This file is the authoritative mapproxy resource documentation. Please, keep it in sync with the actual implementation.
Most common way to define resources for mapproxy is to provide JSON resource definition file and point mapproxy to it by specifying its path in resource-backend.path
configuration parameter.
The resource definition file can contain resource definitions or include of subsequent definition files:
Resource, // see Basic resource layout below
{ "include": String }, // see below
where include String
can be either exact path or a glob pattern (expansion to zero files is not an error) and may be relative to current resource file.
☛ If the file contains single entry (resource or include) the surrounding array is not required.
Mapproxy supports following resource types:
- tms: tile map service (bound layer)
- surface: surfaces (i.e. tileset generator)
- geodata: vector free layers, monolithic or tiled
Mapproxy provides multiple drivers (generators) for each resource type.
NB: In following, all resource definitions are documented by pseudo format. Actual configuration is either a JSON file on disk (for JSON resource backend) or a python data tree.
: JSON object/python dictionary[]
JSON/python arrayString
: string data typeInt
: integral JSON number/python integerDouble
: real JSON number/python doubleBoolean
: boolean JSON/python valueArray<type>
: unbounded array of given type(s)Array<type, size>
: bounded array of given type(s) and sizeOptional
given entry is optionalEnum
string data type limited to enumerated valuesAny
any data type?
no fixed name
Special types:
string with spatial reference system. Supports Proj.4 string, EPSG:code, EPSG:code+code, WKT string and custom ENU.Point3
alias to Array<Double, 3>, point in Cartesian space
Complex datatypes:
ResourceId: {
String group // group this resource belongs to
String id // resource identifier (withing group)
Resampling: Enum {
<GDAL-supported resampling algorithms>
Where texture
is resampling suitable for rextures (average
for scales smaller than 0.5, cubic
and dem
is suitable for terrain (average
for scales smaller than 0.5, cubicspline
Credits: {
Object <string-id> : {
Int id
String notice
Both string and numeric id should be unique across particular VTS installation. Use numeric ids in range [200, 65535]. Notice supports {Y}
and {copy}
templates and hyperlinks using syntax [<URL> <link text>]
Registry: {
Credits credits
Basic resource definition:
Object Resource = {
String comment // any comment, ignored
String group // group this resource belongs to
String id // resource identifier (withing group)
String type // data type (tms, surface, geodata)
String driver // data generator (see below)
Registry registry // additional local resource registry, see above
Array<String, Int> credits // list of credits identifiers (either textual or numeric)
Object referenceFrames = { // range definitions for different reference frames
Object ? = { // reference frame ID, for example melown2015
lodRange: [ Int, Int ] // LOD range this resource produces data
tileRange: [[Int, Int], [Int, Int]] // tile range: minx, miny, maxx, maxy; inclusive range
Object definition = {...} // driver-dependent definition, see below
Some resource generators do not support tiling (like geodata-vector
). In that case tile and lod ranges
can be omitted and referenceFrames
becomes an array of reference frame IDs.
This is documented elsewhere but as a convenience we provide URL template expansion documentation here.
Each tile has its global and local tileId
. For simple reference frames (like webmerc-projected
global and local identifers are the same.
For complex reference frames (melown2015
, earth-qsc
) global identifier is from tile tree root, i.e. from 0-0-0
Local identifier is tile identifier relative to its reference frame subtree.
For example (in melown2015
- tile with global ID
is in thepseudomerc
subtree with root at1-0-0
and its local ID is9-256-256
- tile with global ID
is in thesteres-wgs84
subtree with root at1-1-0
and its locaal ID is also9-256-256
Available expansion strings. Only some make sense for templates used in mapproxy.
global tile LOD{x}
global tile X index{y}
global tile Y index{loclod}
local tile LOD{locx}
local tile X index{locy}
local tile Y index{sub}
sub-tile identifier (e.g. submesh index in atlas image){srs}
symbolic name of SRS in the current reference frame subtree{rf}
reference frame identifier{alt(1,2,3,4)}
exands to one of given strings{ppx}
tile's old PP space X index (makes sense only in ppspace){ppy}
tile's old PP space Y index (makes sense only in ppspace){Y}
current year (used in credits definition){copy}
copyright symbol (used in credits definition){switch(var,src:dst,src:dst,...,*:dst}
:- if value == src then output dst
- special source value
marks default handler - special destination value
means to output the value as is
If browsing is enabled mapproxy handles these URLs:
: Leaflet-based boundlayer browserindex.js
: javascript support for (index.html
definition = {
Optional Any options // Boundlayer options
Boundlayer options are passed as-is to the boundlayer.conf
Raster-based bound layer generator. Uses any raster GDAL dataset as its data source. Supports optional data masking.
