+ if ( /\s+$adapter\s+(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'hw_path'}=$1; }
+ if ( /\s+FRU Number\.+\s*(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'fru_number'}=$1; }
+ if ( /\s+Network Address\.+\s*(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'wwpn'}=$1; }
+ if ( /\s+Part Number\.+\s*(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'part_number'}=$1; }
+ if ( /\s+Customer Card ID Number\.+\s*(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'card_id'}=$1; }
+ if ( /\s+Device Specific\.\(CC\)\.+\s*(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'card_id'}=$1; } # historic
+ if ( /\s+Feature Code\/Marketing ID\.+\s*(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'card_id'}=$1; } # historic
+ if ( /\s+Device Specific\.\(Z9\)\.+\s*..(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'firmware'}=$1; }
+ }
+ close(CMD1);
+ # get tuning params from the adapter
+ open(CMD1,"/usr/sbin/lsattr -El $adapter|") or die "Error running /usr/sbin/lsattr -El $adapter !\n";
+ while() {
+ if ( /^max_xfer_size\s+(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'max_xfer_size'}=$1; }
+ if ( /^num_cmd_elems\s+(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'num_cmd_elems'}=$1; }
+ }
+ close(CMD1);
+ # This will hopefully work on all FC HBAs!?
+ # get the fscsi protocol device from the HBA device parent, there is only one!(?)
+ my $device=qx{ /usr/sbin/lsdev -p $adapter -F name -t efscsi }; # this will also find "Defined" adapters!
+ chomp($device);
+ if ( $device eq "" ) {
+ $device=qx{ /usr/sbin/lsdev -p $adapter -F name -t emfscsi }; # newer models have emfscsi as type, and -t can only be used once with lsdev
+ chomp($device);
+ }
+ $adapters{$adapter}{'device'}=$device;
+ if ( $device ne "" ) { # device is empty when fcsX is Defined
+ open(CMD1,"/usr/sbin/lsattr -El $device|");
+ while() {
+ if ( /^attach\s+(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'attach'}=$1; } # needed when no devscan is available
+ if ( /^dyntrk\s+(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'dyntrk'}=$1; }
+ if ( /^fc_err_recov\s+(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'fc_err_recov'}=$1; }
+ }
+ close(CMD1);
+ }
+ # override rubbish found in lscfg output for virtual fc adapters
+ if ( $adapters{$adapter}->{'type'} eq "IBM,vfc-client" ) {
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'fru_number'}="VIRT";
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'part_number'}="VIRT";
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'card_id'}="VIRT";
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'firmware'}="VIRT";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+ # get wwpn, port speed and link state (attention type) via fcstat
+ foreach my $adapter ( keys %adapters ) {
+ # run fcstat only on adapters which are "switch" or "loop" attached. "none" will hang 30s!
+ # we work around this with -d, see below
+ # fcstat -D is undocumented but should run on all AIX versions including 5.3
+ # Attention Type is available in normal fcstat (also with -d) output in 6.1 TL9 and 7.1 TL3
+ #
+ # so first try to detect port speed and attention type in diag mode (-d) and
+ # only when this returns an error -> use -D
+ # it works because fcstat -d returns error 0d immediately when the adapter is in use
+ # this way hangs are reduced when an adapter has no link and is in "switch" mode (happens quite often)
+ open(CMD,"/usr/bin/fcstat -d $adapter 2>/dev/null|") or die "Error running /usr/bin/fcstat -d $adapter!\n";
+ while() {
+ chomp;
+ if ( /Port Speed \(running\):\s+(\d+)\s+GBIT/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'linkspeed'}= $1; }
+ #if ( /Port Type:\s+(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'attach'}= lc($1); } # "Fabric" or "Private Loop"
+ if ( /Attention\s+Type:\s+Link\s+(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'linkstate'}= lc($1); }
+ if ( /^World Wide Port Name:\s0x(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'wwpn'}=$1; }
+ }
+ close(CMD); # only close will set $? ! :-)
+ my $rc=$? >> 8;
+ if ( $rc != 0 ) { # run fcstat -D only when fcstat -d did not give any results
+ open(CMD,"/usr/bin/fcstat -D $adapter 2>/dev/null|") or die "Error running /usr/bin/fcstat -D $adapter!\n";
+ while() {
+ chomp;
+ if ( /Port Speed \(running\):\s+(\d+)\s+GBIT/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'linkspeed'}= $1; }
+ #if ( /Port Type:\s+(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'attach'}= lc($1); } # "Fabric" or "Private Loop"
+ if ( /Attention\s+Type:\s+Link\s+(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'linkstate'}= lc($1); }
+ if ( /^World Wide Port Name:\s0x(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'wwpn'}=$1; }
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+ }
+ }
+ # get SDDPCM adapter state. Important on NPIV installations since AIX adapter state (speed, link state) does not reflect reality
+ if ( -x "$pcmpath" ) {
+ my $start_marker_not_found=1;
+ open(CMD,"$pcmpath query adapter|") or die "Error running $pcmpath query adapter!\n";
+ # 0 fscsi0 NORMAL ACTIVE 68 0 2 2
+ # IMPORTANT: The adapter name is fscsi, NOT fcs!!
+ while() {
+ chomp;
+ if ( /^Adpt/ ) { $start_marker_not_found=0; }
+ next if ( $start_marker_not_found );
+ if ( /\s+\d+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+/ ) {
+ my $pdev=$1;
+ my $sdd_state=$2; # FAILED, DEGRAD, NORMAL
+ # now find associated fcs device
+ foreach my $adapter ( keys %adapters ) {
+ if ( defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'device'} && $adapters{$adapter}->{'device'} eq $pdev ) {
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'sdd_state'}=$sdd_state;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+ }
+ #}
+ #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%adapters]);
+ # use dynamic widths for some columns
+ # calculate various max lengths
+ # always apply minimum sizes just in case there are no elements so the header can be displayed correctly
+ my $max_loc_len=max(map length($_->{'hw_path'}||0), values %adapters);
+ if ( $max_loc_len<8 ) { $max_loc_len=8; } # min size
+ my $max_err_recv_len=max(map length($_->{'fc_err_recov'}||0), values %adapters);
+ if ( $max_err_recv_len<10 ) { $max_err_recv_len=10; } # min size
+ my $max_fw_len=max(map length($_->{'firmware'}||0), values %adapters);
+ if ( $max_fw_len<4 ) { $max_fw_len=4; } # min size
+ my $max_fru_len=max(map length($_->{'fru_number'}||0), values %adapters);
+ if ( $max_fru_len<4 ) { $max_fru_len=4; } # min size
+ my $max_pn_len=max(map length($_->{'part_number'}||0), values %adapters);
+ if ( $max_pn_len<4 ) { $max_pn_len=4; } # min size
+ my $max_fc_len=max(map length($_->{'card_id'}||0), values %adapters);
+ if ( $max_fc_len<4 ) { $max_fc_len=4; } # min size
+ # print FC hba status
+ if ( $options{'long'} ) { # option -l
+ if ( ! $options{'noheader'} ) { # option -H
+ printf("%-5s %-9s %-6s %-6s %4s %5s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-16s %-7s %-6s %-*s %9s %-6s\n",
+ "#HBA",
+ "STATE",
+ "SDD",
+ "LINK",
+ "SPEED",
+ $max_loc_len,"HW_PATH",
+ $max_fw_len,"FW",
+ $max_fru_len,"FRU",
+ $max_pn_len,"PN",
+ $max_fc_len,"FC",
+ "WWPN",
+ "FSCSI",
+ $max_err_recv_len,"FC_ERR_REC",
+ "NUMCMD");
+ }
+ foreach my $adapter ( sort device_numerically keys %adapters ) {
+ #next if ( $adapter !~/^fcs/ ); # adapters are filtered out earlier
+ printf("%-5s %-9s %-6s %-6s %4s %5s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-16s %-7s %-6s %-*s %9s %-6s\n",
