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How Graphs are represented

Graphs in RoutingKit are always directed and are represented either as arc-list or as adjacency-array. An arc-list has the following structure:

unsigned node_count;

node_count stores, as the name suggest, the number of nodes in the graph. tail and head are two vectors of equal size. They should contain for every arc its tail, i.e., the node from which the arc departs, respectively, its head, i.e., the node where the arc arrives. IDs in RoutingKit are always unsigned 32-bit integers. They range from 0 to number of objects minus one. In this case this means that all values in tail and head are in the range 0 to node_count-1. The position of the arc in the array is its arc ID. Besides tail and head an arc can have further properties. Common ones are:


These represent the geographic distance, the travel_time, and the speed respectively. Unless stated otherwise, geographical distances are always in meter, travel times in seconds, and speeds in km/h.

RoutingKit supports any graph representable under this form. This includes border cases such as graphs with multi-arc, loops, disconnected graphs, or zero-weights. If a RoutingKit function does not properly behave given these inputs then we consider it a bug.

Arc-lists are simple and easy to use and excel at most tasks except graph traversal. For this cases we use an adjacency-array. It has the following form:


Before specifying the details we'd like to show the most frequent usage pattern. It illustrates the structure very well. The most frequent usage of an adjacency-array is iterating over the outgoing arcs of a node, as follows:

for(unsigned xy=first_out[x]; xy<first_out[x+1]; ++xy){
	unsigned y = head[xy];
	// xy is the arc from node x to node y

first_out is a vector with node_count+1 elements. The first element must be zero. The last element is the number of arcs. Converting an adjacency array to an arc list can be done using functions from the header <routingkit/inverse_vector.h> as following:

unsigned node_count = first_out.size()-1;
auto tail = invert_inverse_vector(first_out);

The conversion from an arc-list to an adjacency-array is less simple. It requires the arcs to be sorted by tails, which they often are not. Sorting can be done as follows:

auto input_arc_id = compute_sort_permutation_using_less(tail);
tail = apply_permutation(input_arc_id, tail);
head = apply_permutation(input_arc_id, head);
travel_time = apply_permutation(input_arc_id, travel_time);

Once the arcs appear in the correct order you can compute the adjacency array as following:

auto first_out = invert_vector(tail, node_count);

The core of an adjacency-array consists of a special way to store a sorted vector of IDs. This concept is applicable in a significantly broader set of cases than only representing graphs. We refer to this structure as inverse vector.


Permutations are used over and over in RoutingKit and therefore a number of auxiliary functions are provided in <routingkit/permutation.h>. A permutation of n elements is represented as vector<unsigned> where all numbers from 0 to n-1 appear exactly once. You can permutate a set of elements using the apply_permutation function as following:

vector<string>input_names = {"banana", "pear", "pineapple", "strawberry", "apple"};
vector<unsigned>p = compute_sort_permutation_using_less(names);
output_names = apply_permutation(p, names);

for(unsigned i=0; i<p.size(); ++i)
	assert(output_names[i] == input_name[p[i]]);

You can check whether a vector is a valid permutation using is_permutation as follows:

vector<unsigned>p = {3,0,2,1};
p = {0,0,1,2};
p = {1,2};

You can invert permutations using invert_permutation as follows:

vector<unsigned>p = {3,0,2,1};
vector<unsigned>inv_p = invert_permutation(p);

assert(inv_p[0] == 1);
assert(inv_p[1] == 3);
assert(inv_p[2] == 2);
assert(inv_p[3] == 0);

Calling invert_permutation can often be avoided. For most functions there are variants that operate directly using the inverse permutation. For example the example code above can be rewritten as:

vector<string>input_names = {"banana", "pear", "pineapple", "strawberry", "apple"};
vector<unsigned>inv_p = compute_inverse_sort_permutation_using_less(names);
output_names = apply_inverse_permutation(inv_p, names);

for(unsigned i=0; i<p.size(); ++i)
	assert(output_names[inv_p[i]] == input_name[i]);

You can get the identity permutation on n elements using identity_permutation(n) as follows:

vector<unsigned>p = identity_permutation(42);

for(unsigned i=0; i<p.size(); ++i)
	assert(p[i] == i);

You can generate a random permutation using random_permutation(n, rand_gen) where rand_gen is a random number generator as those used by the C++ <random> header. For example:

minstd_rand gen;
vector<unsigned>p = random_permutation(42, gen);