definition = {
String dataset // path to GDAL dataset
Optional String mask // path to RF mask or masking GDAL dataset
Optional String format // output image format, "jpg" or "png" (defaults to "jpg")
Optional Boolean transparent // Boundlayer is transparent, forces format to "png"
Optional Resampling resampling // Resampling to use for tile texture generation, default 'texture'
Raster bound layer generator. Imagery is pointer to external resource via remoteUrl
(a URL template). Supports optional data masking.
definition = {
String remoteUrl // Imagery URL template.
Optional String mask // path to RF mask or masking GDAL dataset
Simple raster bound layer generator. Generates color checkered tiles. Supports optional data masking.
definition = {
Optional String mask // path to RF mask or masking GDAL dataset
Optional String format // output image format, "jpg" or "png" (defaults to "jpg")
Bound layer generator for remote Bing data. Valid session is generated via metatada URL.
definition = {
String metadataUrl // Bing API metadata URL. See Bing API documentation for more info.
Surface drivers generate a meshed surface that can be used directly as a single surface or merged into VTS storage as
a remote tileset.
In addition, a freelayer.json
file is provided allowing generated surface to act as a mesh-tiles
free layer.
If browsing is enabled mapproxy handles URLs:
: built-in browser
If resource's reference frame contains the TMS extension any surface driver will handle URLs for non-VTS Cesium Terrain Provider:
: terrain quantized mesheslayer.json
: terrain metadata
Note: URL provided tile ID (urlId
: lod-x-y) is mapped via TMS extension configuration to real tile ID (tileId
: lod'-x'-y'). I.e. urlId
's y-component is optionally flipped (based on tms.flipY
option, defaults to true
) and then shifted under TMS root (tms.rootId
, defaults to 0-0-0
Generated mesh tiles are identical to VTS surface tiles, having these properties:
- different encoding format
- while there are no physical skirts border vertices are marked
- no texture coordinates
- no extensions (no normal vectors etc.)
In addition, if browsing is enabled these introspection URLs are handled
: built-in terrain browser (available even without terrain support)cesium.js
: javascript support for (cesium.html
: configuration for built-in introspection browser
☛ While it is possible to add the TMS extension to any reference frame please note that it was designed for the dedicated tms-global-geodetic
reference frame. Any other reference frame would not work with Cesium's machinery that expect TMS global-geodetic
☛ Please, do not use the tms-global-geodetic
reference frame for anything else than terrain provider support. This reference frame is inappropriate for VTS-based clients because the underlying projection (eqc) is neither equal area nor conformal.
☛ However, the only other use the tms-global-geodetic
reference frame in VTS is the tms
driver when generating data for Cesium Imagery Provider; please, bear in mind that there is no extra imagery provider interface and the URL translation must be done manually in the javascript code. Introspection interface does it automatically, though.
All surface drivers support these (optional) options:
Optional String geoidGrid // name of Proj.4's geoid grid file (e.g. `egm96_15.gtx`).
Optional Double nominalTexelSize // nominal resolution (meter/pixel);
// reported by mapproxy-calipers
Optional Int mergeBottomLod // Reported in generated tileset.conf, speeds up merge
// with other surfaces
Optional Object heightFunction // Height manipulation function. See below.
Optional Object introspection // Introspection info used when using mapConfig.json served
// by mapproxy. See below.
Introspection is extended configuration for mapproxy served mapConfig.json
(only when browsing is enabled).
introspection = {
Optional Array position; // VTS position in JSON/python format
Optional Layer/Array<Layer> tms // bound layer(s) mapped on the surface, see below
Optional Layer/Array<Layer> geodata // free layer(s) (geodata) mapped on the surface, see below
Optional Object browserOptions // browser options passed to mapConfig.json
The Layer
type in the introspection
above (tms
) is a (bound/free) layer reference.
