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File metadata and controls

295 lines (231 loc) · 8.94 KB


This bank is a repository of standardised webaudio plugins.

Some of them implement audioworklets, GUI's are built with web components. I recommand to test it on Chrome.

A plugin is defined by its URL and its metadata

Plugins contain :

  • An audio processor (audioworklet or web audio graph)
  • A Web Component GUI

You can either load just the audio processor :

var pluginURL = "yourpluginURL";
var plugin = new window.YourPluginName(ctx, pluginURL);
 plugin.load().then((node) => {
  // Do your stuffs here
  // you can wire the plugin to your I/O or others plugins by using : node.connect(target);

Or load it with its GUI

var pluginURL = "yourpluginURL";
var plugin = new window.YourPluginName(ctx, pluginURL);
 plugin.load().then((node) => {
  // Do your AUDIO stuffs here
  // you can wire the plugin to your I/O or others plugins by using : node.connect(target);
  plugin.loadGui().then((elem) => {
   // Do your UI stuffs here, you can by example append it to a chosen div : chosendiv.appendChild(elem);

To go deeper on how it works, you can read the SDK. Here are some examples : Faust compiled reverb Pure JS minilogue

All those plugins (and tools) are in constant evolution so some /testers files could contain bugs

Create your own WAP :

In this tutorial you'll learn how to create your own WAP, with its GUI, and mate it available.




Metadata main.json

Must contain at least name, category, vandor & thumbnail to interract correctly with others WAP tools.

    "documentation": "",
    "name": "wapName",
    "thumbnail": "./assets/thumbnail.png",
    "vendor": "you",
    "version": "1.0"

Some of our applications fetch this file first and uses those fields to prepare the WAP launch.

Audio Node(s) main.js

Define and build the audio graph of your WAP.

First you have to create 2 class inherited from the webaudioSDK:

The first class is the actual Audio Node

window.PluginName = class PluginName extends WebAudioPluginCompositeNode {

  constructor(ctx, URL, options) {
    super(ctx, URL, options)
    /*    ################     API PROPERTIES    ###############   */

    this.addParam({ name: 'cutoff', defaultValue: 1500, minValue: 30, maxValue: 22000 });

It's inherited from a CompositeNode which manages inputs,outputs & params. Here you just have to add your params as you can see in the snippet and the SDK will build a key-value descriptor and a params object which will be useful later. Basically we add a param when the value of an audioparam is made to change (ex : type of an oscillator, frequency of a filter).

If some of yours params don't fit the descriptor you can add it like Object.assign({ "status": "disable" }, this.params) in the constructor.

The SDK has some tools like : descriptor getter, numberOfOutputs getter that you can override if you have features to add. It also make available default I/O called respectively this._input and this._output that are by default on this.inputs[Ø] and this.outputs[0] tabs that you can fill with additionnal I/O's.

Let's jump to the audio graph : you need to implements 2 methods :


You are free to have your own workflow but those method are called by default in the super.setup(); It's also quite clear if your code is shared.


      this.lpfilter = this.context.createBiquadFilter();
      this.lpfilter.type = "lowpass";

Now the params are created and the audio nodes too, you just have to bind it. We rcommand something like that :

  setParam(key, value) {
    try {
      this[key] = value;
    } catch (error) {
      console.warn("this plugin does not implement this param")

  set myparam(_value){
    // to store the new value
    this.params.myparam = _value;
    // if your param is linked to the filter frequency you can :


We are done with audio processing. Let's create the factory wich will make available our audio node :

window.VendorNamePluginName = class VendorNamePluginName extends WebAudioPluginFactory {

  constructor(context, baseUrl) {
    super(context, baseUrl);


The class WebAudioPluginFactory contains methods to fetch and load your WAP. We encourage you to read it in the webaudioSDK.js file.

GUI main.html

The SDK contains a loadGUI() method that link the main.html file.

GUI is optionnal for a WAP, but here is how we build our own :

First define an html/css template

     /* Absolute position*/
 <div id="cutoff">
    <input type="range" min="30" max="22000" value="1500"/>

We also recommand to use the g200k webaudio controls library in its Web component version to have more custom options. For this you have to add this link on your main.html file :

<script src=""></script>

and enable the midi control :

<script>WebAudioControlsOptions = {useMidi: 1,};</script>

After that, go to the knobgalery, choose your knobs and render it with 99 sprites. Put the png file in the WAP assets and add the webaudio element to your template.

<webaudio-knob  sprites="99" min="30" max="22000" value="1500" step="1" midilearn="true" diameter="40"></webaudio-knob>

When your template is done, clone it in a webcomponent shadowroot.

let lowfiltertemp = document.currentScript.ownerDocument.querySelector('template');
	class PluginNameGui extends HTMLElement {
		constructor(plug) {
			// The audio processor is a field of this GUI
			this._plug = plug;
			// The link is bidirectionnal to be catched by the processor if needed once the module is loaded (for features like presets)
			this._plug.gui = this;
			// bind shadow to the class and clone the template into it
			this._root = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });


& bind the GUI with your Audio node setter :

    this._root.querySelector("#cutoff").querySelector("input").addEvenetListener("input", (e)=>{this._plug.setParam("cutoff",})

if you choose to use webaudio-knobs, set the src :

this._root.querySelector("#cutoff").querySelector("webaudio-knob").setAttribute('src', this._plug.URL + '/assets/knobFile.png');

Last step is to create a function that build this GUIand register it (out of the class) :

try {
		// Define the custom element to the browser
		customElements.define('wasabi-myplugin', MyPluginGui);
		console.log("Element defined");
	} catch (error) {
		console.log("Element already defined");
* Gui factory, called from the SDK. 
* The name must be create+MyModule
createMyPlugin = (plug) => {
	let elem = new MyPluginGui(plug);
	return elem;

Now the WAP is ready to be tested. Lets create a HTML file and test this minimal code :

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <title>Host that loads a plugin with its GUI</title>
<script src="path/to/WebAudioSDK.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/MyPlugin/main.js"></script>

    <audio src="mysound.mp3" id="soundSample" controls loop crossorigin></audio>

  var ctx = new AudioContext();
  var pluginURL = "path/to/MyPlugin";
  // vendorName must be the same as in the main.json file
  var plugin = new window.VendorNamePluginName(ctx, pluginURL);

  var player = document.getElementById("soundSample");
  player.onplay = () => {
    ctx.resume().then(() => {
      console.log('Playback resumed successfully');
  var mediaSource = ctx.createMediaElementSource(player);

  plugin.load().then((node) => {

    plugin.loadGui().then((elem) => {


You can now affect the audioplayer with your WAP! Congrats!

The final code of this tutorial is on :