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'name'},
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'status'},
+ defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'sdd_state'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'sdd_state'} : "-",
+ defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'attach'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'attach'} : "UNKN",
+ defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'linkstate'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'linkstate'} : "UNKN",
+ defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'linkspeed'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'linkspeed'} : "-",
+ $max_loc_len, $adapters{$adapter}->{'hw_path'},
+ $max_fw_len, defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'firmware'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'firmware'} : "UNKN",
+ $max_fru_len, defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'fru_number'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'fru_number'} : "UNKN",
+ $max_pn_len, defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'part_number'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'part_number'} : "UNKN",
+ $max_fc_len, defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'card_id'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'card_id'} : "-",
+ defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'wwpn'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'wwpn'} : "-",
+ ( defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'device'} and length $adapters{$adapter}->{'device'} ) ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'device'} : "UNKN",
+ defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'dyntrk'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'dyntrk'} : "-",
+ $max_err_recv_len, defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'fc_err_recov'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'fc_err_recov'} : "-",
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'max_xfer_size'},
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'num_cmd_elems'}
+ );
+ }
+ } else { # plain option -f
+ if ( ! $options{'noheader'} ) { # option -H
+ printf("%-5s %-9s %-6s %-6s %4s %5s %-*s %-16s %-7s %-6s %-*s %9s %-6s\n",
+ "#HBA",
+ "STATE",
+ "SDD",
+ "LINK",
+ "SPEED",
+ $max_loc_len,"HW_PATH",
+ "WWPN",
+ "FSCSI",
+ $max_err_recv_len,"FC_ERR_REC",
+ "NUMCMD");
+ }
+ foreach my $adapter ( sort device_numerically keys %adapters ) {
+ #next if ( $adapter !~/^fcs/ ); # adapters are filtered out earlier
+ printf("%-5s %-9s %-6s %-6s %4s %5s %-*s %-16s %-7s %-6s %-*s %9s %-6s\n",
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'name'},
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'status'},
+ defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'sdd_state'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'sdd_state'} : "-",
+ defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'attach'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'attach'} : "UNKN",
+ defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'linkstate'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'linkstate'} : "UNKN",
+ defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'linkspeed'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'linkspeed'} : "-",
+ $max_loc_len, $adapters{$adapter}->{'hw_path'},
+ defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'wwpn'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'wwpn'} : "-",
+ ( defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'device'} and length $adapters{$adapter}->{'device'} ) ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'device'} : "UNKN",
+ defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'dyntrk'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'dyntrk'} : "-",
+ $max_err_recv_len, defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'fc_err_recov'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'fc_err_recov'} : "-",
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'max_xfer_size'},
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'num_cmd_elems'}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+elsif ( $options{'virtual'} ) {
+ # option -v
+ # get vSCSI hba data
+ my %adapters;
+ open(CMD,'/usr/sbin/lsdev -Cc adapter -t IBM,v-scsi -F name,status,physloc|') or die "Error running /usr/sbin/lsdev -Cc adapter -t IBM,v-scsi -F name,status,physloc !\n";
+ while () {
+ chomp;
+ #next if ! /^vscsi/; # any more patterns to match/exclude here?
+ my ($adapter,$status,$hwpath) = split(/,/);
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'status'} = $status;
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'name'} = $adapter;
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'physloc'} = $hwpath;
+ if ( $hwpath =~ /[^-]+\-V[0-9]+\-(C[0-9]+)/ ) {
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'controller'} = $1;
+ }
+ if ( $adapter =~ /^vscsi/ ) { # probably redundant
+ open(CMD1,"/usr/sbin/lsattr -El $adapter|");
+ while() {
+ if ( /^vscsi_err_recov\s+(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'vscsi_err_recov'}=$1; }
+ if ( /^vscsi_path_to\s+(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'vscsi_path_to'}=$1; }
+ }
+ close(CMD1);
+ # get parent vhost and vio server later
+ # set proper defaults (e.g. for 5.3) for vhost and vio server
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'vhost'}="-";
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'vios'}="-";
+ }
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+ open(CMD,'/usr/sbin/lsdev -Cc adapter -t IBM,vfc-client -F name,status,physloc|') or die "Error running /usr/sbin/lsdev -Cc adapter -t IBM,vfc-client -F name,status,physloc !\n";
+ while () {
+ chomp;
+ #next if ! /^fcs/; # any more patterns to match/exclude here?
+ my ($adapter,$status,$hwpath) = split(/,/);
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'status'} = $status;
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'name'} = $adapter;
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'physloc'} = $hwpath;
+ if ( $hwpath =~ /[^-]+\-V[0-9]+\-(C[0-9]+)/ ) {
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'controller'} = $1;
+ }
+ # just get fc_err_recov here, for more info use -f !
+ # get the fscsi protocol device from the HBA device parent, there is only one!(?)
+ my $device=qx{ /usr/sbin/lsdev -p $adapter -F name -t efscsi }; # this will also find "Defined" adapters!
+ chomp($device);
+ if ( $device eq "" ) {
+ $device=qx{ /usr/sbin/lsdev -p $adapter -F name -t emfscsi }; # newer models have emfscsi as type, and -t can only be used once with lsdev
+ chomp($device);
+ }
+ $adapters{$adapter}{'device'}=$device;
+ if ( $device ne "" ) { # device is empty when fcsX is Defined
+ open(CMD1,"/usr/sbin/lsattr -El $device|");
+ while() {
+ if ( /^fc_err_recov\s+(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'vscsi_err_recov'}=$1; } # vscsi is used for the sake of simplicity only! :-)
+ }
+ close(CMD1);
+ }
+ # get parent vhost and vio server later
+ # set proper defaults (e.g. for 5.3) for vhost and vio server
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'vhost'}="-";
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'vios'}="-";
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+ #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%adapters]);
+ # get vhost,vfchost and vio servers from kdb... only if vscsi/vfc adapters are present
+ # will not return anything for defined adapters!