It can be either a ResourceId
Layer = ResourceId: {
String group // group this resource belongs to
String id // resource identifier (withing group)
or a URL of bound/free layer definition:
Layer = {
String id // Bound/free layer identifier
String url // URL template of layer definition (boundlayer.json or freeelayer.json)
NB: in the above template only {rf}
(reference frame identifier) is expected to work. It can be used to use in terse
resource definition in multiple reference frames.
Height function is a function that takes the original height value and modifies it. Currently, the only supported
height function is superelevation
heightFunction = {
String function; // must be "superelevation"
Array<double>[2] heightRange; // source mapping range
Array<souble>[2] scaleRange; // destination mapping range
Superelevation maps height from heightRange
to scale in scaleRange
and outputs original height scaled by computed scale.
The heightRange[0]
must be lower than heightRange[1]
and heights below heightRange[0]
and above heightRange[1]
are clipped.
This driver generates meshed surface for reference frame's spheroid. If geoid grid is provided the resulting body is in fact a geoid.
definition = {
// see common surface driver configuration options above
☛ Since superelevation
has no effect here (all heights are 0) the heightFunction is not implemented yet.
This driver generates a meshed surface from the supplied GDAL raster DEM/DSM/DTM dataset.
Since GDAL raster formats are unable to safely store vertical SRS component it cannot tell whether data are
in ellipsoidal or orthometric verical datum. Therefore by default the heights are treated as if they are above the ellipsoid
(i.e. ellipsoidal vertical datum). By providing a geoidGrid
configuration option we can specify geoid grid
for the orthormetric vertical datum, i.e. to tell that the heights store in the GDAL dataset are relative to given geoid.
Please be aware that due to such limitations the GDAL dataset's vertical system must be compatible with reference frame's vertical system to use geoid support. I.e. either they share the same ellipsoid or the input data are in some local system that approximates the geoid at given place. One working example is data in Krovak's projection that can be reinterpreted as heights above WGS84+EGM96 without any significant error.
All surface-dem
input datasets are registered in internal map od available DEM's under its group-id
and can be referenced from various geodata
resources for 2D features heightcofing. Optionially, input dataset can
be registered in this map under an alias. See more in the geodata
resources documentation.
definition = {
// see common surface driver configuration options above
String dataset // path to complex dataset
Optional String mask // optional mask, generated by mapproxy-rf-mask tool
Optional String heightcodingAlias // dataset is registered under given alias
This driver is a special kind of beast. It combines existing surface with TMS to produce internally textured surface. It doesn't generate any content on its own but forward all requests to existing surface and TMS resources. These drivers must exist in the system.
Resource's credits are combined with surface's and tms's credits.
This driver does not support any introspection. If introspection is instroduced in the future it would lack the boundlayer specification (TMS) because this driver already produces its own imagery.
Also, this driver does not support any other common surface configuration.
So far, during runtime, this driver doesn't watch for changes in the underlying surface/TMS and keeps the old driver instance alive while the original resource has been reconfigured and is being served by new driver instance. Restart mapproxy if this becomes a problem.
definition = {
ResourceId surface // Resource ID od underlying surface resource
ResourceId tms // Resource ID od underlying tms resource
Geodata drivers generate vector geographic data in the form of VTS free layer.
The introspection interface (i.e. the built-in browser) is identical to surface drivers, sans the terrain provider-related stuff.
definition = {
Optional Any options // Freelayer options
Freelayer options are passed as-is to the freelayer.conf
Generates monolithic free layer (geodata
type) from an OGR-supported dataset (GeoJSON, shapefile, ...).
Purely 2D data are converted to full 3D data using process called heithgcoding: each 2D coordinate is extented
by height read from the accompanying DEM/DTM/DSM GDAL dataset.
Heightcoding DEM is in the same format a the dataset expected by surface-dem
driver although only its /dem
part is used. This DEM can be accompanied with its geoid grid in the same way as surface-dem
By default all layers from the source dataset are served. Optionally, layer subset can be configured by providing list of layer names. Note that for purposes of geodata styling, layers are referred to as #groups.
Since there are not tiles generated by this generator the tile and lod ranges are ignored. To make resource
configuration more readable we can omit them completely and use array of reference frame IDs for referenceFrame
For example:
referenceFrames = [ "melown2015", "earth-qsc" ],
The Z-coordinate of all points from the original dataset undergoes heightcoding operation.
