Prezento is the web interface for Mezuro.
The version numbers below try to follow the conventions at
- Refactor latest method
- Adds validations (presence and uniqueness) of foreign keys attributes
- Remove the repository's instance that has remained in the db
- Adding translation of the periodicity options in repository helper
- Fixing wrong configurations translation in portuguese navbar
- Fix warnings about 'prezento_errors'
- Creates pattern for creation tooltips in Compound Metric Configuration
- Update development Ruby target to 2.3.1
- Remove redundant root path link from navbar
- Always load Kalibro service addresses from file
- Fix kalibro services address init under production
- Remove Show button for hotspot metric configurations
- Remove side menu
- Refactor footer as a grid
- Add latest repositories list to the homepage
- Add latest configurations list to the homepage
- Move tutorials to
- Pluralize navigation menu links
- Add missing translation for CompoundMetric
- Make Compound Metric Config. metric list not include Hotspot metrics
- Fix 'Tree Metrics' and 'Hotspot Metrics' PT translations in Configuration show view
- Show the notify push url for the repository's owner (Gitlab only)
- Support for hiding repositories
- Fix home latest content caching effectiveness
- Fix setup script
- Update README
- Update KalibroClient error API which now uses Likeno errors
- Set development Ruby version to 2.3.0
- Fix default database.yml to avoid encoding conflicts in PostgreSQL
- Change Hotspot Metric Configuration to work in a more "native" fashion and refactor the Metric Configuration controllers
- Replace url helpers by the path ones. Those were left unchanged on the previous release
- Update docs
- Update kalibro_client
- Changes on memcached configuration
- Aggregation form fix
- Replace URL route helpers by path ones
- Add Gitlab hook notifications
- Put foreman gem in global scope on Gemfile
- Add better acceptance tests for Ruby MetricResults
- Fix deployment branch on capistrano
- Fix ProjectAttributes association with Project
- Fix parent module navigation when on root module
- Add foreman in order to export scripts
- Add postgresql database sample configuration
- Gem updates
- Update home page information
- Update humans.txt
- Fix test that use external connections
- Add after configuration hook to cucumber
- Use Ruby metrics for module navigation feature
- List hotspot metric configurations
- Fixes module tree ordering with FUNCTION granularity
- Update kalibro_client - fixes MetricResult retrieval
- Cascade user destroy to its attributes
- Use kalibro_client ranges
- Using railsstrap instead of twitter-bootstrap-rails
- Fixed hardcoded routes on JS files by using generated ones
- README and humans.txt updated
- Gem updates and dependancy review on Gemfile
- Home text updated
- Fixes bug for showing independent repositories
- FactoryGirl is no longer used by seeds
- kalibro_client major update to version 1
- Translations fixes
- Travis build reliability improved by disabling jQuery on acceptance tests
- Metric's list collapsed by default
- Seed script creates default user who owns the default KalibroConfigurationAttributes and ReadingGroupAttributes
- Updated Home to include new features and an apology message
- All repositories list with a link at the top menu
- Repositories may be created independent of a Project
- Missing translations fix
- General updates and bug fixes
- Specific repository branches
- Error handling for pages non existent or formats unsupported
- KalibroConfiguration hidding
- ReadingGroup hidding
- Translation fixes
Prezento is the web interface for Mezuro. Copyright (C) 2015 The Mezuro Team
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see