+ # fcs adapters temporarily removed from grep expression because it sometimes doesn't work (see below)
+ # this will reduce unnecessary delays
+ #if ( grep (/^vscsi|^fcs/, keys %adapters) ) { # don't run kdb when there are no vscsi or fcs adapters (real fc adapters don't show up)
+ if ( grep (/^vscsi/, keys %adapters) ) { # don't run kdb when there are no vscsi or fcs adapters (real fc adapters don't show up)
+ my $pid=open2(\*CMDIN, \*CMDOUT, "/usr/sbin/kdb -script"); # this will only work as root, errors (perm denied etc for non-root) are ignored
+ print CMDOUT "cvai;vfcs\n"; # "cvai" for vscsi devices, "vfcs" for vfscsi devices
+ close CMDOUT;
+ while() {
+ # vscsi0 0x000007 0x0000000000 0x0 axvio62t->vhost34
+ # normal operation is state = 0x000007, change if other state doesn't give valid data
+ if ( /^(vscsi\d+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)->(\S+)/) {
+ $adapters{$1}->{'vhost'} = $3;
+ $adapters{$1}->{'vios'} = $2;
+ # fcs0 0xF1000100267D4000 0x0008 axvio66t vfchost0 0x01 0x0000
+ # normal operation is state = 0x0008
+ # state = 0x0001: Mapping is missing on VIOS, HOST and HOST_ADAP are not valid
+ } elsif ( /^(fcs\d+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ if ( $2 eq "0x0008" ) {
+ $adapters{$1}->{'vhost'} = $4;
+ $adapters{$1}->{'vios'} = $3;
+ } else {
+ $adapters{$1}->{'vhost'} = "ERROR";
+ $adapters{$1}->{'vios'} = "ERROR";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(CMDIN);
+ }
+ # vfc adapters need special handling because sometimes the kdb vfcs command stops working because some internal kernel
+ # data was paged out (APAR IV79359)
+ # the next code block is a slow (+1..2s) workaround, the vfcs code above is still present, so the workaround can be removed easily later
+ if ( grep (/^fcs/, keys %adapters) ) { # don't run kdb when there are no fcs adapters (real fc adapters don't show up)
+ my $lke="";
+ my $le_data="";
+ my $vfcs_adap_info="";
+ my $pid=open2(\*CMDIN, \*CMDOUT, "/usr/sbin/kdb -script");
+ print CMDOUT "lke\n";
+ close(CMDOUT);
+ # get vfcdd driver number from list of kernel extension
+ while() {
+ chomp;
+ if ( /^\s*(\d+)\s+.*vfcdd$/ ) {
+ $lke=$1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close(CMDIN);
+ if ( $lke ne "" ) {
+ my $pid=open2(\*CMDIN, \*CMDOUT, "/usr/sbin/kdb -script");
+ print CMDOUT "lke -s $lke\n";
+ close(CMDOUT);
+ # get le_data address
+ while() {
+ chomp;
+ if ( /^\s*le_data\.+\s(\S+)\s+.*$/ ) {
+ $le_data=$1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close(CMDIN);
+ }
+ if ( $lke ne "" && $le_data ne "" ) {
+ my $pid=open2(\*CMDIN, \*CMDOUT, "/usr/sbin/kdb -script");
+ print CMDOUT "vfcsglob\n$le_data\n";
+ close(CMDOUT);
+ # get adapter info from vfcsglob data structure
+ while() {
+ chomp;
+ if ( /^\s*struct\s+vfc_adap_info\s+\S+\s+=\s+([0-9A-Fx]+);/ ) {
+ $vfcs_adap_info=$1;
+ my $pid2=open2(\*KDBIN, \*KDBOUT, "/usr/sbin/kdb -script");
+ print KDBOUT "vfcs $vfcs_adap_info\n";
+ close(KDBOUT);
+ local $/ = undef; # slurp all lines into variable
+ my $vfcs_struct=;
+ #print "########\n$vfcs_struct\n########\n;
+ if ( $vfcs_struct =~ /.*adapter:\s+(\S+)\s+.*state:\s(\S+)\s+.*host_name:\s+(\S+)\s+host_device:\s(\S+)/s ) {
+ #print "adapter:state:host_name:host_device: $1 $2 $3 $4\n";
+ if ( $2 eq "0x8" ) {
+ $adapters{$1}->{'vhost'} = $4;
+ $adapters{$1}->{'vios'} = $3;
+ } else {
+ $adapters{$1}->{'vhost'} = "ERROR";
+ $adapters{$1}->{'vios'} = "ERROR";
+ }
+ }
+ close(KDBIN);
+ }
+ }
+ close(CMDIN);
+ }
+ }
+ #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%adapters]);
+ # print vscsi/vfc hba status
+ if ( ! $options{'noheader'} ) { # option -H
+ printf("%-7s %-9s %-30s %-4s %-10s %-10s %-12s %-7s\n",
+ }
+ foreach my $adapter ( sort keys %adapters ) {
+ next if ( $adapter !~/^vscsi|^fcs/ );
+ printf("%-7s %-9s %-30s %-4s %-10s %-10s %-12s %-7s\n",
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'name'},
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'status'},
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'physloc'},
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'controller'},
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'vios'},
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'vhost'},
+ defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'vscsi_err_recov'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'vscsi_err_recov'} : "-", # not present in early 5.3
+ defined $adapters{$adapter}->{'vscsi_path_to'} ? $adapters{$adapter}->{'vscsi_path_to'} : "-"
+ );
+ }
+} elsif ( $options{'paths'} ) {
+ # option -p
+ get_all_disk_devs;
+ get_all_lun_params; # because of PCM option to find default prio
+ get_default_path_prio;
+ get_all_path_info;
+ get_all_path_prio;
+ get_all_sdd_path_prio;
+ #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%disks]);
+ #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%path_defaults]);
+ #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%paths]);
+ # view:
+ # hdisk vscsi Enabled vscsi-prio - - from vscsi values
+ # hdisk fscsi Enabled pcmpath-path pcmpath-select -errors from pcmpath query device
+ if ( ! $options{'noheader'} ) { # option -H
+ printf("%-9s %-8s %-8s %-10s %-5s %-10s %-10s\n",
+ }
+ foreach my $disk ( sort device_numerically keys %paths ) {
+ foreach my $path_id ( sort keys %{$paths{$disk}{'id'}} ) {
+ if ( defined $disks{$disk} ) { # print only paths for devices we want (e.g. no scsi/sas disks)
+ next if ( $disks{$disk}->{'type'} =~ /scsd/ ); # skip scsi/sas disks
+ printf("%-9s %-8s %-8s %-10s %-5s %-10s %-10s\n",
+ $disk,
+ $paths{$disk}{'id'}->{$path_id}->{'adapter'},
+ $paths{$disk}{'id'}->{$path_id}->{'state'},
+ $paths{$disk}{'id'}->{$path_id}->{'path_status'},
+ $paths{$disk}{'id'}->{$path_id}->{'prio'},
+ $paths{$disk}{'id'}->{$path_id}->{'select'},
+ $paths{$disk}{'id'}->{$path_id}->{'errors'}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# The end.
