KalibroProcessor is the processing web service for Mezuro.
Replace webrick by puma
Insert in one query all aggregated MetricResults
Aggregate values by tree levels
Enable ModuleResult tree walking by level
Transform TreeMetricResult#descendant_values into a single query for performance
Fix possible inconsistency in module result creation (lack of transaction)
Improve acceptance tests by fixing small bugs and adding processing times
Introduce performance tests for Aggregator
Update KolektiMetricfu
Fixes for ruby 2.0 and 2.1 compatibility
Fix ruby 2.0.0 support
Use kolekti_radon (and remove the whole Native collecting structure)
Use kolekti_metricfu
Fix persistence strategy use of Kolekti’s hostpost metric results API
Deprecates KalibroModule#module_results
Handle errors of compound metrics that use hotspot metric codes on their scripts
Update kalibro_client
Add CodeClimate PHPMD collector
Fix missing mock on MetricCollectors find spec to avoid caching errors
Adapt kalibro_processor to the new Kolekti API for registering collectors
Update kolekti_analizo to v0.0.3
Avoid encoding mismatch issue with PgSQL
Update kolekti to v0.0.2
Adjust scope to the new format required by kalibro configuration
Capture NoMethodErrors on ProcessingJobs
Update kolekti, kalibro_client and kolekti_analizo
Use kolekti
Use kolekti_analizo
Get default metric value from Kolekti
Update documentation
Allow same module name given different granularities
Fix KalibroModule parent search scope
Save new KalibroModules built by TreeBuilder
Search for existing KalibroModule parent before returning new ones
Notify exceptions within ActiveJob
Handle repository URL changes in GIT and SVN downloaders
Integrity validations for Kalibro Module, Metric Result and Module Result
Fix status codes of responses
Fix Analizo results ROOT mudule aggregation
Rename ‘metric_results’ methods to ‘tree_metric_results’
Foreman support
Default implementation for parsing supported metrics on Base class
Bump missed version
Drop sqlite support
Remove asset pipeline
Rename KalibroModule granlrty to granularity
Create hotspot metric listing endpoints
Remove deprecated aggregation forms
Fix cancelling unexisting processing
Require database_cleaner only outside production environment
Update kalibro_client
Add HotspotMetrics support
Add Flay metric collector (Ruby code duplication)
Update kalibro_client
Add support to Radon (Python) metrics
Update gems
Export jobs to system tasks using foreman
Update kalibro_client
Fix ModuleResultController’s errors to use standard response
Bump missed version
Validate repository name uniqueness on global scope
Clean previous process times (from failed attempts) on Preparer
Add endpoint for Repository listing (index)
Improve error message when SCM does not support branches
Stop Project requirement on Repository creation
Gem updates
Support specific branchs from processing using git downloader
Add Saikuro collector (Ruby cyclomatic complexity)
Refactor MetricFu’s parser structure
Remove height field from Module Result
Cascade destroy through model relations
Update gems
Refactor Analizo collector
Add cache for metric collector details
Update gems
Make miscellaneous fixes
Support for ruby metrics through MetricFu (Flog)
Update gems
Integrate with kalibro client
Fix periodic processing avoiding recursive scheduling
Implement project validations
Include processing find and exists actions
Fix general bugs on source tree and kalibro module
Refactor Analizo parser
Handle empty configurations
Fix maximum and minimun aggregation forms
Refactor processing in terms of ActiveJobs
Add periodic processing support
Gem updates
Prevent invalid infinity and NaN values to be saved on the database
Create API endpoints for process times and kalibro module
Introduce Metric Collector Details
Use kalibro client metrics
Implement action exists for Module Result, Kalibro Module and Repository
Update to Rails 4.2.0 beta
Write processing as an ActiveJob
Fix modules tree creation
Fix maximum and minimum aggregation forms
Add exception notifier via email
Refactor collectors abstraction classes
Add workers instantiation to deploy
Create new processing state PREPARE
Refactor compound metric calculator
Refactor results aggregation
Refactor results interpretation
Add time field to ProcessTime
General gems updates
Add code attribute to Metric class
Refactor module_result tree traversal
Process errors handling
Fix ProcessTimes retrieval
Fix Travis script
Return process time in seconds
Fix ProcessTime JSON response
Cache MetricResult
Return ModuleResult children with nested KalibroModules
* First release with Java Kalibro functionalities
Kalibro Processor. Copyright © 2014-2016 The Mezuro Team
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <www.gnu.org/licenses/>.