You can chain permutations using chain_permutation_first_left_then_right and chain_permutation_first_right_then_left as follows:

minstd_rand gen;
vector<string>input_names = {"banana", "pear", "pineapple", "strawberry", "apple"};
vector<unsigned>p = random_permutation(input_names.size(), gen);
vector<unsigned>q = random_permutation(input_names.size(), gen);

vector<unsigned>qp = chain_permutation_first_left_then_right(p, q);
vector<unsigned>pq = chain_permutation_first_right_then_left(p, q);

for(unsigned i=0; i<p.size(); ++i)
	assert(input_names[qp[i]] == input_names[q[p[i]]]);

for(unsigned i=0; i<p.size(); ++i)
	assert(input_names[pq[i]] == input_names[p[q[i]]]);

Sometimes you do not want to reorder the elements in a vector but the elements are IDs and you want to reorder these. Here you can use apply_permutation_to_elements_of and inplace_apply_permutation_to_elements_of. The most common usecase in RoutingKit consists of reordering the nodes in a graph:

vector<string>node_name = {"Entenhausen", "Gotham City", "Springfield", "Bielefeld", "Hogwarts"};
vector<unsigned>inv_p = compute_inverse_sort_permutation_using_less(node_name);

node_name = apply_inverse_permutation(inv_p, node_name);
tail = apply_permutation_to_elements_of(inv_p, tail);
inplace_apply_permutation_to_elements_of(inv_p, head);

If the IDs in the vector can be invalid and set to invalid_id then you can use inplace_apply_permutation_to_possibly_invalid_elements_of and apply_permutation_to_possibly_invalid_elements_of which leave these elements unchanged.


std::sort is nice to sort vectors of arbitrary structs but that is not a common usecase in RoutingKit, where we prefer having a vector per attribute. Further, we nearly always sort vectors of IDs. This can usually be done faster using bucket sort than with a general purpose sorter. For this reason the header <routingkit/sort.h> provides a number of helper functions. Instead of explaining every function it is better to explain their naming scheme which is very systematic. All functions fall into one of three categories:

  • compute_[inverse_][stable_]sort_using_[(key|less|comparator](vector, ...order...)
  • [stable_]sort_using_[key|less|comparator](vector, ...order...)
  • is_sorted_using_[key|less|comparator](vector, ...order...)

The function from the first category compute a sort permutation but do not reorder the elements in any vector. The functions from the second category create a copy of the vector given as argument, sort the copy, and return the sorted copy. Finally, the last category of function does not sort anything but checks whether something is sorted.

A sort is stable if it preserves the relative order of equal elements. A sort permutation p of a vector v is one such that v[p[0]] <= v[p[1]] <= v[p[2]] <= ... . You can directly compute the inverse permutation, which is faster than the equivalent combination of invert_permutation and compute_sort_using_*.

You can sort by three criteria. The additional order parameters and the underlying algorithm depend on the criterion used. using_less means that the global operator< should be used. No arguments beside the vector are needed. using_comparator means that a comparator as the one used by std::sort is provided as only additional parameter. Finally using_key first maps all elements only ID keys in the range 0 to key_count-1 using a function object get_key and sorts the elements using the key increasingly. The first additional parameter is key_count and the second one is get_key.

The using_key functions use bucket sort and therefore guarantee that their running time is linear in key_count. This is for example useful to quickly sort the arcs to build an adjacency array:

auto p = compute_inverse_sort_permutation_using_key(tail, node_count, [](unsigned x){return x;});
tail = apply_inverse_permutation(p, tail);
head = apply_inverse_permutation(p, head);
weight = apply_inverse_permutation(p, weight);
auto first_out = invert_vector(tail, node_count);

Being able to perform a stable sort also has an important usecase. Sorting by tail is enough to build an adjacency array. However, often we also want to sort the heads as secondary criterion. This can be done in linear running time as illustrated in the following code snippet:

// first sort by head
	auto p = compute_inverse_sort_permutation_using_key(head, node_count, [](unsigned x){return x;});
	tail = apply_inverse_permutation(p, tail);
	head = apply_inverse_permutation(p, head);
	weight = apply_inverse_permutation(p, weight);
// next use a stable sort by tail
	auto p = compute_inverse_stable_sort_permutation_using_key(tail, node_count, [](unsigned x){return x;});
	tail = apply_inverse_permutation(p, tail);
	head = apply_inverse_permutation(p, head);
	weight = apply_inverse_permutation(p, weight);
auto first_out = invert_vector(tail, node_count);
for(unsigned x=0; x<node_count; ++x)
	for(unsigned xy=first_out[x]+1; xy < first_out[x+1]; ++xy)
		assert(head[xy-1] <= head[xy]);