diff --git a/luninfo.cfg b/luninfo.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..917d795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/luninfo.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/show_vio_disk_mappings b/show_vio_disk_mappings
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7aad5ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/show_vio_disk_mappings
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+# Shows LUN mappings of a VIOS environment faster than lsmap
+# inspired by FUM :-)
+# Armin Kunaschik
+# Version 1.0
+# Version 1.1 2011-11-29 added SCSI id's for 2145
+# Version 1.2 2012-03-12 added Nuernberg box serials
+# Version 1.3 2012-06-13 added short UUID (SUID), fixed column width
+# Version 1.4 2013-01-16 added 5th character to identify SVC serials
+# Version 1.5 2013-01-22 added new box serials, changes location naming conventions
+# Version 2.0 2014-03-21 code rewrite, changed 2145 scsi id detection, added lpar names to vhost mappings from kernel (kdb)
+# Version 2.1 2014-08-29 support for displaying disks sizes as large as 10TB
+# Version 2.2 2015-02-24 LPARID added, "support" for empty/defined vhosts or stopped LPARs
+# Version 2.3 2015-04-30 cosmetics: slot numbers left justified
+# Version 2.4 2020-11-07 moved serials and locations into luninfo.cfg
+# Bugs: Script might display garbage for LPAR and/or LPARID when executed while a lpar is booting
+# there is no documentation on all possible kdb output :-(
+# Workaround: Don't execute while lpars are booting :-)
+use strict;
+#use Data::Dumper;
+use XML::Simple; # for config file
+my %disks;
+my %slots;
+my %locations;
+my $cfgfile="/etc/luninfo.cfg";
+my $cfg; #configuration hash
+# read locations from config file
+if ( -e $cfgfile ) {
+ $cfg=XMLin($cfgfile, ForceArray => 1);
+foreach my $location ( keys %{$cfg->{'location'}} ) {
+ foreach my $element ( keys %{$cfg->{'location'}->{$location}} ) {
+ for ( $element) {
+ if ( /storage/ ) {
+ foreach my $box ( keys %{$cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}} ) {
+ if ( defined $locations{$box} ) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR in $cfgfile: Duplicate use of storage serial $box! Using first definition.\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $locations{$box}=$location;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%locations]);
+# read the disk types and availability
+open(CMD,"/usr/sbin/lsdev -c disk -F'name subclass type status'|") or die "Error running lsdev -c disk -F'name subclass type'!";
+while() {
+ chomp;
+ if ( m/(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $disks{$1}->{'name'}=$1;
+ $disks{$1}->{'subclass'}=$2;
+ $disks{$1}->{'type'}=$3;
+ $disks{$1}->{'status'}=$4;
+ }
+# read all PVs and volume group names
+open(CMD,"/usr/sbin/lspv|") or die "Error running /usr/sbin/lspv!";
+while() {
+ chomp;
+ if ( m/(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ #$disks{$1}->{'name'}=$1;
+ $disks{$1}->{'pvid'}=$2;
+ $disks{$1}->{'vg_name'}=$3;
+ my $disk=$1;
+ # get size of each available disk... this is the most time consuming part
+ if ( $disks{$disk}->{'status'} eq "Available" ) {
+ open(CMD1,"/usr/bin/getconf DISK_SIZE /dev/$disk 2>/dev/null|") or die "Error getting disk size for disk $disk\n";
+ while() {
+ chomp;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'size'}=$_;
+ }
+ close(CMD1);
+ # check error of finished process (shift right by 8)
+ my $rc=$? >> 8;
+ if ( $rc != 0 ) {
+ # disksize -> none if getconf gives error
+ $disks{$disk}->{'size'}="none";
+ }
+ } else {
+ # disksize -> none for defined disks
+ $disks{$disk}->{'size'}="none";
+ }
+ }
+# get VTD to disk name mapping from ODM
+my @vtd_list;
+ local $/="\n\n"; # record delimiter is 2 new lines = paragraph
+ @vtd_list=qx { /usr/bin/odmget -q "attribute=aix_tdev" CuAt };
+# name = "server1_dc1_lun1"
+# attribute = "aix_tdev"
+# value = "hdisk459"
+# type = "R"
+# generic = "D"
+# rep = "s"
+# nls_index = 5
+foreach my $vtd ( @vtd_list ) {
+ my $vtd_name="";
+ my $vtd_disk="";
+ if ( $vtd =~ m/\s+name\s+=\s+"(\S+)"/m ) { $vtd_name = $1; }
+ if ( $vtd =~ m/\s+value\s+=\s+"(\S+)"/m ) { $vtd_disk = $1; }
+ if ( $vtd_disk ne "" && $vtd_name ne "" ) {
+ $disks{$vtd_disk}->{'vtd'}=$vtd_name;
+ }
+undef @vtd_list;
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%disks]);
+# get controller id's from slot list; will also show defined devices, although defined devices are currently not used
+open(CMD,'/usr/sbin/lsdev -Cc adapter -t IBM,v-scsi-host -F name,status,physloc|') or die "Error running /usr/sbin/lsdev -Cc adapter -t IBM,v-scsi-host -F name,status,physloc !\n";
+while() {
+ chomp;
+ my ($device,$status,$hwpath) = split(/,/);
+ if ( $hwpath =~ /[^-]+\-V[0-9]+\-(C[0-9]+)/ ) {
+ $slots{$device}=$1;
+ }
+# get VTD to vhost mapping from ODM
+my %vhost2lpar;
+my @vtd_vhost_list;
+ local $/="\n\n";
+ @vtd_vhost_list=qx { /usr/bin/odmget -q PdDvLn="virtual_target/vtdev/scdisk" CuDv };
+# name = "server1_dc1_lun1"
+# status = 1
+# chgstatus = 0
+# ddins = ""
+# location = ""
+# parent = "vhost50"
+# connwhere = "5"
+# PdDvLn = "virtual_target/vtdev/scdisk"
+foreach my $vtd ( @vtd_vhost_list ) {
+ my $vtd_name="";
+ my $vtd_parent="";
+ if ( $vtd =~ m/\s+name\s+=\s+"(\S+)"/m ) { $vtd_name = $1; }
+ if ( $vtd =~ m/\s+parent\s+=\s+"(\S+)"/m ) { $vtd_parent = $1; }
+ if ( $vtd_parent ne "" && $vtd_name ne "" ) {
+ $vhost2lpar{$vtd_parent}->{'vhost'}=$vtd_parent; # will be filled later, only available/configured vhosts will be put here
+ foreach my $disk ( keys %disks ) {
+ if ( defined $disks{$disk}->{'vtd'} && $disks{$disk}->{'vtd'} eq $vtd_name ) {
+ $disks{$disk}->{'vhost'}=$vtd_parent;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+undef @vtd_vhost_list;
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%disks]);
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%vhost2lpar]);
+# get all unique_id from ODM if there is a matching disk
+my @uuid_list;
+ local $/="\n\n";
+ @uuid_list=qx { /usr/bin/odmget -q "attribute=unique_id" CuAt };
+foreach my $uuid ( @uuid_list ) {
+ my $unique_id="";
+ my $name="";
+ if ( $uuid =~ m/\s+name\s+=\s+"(\S+)"/m ) { $name=$1; }
+ if ( $uuid =~ m/\s+value\s+=\s+"(\S+)"/m ) { $unique_id=$1; }
+ if ( $name ne "" && $unique_id ne "" && defined $disks{$name} ) {
+ $disks{$name}->{'unique_id'}=$unique_id;
+ }
+undef @uuid_list;
+# get all lun_id's from ODM
+my @lunid_list;
+ local $/="\n\n";
+ @lunid_list=qx { /usr/bin/odmget -q "attribute=lun_id" CuAt };
+foreach my $luid ( @lunid_list ) {
+ my $lun_id="";
+ my $name="";
+ if ( $luid =~ m/\s+name\s+=\s+"(\S+)"/m ) { $name=$1; }
+ if ( $luid =~ m/\s+value\s+=\s+"(\S+)"/m ) { $lun_id=$1; }
+ if ( $name ne "" && $lun_id ne "" && defined $disks{$name} ) {
+ $disks{$name}->{'lun_id'}=$lun_id;
+ }
+undef @uuid_list;
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%disks]);
+foreach my $disk ( keys %disks ) {
+ #open(CMD,"/usr/sbin/lsattr -El $disk|") or die "Error running /usr/sbin/lsattr -El $disk !\n";
+ #while() {
+ # if ( /^lun_id\s+(\S+)/ ) { $disks{$disk}->{'lun_id'}=$1; } # only for some physical disks (e.g. 2145, 1818..)
