Goals for last week:Create MVP, get video sorting and compiling working, allow users to add videos to a project
Goals for this week: Much better UI/UX, get correct oritentation of videos during playback, Get collaborations working
Guiding Questions (consider before the meeting):
- What went well? Creating the MVP
- What should we do differently next time? Have wireframes up and running quicker
- What did we learn? We don't have a lot of time left.
- What still puzzles us? Push notifications, getting personal information from users (how to go about these things).
Team Member Analysis: If you did not meet your goals, how will this affect the progression of the product? What will you do differently to meet your goals this week?
- Diana
* Goals/Responsibilities Last Week:YES
- Did you meet your goals/responsibilities last week? Why or why not? * Goals/Responsibilities This Week:
- Varindra
* Goals/Responsibilities Last Week:YES * Did you meet your goals/responsibilities last week? Why or why not? * Goals/Responsibilities This Week: - Jason
* Goals/Responsibilities Last Week:YES
- Did you meet your goals/responsibilities last week? Why or why not? * Goals/Responsibilities This Week:
- Mesfin
* Goals/Responsibilities Last Week:YES
- Did you meet your goals/responsibilities last week? Why or why not? * Goals/Responsibilities This Week:
Additional Discussion Topics:
- Compare your work planned with what your work completed.
- Is the divison of roles within your team working?
- How is communication and collaboration between team members?
- Are you getting adequate support? How are you reviewing code?
- How can you improve productivity and get the most work done within the next week?
Mentor Comments: Trust your gut, and decide on a user flow, as you do not have time to conduct a lot of user research, you need to refocus on shipping in 3 weeks. Refactor code within view controllers in order to adhere to MVC pattern and facilitate change and reuse.