This usecase is so common that there is a special function for it called compute_[inverse_]sort_permutation_first_by_tail_then_by_head for it is provided in <routingkit/graph_util.h>. It can be used as following:

	auto p = compute_inverse_sort_permutation_first_by_tail_then_by_head(node_count, tail, head);
	tail = apply_inverse_permutation(p, tail);
	head = apply_inverse_permutation(p, head);
	weight = apply_inverse_permutation(p, weight);
auto first_out = invert_vector(tail, node_count);
for(unsigned x=0; x<node_count; ++x)
	for(unsigned xy=first_out[x]+1; xy < first_out[x+1]; ++xy)
		assert(head[xy-1] <= head[xy]);

This usecase also nearly always involes permutating tail, which can be exploited to accelerate the overall processing a bit. We therefore also provide compute_[inverse_]sort_permutation_first_by_tail_then_by_head_and_apply_sort_to_tail. It can be used as following:

	auto p = compute_inverse_sort_permutation_first_by_tail_then_by_head_and_apply_sort_to_tail(node_count, tail, head);
	head = apply_inverse_permutation(p, head);
	weight = apply_inverse_permutation(p, weight);
auto first_out = invert_vector(tail, node_count);
for(unsigned x=0; x<node_count; ++x)
	for(unsigned xy=first_out[x]+1; xy < first_out[x+1]; ++xy)
		assert(head[xy-1] <= head[xy]);

For the significantly less common case that the tail and the head IDs are from different ID ranges we also provide compute_[inverse_]sort_permutation_first_by_left_then_by_right[_and_apply_sort_to_left](left_count, left_vector, right_count, right_vector).

BitVector, IDMapper and Filter

BitVector is a class defined in <routingkit/bit_vector.h> that, as the name suggests, stores for every element one bit of information. It is similar to std::vector<bool> but has the advantage that it allows access to the underlying array. This is crucial in being able to quickly serialize a bit vector to disk. This direct access further allows us to make use of certain processor instructions such as the instruction popcnt which counts how many bits are set in an unsigned integer. You can directly manipulate the internal array of a BitVector. It is guaranteed to be a multiple of 512 bits and to be aligned on a 512 bit boundary. Further, all padding bits are guaranteed to be zero.

You can use a BitVector to filter the elements of another vector. The header <routingkit/filter.h> provides the following four functions which do exactly what their name suggests:

std::vector<T>keep_element_of_vector_if(const BitVector&, std::vector<T>);
std::vector<T>remove_element_of_vector_if(const BitVector&, std::vector<T>);
void inplace_keep_element_of_vector_if(const BitVector&, std::vector<T>&);
void inplace_remove_element_of_vector_if(const BitVector&, std::vector<T>&);

Usually it is better to think positive and mark the elements that you want to keep instead of those that you want to remove. If you do so, then you can make use of LocalIDMapper and IDMapper from the header `<routingkit/id_mapper.h>. These can be used as following:

vector<string> names = {"Bob", "Alice", "Charlie", "Malice"};
BitVector keep_filter = make_bit_vector(names.size(), [&](unsigned i){return names[i][1] != 'a';});

LocalIDMapper map(keep_filter);

vector<string> filtered_names = keep_element_of_vector_if(keep_filter, names);

for(unsigned i=0; i<names.size(); ++i){
		assert(filtered_names[map.to_local(i)] == names[i]); 

The usecase above could also be solved using a std::vector<unsigned> that maps the old IDs onto the new IDs or onto invalid_id if a name was removed. Indeed, this transformation is always possible but can require significantly more memory than LocalIDMapper which requires less than one bit per element in addition to the bit used by keep_filter. This can be a game changer in situation, where you have a very large ID range, such as OSM node ids, and you need to map these onto a smaller ID range, such as the OSM nodes actually used for routing. Contrary to most of RoutingKit, LocalIDMapper works with 64 bit integers. to_local(x) must only be called for values where keep_filter is true. The is also to_local(x, default_value) which returns default_value if x is removed. There is also is_global_id_mapped(x), which is equivalent to keep_filter.is_set(x), local_id_count(), and global_id_count() which do exactly what their names suggest.

The running time of to_local is nearly indistinguishable from an array lookup, if your processor supports the popcnt instruction. If this instruction is not available, then to_local is still fast, but expect a major performance penalty.

IDMapper provides all functionality that LocalIDMapper provides but requires a little bit more memory to additionally provide a to_global function that allows you to map an ID from the small range onto the corresponding ID from the large range. Note that while to_global is still fast, it is noticably slower than to_local.

LocalIDMapper and IDMapper store a pointer to keep_filter and therefore you must make sure to not prematurely destroy keep_filter. Once keep_filter is destroyed you may no longer call to_local, to_global, and is_global_id_mapped.