+ #}
+ #close(CMD);
+ #
+ # use type and subclass to separate disks
+ for ($disks{$disk}{'type'}) {
+ #2105 - 2105 models (ESS)
+ #2145 - 2145 models (SVC)
+ #2147 - 2147 models (SVC)
+ #1750 - 1750 devices (DS 6000)
+ #2107 - 2107 devices (DS 8000)
+ #1724 - 1724 devices (DS 4100)
+ #1814 - 1814 devices (DS 4200 and DS 4700)
+ #1722 - 1722 devices (DS 4300)
+ #1742 - 1742 devices (DS 4400 and DS 4500)
+ #1815 - 1815 devices (DS 4800)
+ #1818 - 1818 devices (DS 5000)
+ if (/2145/) {
+ # 3321360050768019081CFD800000000000A8404214503IBMfcp
+ # IBM storage WWN always start with 6005076
+ if ( $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'} =~ m/^\S+(6005076......(.....)..........(..)(..))..2145..IBMfcp/ ) {
+ $disks{$disk}->{'guid'}=$1;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box'}=$2;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'suid'}="$3:$4";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box_type'}="2145";
+ }
+ # This should work from AIX 5.3 upwards for 2145
+ # This might work for DS5000 (type 1818) too, although I don't have a machine to test with
+ if ( defined $disks{$disk}->{'lun_id'} ) {
+ if ( $disks{$disk}->{'lun_id'} =~ m/0x(?:([\da-f]+)0{12}|0)\b/ ) { # either 0 or value without 12 zeros
+ $disks{$disk}->{'scsi_id'}= defined $1 ? hex($1):0;
+ # m/0x([\da-f]+)\b/; scsi_id = hex ($1) >> 48 works only with 64 bit perl! sigh
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/2107/) {
+ # 200B75G6831015607210790003IBMfcp
+ if ( $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'} =~ m/^....(.......)((..)(..))..2107.....IBMfcp/ ) {
+ $disks{$disk}{'box'}=$1;
+ $disks{$disk}{'guid'}="$1_$2"; # this is normally $2 ONLY, but we don't print the box
+ #undef $disks{$name}; # we don't care about 2107 disks
+ $disks{$disk}{'suid'}="$3:$4";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box_type'}="2107";
+ # There is a lun_id for DS8000 too, but this contains the same info as $3$4 (0x40XX40XX00000000)
+ $disks{$disk}->{'scsi_id'}="-"
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/vdisk/) {
+ if ( $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'} =~ m/^\S+(6005076......(.....)..........(..)(..))..2145..IBMfcp..VDASD..AIXvscsi/ ) {
+ $disks{$disk}{'guid'}=$1;
+ $disks{$disk}{'box'}=$2;
+ $disks{$disk}{'suid'}="$3:$4";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box_type'}="2145";
+ }
+ # 3520200B75CF371014A07210790003IBMfcp05VDASD03AIXvscsi"
+ elsif ( $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'} =~ m/........(.......)((..)(..))..2107.....IBMfcp..VDASD..AIXvscsi/ ) {
+ $disks{$disk}{'box'}=$1;
+ $disks{$disk}{'guid'}="$1_$2";
+ $disks{$disk}{'suid'}="$3:$4";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'scsi_id'}="-";
+ #undef $disks{$disk}; # we don't care about 2107 disks
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/scsd/) { # parallel or serial SCSI disk (subclass would be scsi and sas)
+ delete $disks{$disk}; # we are not interested in those -> remove from hash
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Unknown disk type $disks{$disk}{'type'} for disk $disk found!\n";
+ undef $disks{$disk};
+ }
+ }
+# get vhost to lpar mapping from kernel kdb... this takes some time! :-)
+# kdb queries are slow. let's query some info with the same kdb call (in "parallel"), 15 seems OK, 20 is NOT
+# looking for 2 lines:
+# Target vSCSI Adapter Structure vhost0
+# client_data.srp_version: 16.aviosserver1 client_data.partition_name: server1
+my $parallel_kdb_queries=15; # 15 queries in 1 kdb call. Reduce if you see errors or missin lpar names
+my $kdb_count=0;
+my $number_of_vhosts= scalar(keys %vhost2lpar);
+my $initial_kdb_command= "svCmdIni; svPrQs; ";
+my $kdb_command=$initial_kdb_command;
+foreach my $vhost ( keys %vhost2lpar ) {
+ $kdb_count++; $number_of_vhosts--;
+ $kdb_command .= "svva $vhost; ";
+ if ( $kdb_count == $parallel_kdb_queries || $number_of_vhosts == 0 ) {
+ my $vhost_name=""; my $lpar_name=""; my $lpar_number="";
+ open(CMD,"echo \"$kdb_command\" \|/usr/sbin/kdb -script|" ) or die "Error running /usr/sbin/kdb -script !\n";
+ while() {
+ if ( m/\s+Target vSCSI Adapter Structure\s+(\S+)\b/ ) {
+ $vhost_name=$1;
+ }
+ if ( m/client_data.srp_version:\s+\S+\s+client_data.partition_name:\s+(\S+)\b/ ) {
+ $lpar_name=$1;
+ }
+ if ( m/client_data.srp_version:\s+client_data.partition_name:\s+$/ ) {
+ $lpar_name='none'; # special case of empty vhost
+ }
+ if ( m/client_data.partition_number:\s+([\da-fA-F]+)\b/ ) {
+ $lpar_number=$1; # 0 means "any partition" -> vhost is empty
+ # this reflects HMC profile values (partition id).
+ }
+ if ( $lpar_name ne "" && $vhost_name ne "" && $lpar_number ne "" ) {
+ $vhost2lpar{$vhost_name}->{'lpar_name'}=$lpar_name;
+ $vhost2lpar{$vhost_name}->{'lpar_number'}=hex($lpar_number);
+ $vhost_name=""; $lpar_name=""; $lpar_number="";
+ }
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+ $kdb_count=0; $kdb_command=$initial_kdb_command;
+ }
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%vhost2lpar]);
+# subroutine to sort the disks numerically rather than alphabetically
+sub disks_numerically {
+ $a=~ /\D+(\d+)/;
+ my $aa=$1;
+ $b=~ /\D+(\d+)/;
+ my $bb=$1;
+ $aa <=> $bb;
+# print the whole thing
+printf("%-9s %32s %5s %8s %-8s %7s %4s %18s %-4s %8s %16s %12s %6s\n", "#DISK","UUID","SUID","SIZE","BOX","LOC","SCSI","PVID","SLOT","VHOST","VTD","LPAR","LPARID");
+foreach my $disk ( sort disks_numerically keys %disks) {
+ # for now just look at available disk...