HeightcodingMode: Enum {
never // keep original Z coordinate from source dataset
always // always replace Z coordinate from source dataset with height from DEM
auto // use height from DEM only for 2D points, keep Z coordinate in 3D points
definition = {
String dataset // path to OGR dataset
String demDataset // path to complex dem dataset
Optional String geoidGrid // name of Proj.4's geoid grid file (e.g. `egm96_15.gtx`)
Optional Array<String> layers // list of layer names
Optional String format // output file format, so far only "geodataJson" is supported (default)
Optional Object formatConfig // format-specific configuration, see below
Optional String styleUrl // URL to default geodata style
Int displaySize // Nominal size of tile in pixels.
HeightcodingMode mode // heightcoding mode (defaults to auto).
Optional Object enhance // Per-layer OGR dataset enhancement.
Optional Object heightFunction // Height manipulation function. Same as for the surface drivers.
Optional Object introspection // Extended configuration for mapConfig.json served by mapproxy
handling is as follows:
- if there is no
element present mapproxy serves its built-in default style viastyle.json
file under resources URL; - or if
element is present and starts withfile:
prefix then contents of this file (either absolute or relative to dataset directory) are server via the samestyle.json
file (NB: this is not a file URI); - otherwise, the URL from
element is reported in thefreelayer.json
as is
Available format configurations:
- For
formatConfig = {
Int resolution // number of samples the bounding box is divided to, defaults to 4096
Layer enhancement allows supplying additional data to features from sqlite database. Configuration:
enhance = {
Object ? = { // layer name
String key // name of afeature attribute used as a key to database
String db // path to a sqlite database file, relative to dataset directory
String table // name of source table inside the sqlite database
When generator encounteres layer with matching name it tries to get a row from <db>.<table>
with column id
(hardcoded name) equal to the value of the attribute key
for each feature. If matching row is found all other columns are added as attributes to the output.
Height function support is not implemented yet.
Introspection can be used to serve mapConfig where geodata are show with some surface which in turn can have its own introspection configuration.
introspection = {
Optional ResourceId surface // optional surface mapping
Optional Object browserOptions // browser options passed to mapConfig.json
Browser options override any browser options from associated surface.
Generates tiled geodata (geodata-tiles
type) from pre-tiled data like MVT web service or .mbtiles
archive. Input tiling must match reference frame's space division, at least in one of its nodes. For example, OSM tiles in pseudomerc projection can be used in webmerc-projected
and webmerc-unprojected
reference frames and in the pseudomerc
subtree in in melown2015
reference frame.
Configuration is the same as for geodata-vector
driver but input interpretation is different: option definition.dataset
- for web services: a URL template that is expanded (see above) for each requested tile before opening and processing.
- for MBTiles: a path to
archive with appended template for tiles:path/to/myvectors.mbtiles/{loclod}-{locx}-{locy}
Also, per-reference-frame tiling information is mandatory.
Geodata's metatiles are generated purely from heightcoding GDAL dataset.
Extra parameters available in this driver:
definition += {
Optional Int maxSourceLod // Maximum available LOD in the source data. Detailed LODs
// will be generated from coarser tiles at maxSourceLod.
// LOD is in local subtree.
Optional Array<String> clipLayers // list of layers that are clipped to tile extents (in spatial division SRS)
Generates monolithic free layer (geodata
type) from an OBJ file. Only triangular meshes are supported. Texture and normal
vertices are ignored.
definition = {
String dataset // path to OBJ file
SRS srs // source spatial reference system of vertices in OBJ file
Optional bool adjustVertical // Z coordinates are vertically adjusted if true; defaults to false.
Optional Point3 center // coordinate of mesh center in source SRS; defaults to [0, 0, 0].
Optional String format // output file format, so far only "geodataJson" is supported (default)
Optional Object formatConfig // format-specific configuration
Optional String styleUrl // URL to default geodata style
Int displaySize // nominal size of tile in pixels.
Optional Object introspection // extended configuration for mapConfig.json served by mapproxy
Optional Object options // generic options, passed to client
Dataset is a path to valid OBJ mesh file. To allow smaller values in coordinates mesh is first shifted to center
Values ofsrs
and adjustVertical
fully describe source mesh spatial reference system.
All other options are the same as used geodata-vector
Generated geodata file contains single layer mesh
with one or more features. Each feature contains all faces that share the
same material, feature ID is set to name of the material. If there is no material used in the input file then all faces are
put in single feature with ID mesh