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Jachym Cepicky edited this page May 12, 2017 · 3 revisions

Notes to VTS-Mapproxy

generatevrtwo: Generate virtual GDAL dataset with overviews.

Dataset format:

  • directory with:
  • original: symlink to original dataset (anything user provided)
  • dataset: virtual dataset itself (VRT driver); use this file as an entry point
  • 0-N: directory with overview level
  • ovr.vrt: virtual dataset encapsulating individual tiles
  • x-y.tif: file with tile at (x, y)
  • bg.solid: (optional) dataset with uniform vaulu used in place of missing tiles

NB: symlink to original dataset is used to ease remapping of "vrtwo" dataset when moving around filesystems/machines.

Windyty driver

Dataset format:

# windyty dataset
# Base time in seconds from Epoch (Unix timestamp)
base = 0
# Period - forcast is available each 'period' seconds from 'base'
period = 10800
# Source TMS URL template. Uses strftime(3) for time formatting.
urlTemplate =${z}/${y}/${x}/clouds2-surface.png
# Source data SRS as EPSG code
srs = EPSG:4326
# Source data extents.
extents = -180,-90:180,90
# Source (maximum) level of detail in source data.
maxLod = 8
# Number of overviews to generate.
overviews = 8
# Transparent images?
transparent = true

Per-resource max-age

Full resource max-age definition:

"maxAge": {
    "config": 60
    , "support": 3600
    , "registry": 3600
    , "data": 604800

Each entry specifies max-age (in seconds) set into HTTP Cache-Control header for given file class. File classes without definition in resource use default value from server's configuration. Whole maxAge section can be ommited.

Server's defaults can be changed by specifying one of --max-age.XXX where XXX is file class.

Supported file classes are

  • config: configuration files (mapConfig.json, boundlayer.json and freelayer.json so far)
  • support: support files (built-in 3D browser, built-in 2D browser etc.)
  • registry: registry files (e.g. geoid grid files from registry)
  • data: resource's data (metatiles, textures, meshes, masks, raw surface data, ...)

Negative value is translated into Cache-Control: no-cache.

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