+ if ( defined $disks{$disk}->{'status'} && $disks{$disk}->{'status'} eq "Available" ) {
+ printf("%-9s %32s %5s %8s %-8s %7s %4s %18s %-4s %8s %16s %12s %6s\n",
+ $disks{$disk}->{'name'},
+ $disks{$disk}->{'guid'},
+ $disks{$disk}->{'suid'},
+ $disks{$disk}->{'size'},
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box'},
+ defined $locations{$disks{$disk}->{'box'}} ? $locations{$disks{$disk}->{'box'}} : "UNKN",
+ $disks{$disk}->{'scsi_id'},
+ $disks{$disk}->{'pvid'},
+ defined $slots{$disks{$disk}->{'vhost'}} ? $slots{$disks{$disk}->{'vhost'}} : "-",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'vhost'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'vhost'} : "-",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'vtd'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'vtd'} : "-",
+ defined $vhost2lpar{$disks{$disk}->{'vhost'}}->{'lpar_name'} ? $vhost2lpar{$disks{$disk}->{'vhost'}}->{'lpar_name'} : "-",
+ defined $vhost2lpar{$disks{$disk}->{'vhost'}}->{'lpar_number'} ? $vhost2lpar{$disks{$disk}->{'vhost'}}->{'lpar_number'} : "-"
+ );
+ }
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%disks]);
+# The end.
diff --git a/show_vio_host_mappings b/show_vio_host_mappings
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5badef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/show_vio_host_mappings
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+# Shows virtual controller (vhost and vfchost) mappings in a VIOS environment
+# Armin Kunaschik
+# Version 1.0 initial release
+# Version 1.1 added WWPN of VIO HBA (because SAN guys requested it)
+# Version 1.2 removed unnecessary loop that caused bad performance
+# Version 1.3 2015-04-30 cosmetic changes, slot numbers are left justified now, ioscli APAR mentioned
+# Version 1.4 2020-11-07 added code to read luninfo.cfg, currently not used
+# Bugs: Script might display garbage for LPAR and/or LPARID when executed while a lpar is booting
+# there is no documentation on all possible kdb output :-(
+# Workaround: Don't execute while lpars are booting :-)
+use strict;
+#use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use XML::Simple; # for config file
+#use Data::Dumper;
+my $cfgfile="/etc/luninfo.cfg";
+my $cfg; #configuration hash
+my %options = ( 'disks' => 0,
+ 'noheader' => 0,
+ 'help' => 0
+sub usage {
+ print STDERR "Usage: $0 [-h] | [-H ] | [ -d ]\n";
+ print STDERR " display vhost to LPAR mapping\n";
+ print STDERR " -h display this help\n";
+ print STDERR " -d display vhost to LPAR mapping with mapped disks and vtds (vscsi only)\n";
+ print STDERR " -H don't display header line\n";
+ exit 1;
+Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); # enable bundling of options like -lp same as -l -p
+GetOptions( "d" => \$options{'disks'},
+ "H" => \$options{'noheader'},
+ "h" => \$options{'help'},
+ ) or usage;
+# any option list containing -h will display usage
+if ( $options{'help'} ) { usage; };
+my %locations;
+if ( -e $cfgfile ) {
+ $cfg=XMLin($cfgfile, ForceArray => 1);
+foreach my $location ( keys %{$cfg->{'location'}} ) {
+ foreach my $element ( keys %{$cfg->{'location'}->{$location}} ) {
+ for ( $element) {
+ if ( /storage/ ) {
+ foreach my $box ( keys %{$cfg->{'location'}->{$location}->{$element}} ) {
+ if ( defined $locations{$box} ) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR in $cfgfile: Duplicate use of storage serial $box! Using first definition.\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $locations{$box}=$location;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%locations]);
+# hashes for vscsi, vfc and physical FC adapters
+my %vscsi;
+my %vfc;
+my %adapters;
+# disks hash holds hdisk-vtd mappings and other storage info (location, box, uuid etc)
+my %disks;
+# get list of virtual adapters, status and physical locations
+open(CMD,"/usr/sbin/lsdev -c adapter -t IBM,v-scsi-host -F'name status physloc'|") or die "Error running lsdev -c adapter -t IBM,v-scsi-host -F'name status physloc'!";
+while() {
+ chomp;
+ my ($name, $status, $physloc)=split;
+ $vscsi{$name}->{"name"}=$name;
+ $vscsi{$name}->{"status"}=$status;
+ $vscsi{$name}->{"type"}='v-scsi-host';
+ $vscsi{$name}->{"physloc"}=$physloc;
+ if ( $physloc =~ /[^-]+\-V[0-9]+\-(C[0-9]+)/ ) {
+ $vscsi{$name}->{"slot"}=$1;
+ }
+open(CMD,"/usr/sbin/lsdev -c adapter -t IBM,vfc-server -F'name status physloc'|") or die "Error running lsdev -c adapter -t IBM,vfc-server -F'name status physloc'!";
+while() {
+ chomp;
+ my ($name, $status, $physloc)=split;
+ $vfc{$name}->{"name"}=$name;
+ $vfc{$name}->{"status"}=$status;
+ $vfc{$name}->{"type"}='vfc-server';
+ $vfc{$name}->{"physloc"}=$physloc;
+ if ( $physloc =~ /[^-]+\-V[0-9]+\-(C[0-9]+)/ ) {
+ $vfc{$name}->{"slot"}=$1;
+ }
+open(CMD,'/usr/sbin/lsdev -Cc adapter -F name:status:type|') or die "Error running /usr/sbin/lsdev -Cc adapter -F name:status:type !\n";
+while () {
+ chomp;
+ next if ! /^fcs/; # only physical fcs adapters, more to include here?
+ my ($adapter,$status,$type)=split(/:/);
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'status'}=$status;
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'name'}=$adapter;
+ $adapters{$adapter}->{'type'}=$type;
+ if ( $adapter =~ /^fcs/ ) {
+ open(CMD1,"/usr/sbin/lscfg -vl $adapter|") or die "Error running /usr/sbin/lscfg -vl $adapter !\n";
+ while() {
+ # get WWPN of physical adapter, easy way, lscfg works only for physical adapters
+ if ( /\s+Network Address\.+\s*(\S+)/ ) { $adapters{$adapter}->{'wwpn'}=$1; }
+ }
+ close(CMD1);
+ }
+# get mapped adapter name like this:
+# lsattr -El vfchost0 -a map_port
+# map_port fcs1 Physical FC Port False
+# BEWARE: the man page states, that the field order is not always followed in the output!
+# ioscli lsmap -all -npiv -fmt , -field name clntname status fc clntid physloc vfcclient vfcclientdrc
+# vfchost0,server1,52,U9117.MMC.0601234-V6-C11,LOGGED_IN,fcs1,fcs3,U9117.MMC.0601234-V52-C17
+# vfchost1,server1,52,U9117.MMC.0601234-V6-C10,LOGGED_IN,fcs2,fcs2,U9117.MMC.0601234-V52-C16
+# vfchost0, ,27,U9117.MMC.0601234-V3-C10,NOT_LOGGED_IN,fcs0, ,
+# in the future, IV72745 might fix some of this... no, it didn't.
