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(znc yasnippet yaml-mode xterm-color xml-rpc with-editor winum w3m url-http-ntlm treepy treemacs transient tablist spinner spacemacs-theme spaceline solarized-theme soap-client save-packages s rustic rust-mode restclient rainbow-mode racer pyvenv pymacs projectile powerline posframe pos-tip popup platformio-mode pkg-info pfuture pdf-tools pcache org-roam org-plus-contrib org-noter org-mime olivetti objc-font-lock ob-mermaid ntcmd nodejs-repl nlinum-relative nlinum nginx-mode nadvice mermaid-mode marshal markdown-mode magithub magit-popup magit-gh-pulls magit-filenotify magit lv lsp-ui lsp-treemacs lsp-mode lorem-ipsum logito js2-mode ivy irony-eldoc irony irfc ipython hydra ht highlight-indentation helm-lsp helm-core helm-ag helm go-snippets go-mode go-guru go-errcheck go-eldoc gnus-alias git-commit gist ghub ghub+ gh fsm frame-local flymake-python-pyflakes flymake-go flymake-easy flycheck-status-emoji flycheck-rust flycheck-pos-tip flycheck-irony flycheck-gometalinter flycheck-color-mode-line flycheck fish-mode find-file-in-project f exec-path-from-shell excorporate epl emacsql-sqlite3 emacsql elpy dockerfile-mode diminish deferred dash-functional dash company-racer company-org-roam company-irony company-go company-box company cfrs cargo c-eldoc avy async applescript-mode apiwrap anzu android-mode ace-window 2048-game)