+# Wow! IV86769 did not fix lsmap -fmt but added a new option -fmt2... just for me(!), and it took only a few years
+# TODO: Change code to use -fmt2 when there is no VIOS 2 anymore
+open(CMD,"cd /tmp; /usr/ios/cli/ioscli lsmap -all -npiv -fmt , -field name clntname status fc clntid physloc vfcclient vfcclientdrc|") or die "Error running ioscli command\n";
+# cd /tmp because ioscli generates ioscli.log in current work directory
+while() {
+ chomp;
+ my ( $vhost, $lpar_name, $lpar_number, $vio_hw_path, $san_status, $vio_adapter, $lpar_adapter, $lpar_hw_path)=split(/,/);
+ $lpar_name =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # trim spaces; f*ck IBM (empty entries are no empty strings but " " grrrr), IV86769 adds -fmt2, no trimming anymore
+ $lpar_adapter =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # trim more spaces; same reason
+ $lpar_hw_path =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # still triming
+ $vfc{$vhost}->{'lpar_name'}=$lpar_name;
+ $vfc{$vhost}->{'lpar_number'}=$lpar_number;
+ $vfc{$vhost}->{'vio_adapter'}=$vio_adapter;
+ $vfc{$vhost}->{'lpar_adapter'}=$lpar_adapter;
+ $vfc{$vhost}->{'san_status'}=$san_status;
+ $vfc{$vhost}->{'lpar_hw_path'}=$lpar_hw_path;
+ if ( $lpar_hw_path =~ /[^-]+\-V[0-9]+\-(C[0-9]+)/ ) {
+ $vfc{$vhost}->{"lpar_slot"}=$1;
+ }
+# get vhost to lpar mapping from kernel kdb... this takes some time! :-)
+# kdb queries are slow. let's query some info with the same kdb call (in "parallel"), 15 seems OK, 20 is NOT
+# looking for 2 lines:
+# Target vSCSI Adapter Structure vhost0
+# client_data.srp_version: 16.aviosserver1 client_data.partition_name: server1
+# client_data.partition_number: A
+my $parallel_kdb_queries=15; # 15 queries in 1 kdb call. Reduce if you see errors or missing lpar names
+my $kdb_count=0;
+my $number_of_vhosts= scalar(keys %vscsi);
+my $initial_kdb_command= "svCmdIni; svPrQs; ";
+my $kdb_command=$initial_kdb_command;
+foreach my $vhost ( keys %vscsi ) {
+ $kdb_count++; $number_of_vhosts--;
+ $kdb_command .= "svva $vhost; ";
+ if ( $kdb_count == $parallel_kdb_queries || $number_of_vhosts == 0 ) {
+ my $vhost_name=""; my $lpar_name=""; my $lpar_number="";
+ open(CMD,"echo \"$kdb_command\" \|/usr/sbin/kdb -script|" ) or die "Error running /usr/sbin/kdb -script !\n";
+ while() {
+ if ( m/\s+Target vSCSI Adapter Structure\s+(\S+)\b/ ) {
+ $vhost_name=$1;
+ }
+ if ( m/client_data.srp_version:\s+\S+\s+client_data.partition_name:\s+(\S+)\b/ ) {
+ $lpar_name=$1; # lpar_name is only set correctly when LPAR is running
+ # when lpar is down, the old name before shutdown is used
+ # when lpar was never active, name is empty. Same applies to defined adapters that made available
+ }
+ if ( m/client_data.srp_version:\s+client_data.partition_name:\s+$/ ) {
+ $lpar_name='none'; # special case of empty vhost
+ }
+ if ( m/client_data.partition_number:\s+([\da-fA-F]+)\b/ ) {
+ $lpar_number=$1; # 0 means "any partition" -> vhost is empty
+ # this reflects HMC profile values (partition id).
+ }
+ if ( $lpar_name ne "" && $vhost_name ne "" && $lpar_number ne "" ) {
+ $vscsi{$vhost_name}->{"lpar_name"}=$lpar_name;
+ $vscsi{$vhost_name}->{"lpar_number"}=hex($lpar_number);
+ $vhost_name=""; $lpar_name=""; $lpar_number=""; #prevent leftover from earlier values
+ }
+ }
+ close(CMD);
+ $kdb_count=0; $kdb_command=$initial_kdb_command;
+ }
+# subroutine to sort the disks numerically rather than alphabetically
+sub device_numerically {
+ $a=~ /\D+(\d+)/;
+ my $aa=$1;
+ $b=~ /\D+(\d+)/;
+ my $bb=$1;
+ $aa <=> $bb;
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%vscsi]);
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%vfc]);
+# read the disk types and availability
+open(CMD,"/usr/sbin/lsdev -c disk -F'name subclass type status'|") or die "Error running lsdev -c disk -F'name subclass type'!";
+while() {
+ chomp;
+ if ( m/(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ ) {
+ $disks{$1}->{'name'}=$1;
+ $disks{$1}->{'subclass'}=$2;
+ $disks{$1}->{'type'}=$3;
+ $disks{$1}->{'status'}=$4;
+ }
+# get VTD to disk name mapping from ODM
+my @vtd_list;
+ local $/="\n\n"; # record delimiter is 2 new lines = paragraph
+ @vtd_list=qx { /usr/bin/odmget -q "attribute=aix_tdev" CuAt };
+# name = "server1_dc1_lun1"
+# attribute = "aix_tdev"
+# value = "hdisk459"
+# type = "R"
+# generic = "D"
+# rep = "s"
+# nls_index = 5
+foreach my $vtd ( @vtd_list ) {
+ my $vtd_name="";
+ my $vtd_disk="";
+ if ( $vtd =~ m/\s+name\s+=\s+"(\S+)"/m ) { $vtd_name = $1; }
+ if ( $vtd =~ m/\s+value\s+=\s+"(\S+)"/m ) { $vtd_disk = $1; }
+ if ( $vtd_disk ne "" && $vtd_name ne "" ) {
+ $disks{$vtd_disk}->{'vtd'}=$vtd_name;
+ }
+undef @vtd_list;
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%disks]);
+# get VTD to vhost mapping from ODM
+my @vtd_vhost_list;
+ local $/="\n\n";
+ @vtd_vhost_list=qx { /usr/bin/odmget -q PdDvLn="virtual_target/vtdev/scdisk" CuDv };
+# name = "server1_dc1_lun1"
+# status = 1
+# chgstatus = 0
+# ddins = ""
+# location = ""
+# parent = "vhost50"
+# connwhere = "5"
+# PdDvLn = "virtual_target/vtdev/scdisk"
+foreach my $vtd ( @vtd_vhost_list ) {
+ my $vtd_name="";
+ my $vtd_parent="";
+ if ( $vtd =~ m/\s+name\s+=\s+"(\S+)"/m ) { $vtd_name = $1; }
+ if ( $vtd =~ m/\s+parent\s+=\s+"(\S+)"/m ) { $vtd_parent = $1; }
+ if ( $vtd_parent ne "" && $vtd_name ne "" ) {
+ foreach my $disk ( keys %disks ) {
+ if ( defined $disks{$disk}->{'vtd'} && $disks{$disk}->{'vtd'} eq $vtd_name ) {
+ $disks{$disk}->{'vhost'}=$vtd_parent;
+ $vscsi{$vtd_parent}->{'disks'}->{$disk}=$vtd_name;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+undef @vtd_vhost_list;
+# get all unique_id from ODM if there is a matching disk
+my @uuid_list;
+ local $/="\n\n";
+ @uuid_list=qx { /usr/bin/odmget -q "attribute=unique_id" CuAt };
+foreach my $uuid ( @uuid_list ) {
+ my $unique_id="";
+ my $name="";
+ if ( $uuid =~ m/\s+name\s+=\s+"(\S+)"/m ) { $name=$1; }
+ if ( $uuid =~ m/\s+value\s+=\s+"(\S+)"/m ) { $unique_id=$1; }
+ if ( $name ne "" && $unique_id ne "" && defined $disks{$name} ) {
+ $disks{$name}->{'unique_id'}=$unique_id;
+ }
+undef @uuid_list;
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%disks]);
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%vscsi]);
+# copy & paste from luninfo, few lines removed (like lun_id and scsi_id stuff)
+foreach my $disk ( keys %disks ) {
+ # use type and subclass to separate disks
+ for ($disks{$disk}{'type'}) {
+ #2105 - 2105 models (ESS)
+ #2145 - 2145 models (SVC)
+ #2147 - 2147 models (SVC)
+ #1750 - 1750 devices (DS 6000)
+ #2107 - 2107 devices (DS 8000)
+ #1724 - 1724 devices (DS 4100)
+ #1814 - 1814 devices (DS 4200 and DS 4700)
+ #1722 - 1722 devices (DS 4300)
+ #1742 - 1742 devices (DS 4400 and DS 4500)
+ #1815 - 1815 devices (DS 4800)
+ #1818 - 1818 devices (DS 5000)
+ if (/2145/) {
+ # 3321360050768019081CFD800000000000A8404214503IBMfcp
+ # IBM storage WWN always start with 6005076
+ if ( $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'} =~ m/^\S+(6005076......(.....)..........(..)(..))..2145..IBMfcp/ ) {
+ $disks{$disk}->{'guid'}=$1;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box'}=$2;
+ $disks{$disk}->{'suid'}="$3:$4";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box_type'}="2145";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/2107/) {
+ # 200B75G6831015607210790003IBMfcp
+ if ( $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'} =~ m/^....(.......)((..)(..))..2107.....IBMfcp/ ) {
+ $disks{$disk}{'box'}=$1;
+ $disks{$disk}{'guid'}="$1_$2"; # this is normally $2 ONLY, but we don't print the box
+ #undef $disks{$name}; # we don't care about 2107 disks
+ $disks{$disk}{'suid'}="$3:$4";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box_type'}="2107";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/vdisk/) {
+ if ( $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'} =~ m/^\S+(6005076......(.....)..........(..)(..))..2145..IBMfcp..VDASD..AIXvscsi/ ) {
+ $disks{$disk}{'guid'}=$1;
+ $disks{$disk}{'box'}=$2;
+ $disks{$disk}{'suid'}="$3:$4";
+ $disks{$disk}->{'box_type'}="2145";
+ }
+ # 3520200B75CF371014A07210790003IBMfcp05VDASD03AIXvscsi"
+ elsif ( $disks{$disk}->{'unique_id'} =~ m/........(.......)((..)(..))..2107.....IBMfcp..VDASD..AIXvscsi/ ) {
+ $disks{$disk}{'box'}=$1;
+ $disks{$disk}{'guid'}="$1_$2";
+ $disks{$disk}{'suid'}="$3:$4";
+ #undef $disks{$disk}; # we don't care about 2107 disks
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/scsd/) { # parallel or serial SCSI disk (subclass would be scsi and sas)
+ delete $disks{$disk}; # we are not interested in those -> remove from hash
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Unknown disk type $disks{$disk}{'type'} for disk $disk found!\n";
+ undef $disks{$disk};
+ }
+ }
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%disks]);
+# Output
+# -d
+if ( $options{'disks'} ) {
+ if ( ! $options{'noheader'} ) { # option -H
+ printf("%-9s %-9s %-4s %6s %-10s %-8s %-16s %-5s %-7s %-5s\n",
+ }
+ # only vscsi vhosts have luns associated
+ foreach my $vhost (sort device_numerically keys %vscsi) {
+ # do we have disks connected to this vhost?
+ if ( scalar ( keys %{$vscsi{$vhost}->{'disks'}}) != 0 ) {
+ foreach my $disk ( keys %{$vscsi{$vhost}->{'disks'}} ) {
+ printf("%-9s %-9s %-4s %6s %-10s %-8s %-16s %-5s %-7s %-5s\n",
+ $vscsi{$vhost}->{'name'},
+ $vscsi{$vhost}->{'status'},
+ $vscsi{$vhost}->{'slot'},
+ defined $vscsi{$vhost}->{'lpar_number'} ? $vscsi{$vhost}->{'lpar_number'} : "-",
+ defined $vscsi{$vhost}->{'lpar_name'} ? $vscsi{$vhost}->{'lpar_name'} : "-",
+ $disk,
+ $vscsi{$vhost}->{'disks'}->{$disk},
+ defined $locations{$disks{$disk}->{'box'}} ? $locations{$disks{$disk}->{'box'}} : "UNKN",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'box'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'box'} : "UNKN",
+ defined $disks{$disk}->{'suid'} ? $disks{$disk}->{'suid'} : "-"
+ );
+ }
+ } else { # empty vhost
+ printf("%-9s %-9s %-4s %6s %-10s %-8s %-16s %-5s %-7s %-5s\n",
+ $vscsi{$vhost}->{'name'},
+ $vscsi{$vhost}->{'status'},
+ $vscsi{$vhost}->{'slot'},
+ defined $vscsi{$vhost}->{'lpar_number'} ? $vscsi{$vhost}->{'lpar_number'} : "-",
+ defined $vscsi{$vhost}->{'lpar_name'} ? $vscsi{$vhost}->{'lpar_name'} : "-",
+ 'none',
+ 'none',
+ '-',
+ '-',
+ '-'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+} else {
+# no option
+ if ( ! $options{'noheader'} ) { # option -H
+ printf("%-9s %-9s %-4s %-5s %-16s %6s %-10s %-5s %-5s %14s\n",
+ }
+ # vscsi goes first, some fields are not available -> "-"
+ foreach my $vhost (sort device_numerically keys %vscsi) {
+ printf("%-9s %-9s %-4s %-5s %-16s %6s %-10s %-5s %-5s %14s\n",
+ $vscsi{$vhost}->{'name'},
+ $vscsi{$vhost}->{'status'},
+ $vscsi{$vhost}->{'slot'},
+ "-",
+ "-",
+ $vscsi{$vhost}->{'lpar_number'},
+ $vscsi{$vhost}->{'lpar_name'},
+ "-",
+ "-",
+ "-"
+ );
+ }
+ foreach my $vhost (sort device_numerically keys %vfc) {
+ printf("%-9s %-9s %-4s %-5s %-16s %6s %-10s %-5s %-5s %14s\n",
+ $vfc{$vhost}->{'name'},
+ $vfc{$vhost}->{'status'},
+ $vfc{$vhost}->{'slot'},
+ $vfc{$vhost}->{'vio_adapter'},
+ defined $adapters{$vfc{$vhost}->{'vio_adapter'}}->{'wwpn'} ? $adapters{$vfc{$vhost}->{'vio_adapter'}}->{'wwpn'} : "-",
+ $vfc{$vhost}->{'lpar_number'},
+ ( defined $vfc{$vhost}->{'lpar_name'} && $vfc{$vhost}->{'lpar_name'} ne "" ) ? $vfc{$vhost}->{'lpar_name'} : "-",
+ ( defined $vfc{$vhost}->{'lpar_adapter'} && $vfc{$vhost}->{'lpar_adapter'} ne "" ) ? $vfc{$vhost}->{'lpar_adapter'} : "-",
+ ( defined $vfc{$vhost}->{'lpar_slot'} && $vfc{$vhost}->{'lpar_slot'} ne "" ) ? $vfc{$vhost}->{'lpar_slot'} : "-",
+ $vfc{$vhost}->{'san_status'}
+ );
+ }
+# The end.